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제주도 지빠귀과 조류의 흡혈절지동물 내개 질병

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Blood-sucking Arthropod Borne Diseases in Thrushes (Family Turdidae) in Jeju
Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis are rickettsial zoonosis carried by the blood-sucking arthropod such as ticks, louse flies, and mosquitoes etc. Haemoproteus spp., Leucocytozoon spp. and Plasmodium spp. are carried by mosquitoes and louse flies, and They are parasitic bacteria in cells, which invades blood cells or tissues of poultry or wild birds and a cause of avian malaria. A migratory bird is a host of a various of the blood-sucking arthropod. The infection rates of thrushes in Jeju are high, which is carried by the blood-sucking arthropod such as ticks. So this study is supposed to research the infection rates of thrushes diseases carried by blood-sucking arthropod in Jeju and identify which species cause the diseases. Also, I finds out the difference of the infection rates between individuals moving northward in spring and others moving southward in fall and winter.
The sample is based on 116 samples captured on Mara-Island and 14 ones from Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center. Of the total 130 blood samples, 76 samples are from the spring season, 54 samples are from the fall and winter season.
The result of the study is that all the individuals (2 Japanese thrushes, 1 white's thrush, 4 pale thrushes) are infected with Anaplasma Phagocytophilum, and a pale thrush are infected with Ehrlichia chaffensis. the infection rate of Anaplasma/Ehrlichia spp. is 6.2% (8/130), which is an individual moving northward in spring. In case of Haemoproteus/Leucocytozoon/Plasmodium spp., 41 individuals (2 Grey -backed thrushes, 5 white's thrushes, 3 Eye-browed thrushes, 2 Brown-headed thrushes, 2 Siberian thrushes, 27 pale thrushes) are infected, and the infection rate is 31.5% (41/130). In this case, there is little difference between individuals in northward migrant (31.6%) and southward migrant (31.5%).
These result suggests that many of thrushes dropping by Jeju spread diseases by the blood-sucking arthropod, and they might be carriers of other migratory birds' diseases, so it is needed to monitor whether the transmission to a migratory bird, a resident bird, or domestic animal or not.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 2
Alternative Author(s)
MiRae Oh
대학원 수의학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1

Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법 3

Ⅲ. 결 과 8

Ⅳ. 고 찰 21

Ⅴ. 결 론 24

Ⅵ. 참 고 문 헌 25
제주대학교 대학원
오미래. (2014). 제주도 지빠귀과 조류의 흡혈절지동물 내개 질병
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