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제주 녹색농촌체험마을 사업지역의 주민참여 의식에 관한 연구

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A Study on Citizen Participation Awareness of Green Village Project Area in Jeju
Rural areas in Korea rapidly declined after industrialization in the 1960s.
The population and productivity have decreased, and rural areas in Korea have
faced threats to survival due to the free trade agreements (FTAs) with Europe
and the United States. Thus, a new solution is required for rural areas in
Korea now.
Since 2002, the Korean government has attempted to revitalize rural areas
through the 'Green Village' Project by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs and the 'Rural Traditional Theme Village' Project' by the Rural
Development Administration. Thus far, they have been actively continued. In
particular, the Green Village Project has chosen 727 villages nationwide and
attracted 8.5 million tourists.
'Jeoji-ri' and 'Cheongsu-ri', in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province were
selected as a green village in 2006 and 2007 and then have actively
continued the project. Thus, this study selected both villages as a sample area
and analyzed and compared the awareness of 'Green Village' in the two
villages. The objectives of this study were to examine the effect of the
perception gap among local residents on rural tourism development and to
find a method to activate participation of local residents in rural tourism
This study compared the local residents' awareness of 'Green Village' in
'Jeoji-ri' and 'Cheongsu-ri', Hangyeong-myeon in Jeju Province which was chosen as a case study area. The following results were obtained:
First, there were differences between local residents in expectation. In
expectation of the Green Village project, 54% and 44% of the local residents
in 'Jeoji-ri' and 'Cheongsu-ri' responded that economically and culturally
developed. However, there was no significant difference in the awareness
level, participation level in the meeting, awareness of activation plan, and
participation and role in the projects.
Second, 'Jeoji-ri' and 'Cheongsu-ri' had 12,670 and 4,469 and visitors a
year (as of 2013), and visitors to Jeoji-ri was three times as many as those
to Cheongsu-ri. It is considered that this was not because of perception
differences between local residents but because of external factors such as
village resources and experience programs.
Third, with regard to the question about the activation plan for citizen
participation in the Green Village Project, the respondents in Cheongsu-ri
evenly showed various opinions such as developing an appreciation for rural
tourism by touring advanced rural areas (44%), receiving education of overall
rural tourism marketing (13%) and receiving active government support (30%).
In other words, it will be possible to achieve activation of the Green Village
Project only if government support is in harmony with the education and tour
for local residents.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 8
Alternative Author(s)
YongChul Moon
경영대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
제 1장 서론 1
제 1절 문제 제기 1
제 2절 연구의 목적 4
제 3절 연구의 방법 5
1. 연구의 흐름 5
2. 연구의 모형 6
3. 연구의 가설 8
4. 연구조사 방법 9
제 2장 이론적 배경과 연구동향 11
제 1절 농촌관광의 개념과 녹색농촌체험마을의 현황 11
1. 농촌관광의 개념 11
2. 녹색농촌체험마을의 현황과 내용 22
3. 제주지역 녹색농촌체험마을 현황 25
제 2절 녹색농촌체험마을에서의 주민참여의 개념과 형태 32
1. 주민참여의 개념 32
2. 주민참여의 형태 34
제 3절 녹색농촌체험마을에서의 주민참여의 필요성과 의의 36
1. 주민참여의 필요성 36
2. 주민참여의 의의 39
제 3장 녹색농촌체험마을 사례 지역 현황 43
제 1절 제주시 한경면 청수리 지역 사례 43
1. 제주시 한경면 청수리 현황 43
2. 제주시 한경면 청수리 자원 49
제 2절 제주시 한경면 저지리 지역 사례 54
1. 제주시 한경면 저지리 현황 54
2. 제주시 한경면 저지리 자원 62
제 4장 실증분석 69
제 1절 자료의 분석 69
1. 설문지 구성 69
2. 신뢰도 분석 70
3. 인구 통계별 분석 71
제 2절 주민참여 인식 현황 76
1. 청수리 주민의 참여인식 현황 76
2. 저지리 주민의 참여인식 현황 88
제 3절 가설의 검증 98
1. 인구통계적 특성에 따른 주민참여 현황 비교 98
2. 녹색농촌체험마을 인지 정도에 따른 인식 비교 104
3. 녹색농촌체험마을 회의참여 정도에 따른 비교 105
4. 녹색농촌체험마을 활성화 방안에 따른 인식 비교 105
5. 녹색농촌체험마을 사업으로 인한 기대인식 비교 106
6. 녹색농촌체험마을 사업참여 및 역할에 따른 인식 비교 107
7. 직책 경험 유무에 따른 사업 참여 정도 비교 107
제 5장 결론 109
1. 연구의 요약 및 시사점 109
2. 제언 111
참고 문헌 113
부록: 설문지 116
Abstract 122
제주대학교 경영대학원
문용철. (2014). 제주 녹색농촌체험마을 사업지역의 주민참여 의식에 관한 연구
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Tourism Development
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