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온라인행정심판에 대한 법제도적 연구

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A Study on the Legal System of Online Administrative Appeals : Focusing on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
The claim types of today's society are various and claims that require
professional knowledge are increasing. A trial which was the traditional
arbiration method has not satisfied the various claims triggering the limitation
of remedy for violation of private right. The reason of these problems can be
blamed on the inception of the administrative appeals system.
The administrative appeals system improves the reliability of the use of
public power by self-regulating the penalty that the administrative institution
decides. On the other hand, the system also plays a role in protecting the
rights of citizens that are violated and infringed by the unfair penalty. The
system can arbitrate the dispute in more friendly way than the trial and it is
ideal for maximizing the remedy for violation of private right in that it is
faster and cheaper than the trial. Also, it is shown that the system acts like
ADR(Alternative dispute resolution) which is developed to arbitrate different
types of dispute in our society. However, the administrative appeals system
playing a role as ADR is facing limitations because of the system's issues of
relief rates, the delay in suspense date, and the variation between regions.
To lessen the limitations depicted above, the online administrative appeals
system has been introduced. The online administrative appeals system is an
One-Stop service from putting a claim to a decision not limited by regions
and judgent facilities. Currently, 7 online administraive appeals systems have
been introduced and operated including the one of Jeju island with a
self-governing system. The perspectives from legislation, technology and ADR
need to be considered in order for the system to be successful in Jeju.
Therefore, this study has emerged at the right time in circumstances of lack
of thorought academic research. The study stresses the need of the connected
approach of the administrative appeals system and ADR and points the
direction of where the online administrative appeals system should navigate.
First, the study has organized the general contents of the concept,
characteristics, and the functions through the meaning of the administratvie
appeals system. Also, the study has examined the meaning and the limitation
that the administraive appeals system possesses as ADR relating the concept
of ADR.
Next, the study has scrutinized the introduction of the online administrative
appeals system, emphasized the importance of the system and reviewed the
limitations at the same time.
Lastly, the study has analyzed the structure of the administraive appeals
system of Jeju, the current status of the organization, the operation and other
general procedure through the examiniation the existing structure of the
administraive appeals counsil and the statistics of the current condition of the
opertaion. With this anlaysis, it is possible to bring up the problems of the
online administrative appeals system and examine the usefulness that is
brought by the introduction of the system.
Furthermore, to retain the efficiency and the reliability of the Jeju citizens,
this paper navigates the direction of where the online administrative appeals
system of Jeju should aim to work as ADR and settle down as the remedy of violation of private right.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Jae-Wook Ko
행정대학원 법학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 3
1. 연구의 범위 3
2. 연구의 방법 4
제2장 행정심판제도의 의의와 기능 5
제1절 행정심판제도의 의의 5
1. 행정심판의 개념 5
2. 행정심판의 법적 성격 8
3. 행정심판제도의 기능 9
제2절 행정심판제도의 ADR로서의 기능 10
1. ADR의 등장과 분쟁해결제도로서의 의의 10
2. 행정심판제도의 ADR로서의 의의 및 한계 16
제3장 온라인행정심판제도의 도입과 기능 25
제1절 온라인행정심판제도의 배경 및 의의 25
1. 온라인행정심판제도의 의의 25
2. 온라인행정심판제도의 추진배경 26
3. 온라인행정심판제도의 법적근거 30
제2절 온라인행정심판제도의 운영 34
1. 개요 34
2. 행정심판기관 34
3. 행정심판위원회의 구성과 운영 38
4. 행정심판절차 40
5. 온라인 행정심판의 청구 및 절차 43
제3절 온라인행정심판제도의 효용성 및 한계 45
1. 온라인행정심판제도의 필요성 45
2. 온라인행정심판제도의 효용성 46
3. 온라인행정심판제도의 한계 52
제4장 제주특별자치도에서의 온라인행정심판 55
제1절 기존 제주특별자치도 행정심판위원회 구성 및 운영 현황 55
1. 제주특별자치도 행정심판위원회의 구성 55
2. 제주특별자치도 행정심판 담당조직 현황 56
3. 제주특별자치도 행정심판위원회의 운영 56
4. 사건 접수 및 처리 현황 57
5. 처리사건 유형 58
6. 사건 처리기간 60
7. 구술심리 60
8. 집행정지 현황 61
9. 인용률 63
제2절 제주특별자치도의 온라인행정심판제도 도입 65
제3절 제주특별자치도의 온라인행정심판제도의 발전방향 68
1 ADR 기능에 충실한 제도로서의 발전 68
2. 행정심판 본연의 기능에 충실한 발전 69
3. 제주특별자치도만의 객관적 자료 확보 69
4. 국제자유도시로서의 기반 구축 70
5. 온라인행정심판시스템 기술적·제도적 발전을 위한 노력 71
제5장 결론 72
Abstract 75
참고문헌 78
제주대학교 행정대학원
고재욱. (2014). 온라인행정심판에 대한 법제도적 연구
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Graduate School of Public Administration > Law
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