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우주발사체 비행궤적 추정을 위한 데이터마이닝의 적용

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Alternative Title
Application of Data Mining Technique to estimate the Flight Trajectory for Space Launch Vehicle
The idea for this thesis was derived from how a IT(Information Technology) could be optimally applied to the field of aerospace technology in order to improve the system performance and function for launch vehicle, satellite, deep space explorer which are required the high reliability and availability. The convergence of IT with a variety of sectors is a growing trend, and what IT convergence is and why it is important were first described. For this convergence application, the telemetry ground system which collects the status data from launch vehicle has been considered in accordance with the subject of this research. To receive the telemetry data, the telemetry ground system has to track the launch vehicle without tracking loss, and it is possible by the well-organized tracking algorithm to estimate a current flight position data in real-time. In this thesis, the polynomial regression model of data mining application was considered as the algorithm to estimate the flight position information of launch vehicle. For the analysis, the real trajectory data which had been logged during the flight test with airplane and NARO launch mission was used. And the OriginPro 8.0 and Matlab 2010 software were used for the analysis of antenna tracking performance by both of previous interpolation and new polynomial regression model. In case of polynomial regression model, the mathematical modeling was first established with the equation of 2nd order(degree), and then the results of the estimated flight position information in real-time was produced. In conclusion, the new algorithm with 2nd order of polynomial regression model of data mining application shows the accurate tracking performance to estimate the next flight position information compared to the interpolation algorithm, and the antenna operational characteristics were better than previous.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Sunghee Lee
경영대학원 경영정보학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1
1. 연구배경 1
2. 연구목적 3
제2절 연구내용 및 결과 3
제2장 IT 융합 5
제1절 디지털 컨버전스 5
제2절 IT 융합의 중요성 6
제3절 IT 융합 사례 8
제4절 항공·우주분야의 IT 융합 11
제3장 이론적 배경 및 시스템 개요 13
제1절 데이터마이닝 13
제2절 궤적데이터마이닝 14
제3절 다항회귀분석 15
제4절 원격자료수신장비 20
1. 원격자료수신장비 개요 20
2. 비행위치정보(Slaving Data) 운용개념 23
3. 보간법(Interpolation)에 의한 비행위치추정 25
제4장 위치추정알고리즘(보간법) 분석 28
제1절 모의비행시험을 통한 성능분석 28
1. 시험내용 및 시스템구성 29
2. 비행시험궤적 30
3. 시험결과 및 분석 32
제2절 나로호 발사임무를 통한 성능분석 34
1. 발사임무내용 및 비행궤적 35
2. 결과분석 36
제5장 데이터마이닝 기반의 위치추정알고리즘 38
제1절 다항회귀기법에 의한 수학적 모델링 38
제2절 안테나 구동특성 분석 40
1. 이동형 다운레인지시스템 40
2. 제주추적소 원격자료수신장비#3 42
제6장 결론 46
제1절 연구 결과 46
제2절 향후 연구 방향 47
참고 문헌 49
제주대학교 경영대학원
이성희. (2014). 우주발사체 비행궤적 추정을 위한 데이터마이닝의 적용
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Management Information Systems
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