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개인-환경적합성이 다중초점 몰입,발언행동,조직시민행동에 미치는 차별적 영향과 몰입유형의 매개효과

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The research was conducted based on the following procedures. First, the variables factored in the research model are categorized with three foci, i.e., organization, job, and supervisor. Second, it is designed to verify the differential effects of person-organization fit (POF), person-job fit (PJF), person-supervisor fit (PSF) on multi-focus commitment, multi-focus organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and multi-focus voice behavior (VB) that are categorized by the aforementioned three-foci, while applying a target similarity model. At the same time, it is also designed for the multi-focus commitments, i.e., organizational, job, and supervisor focused commitments, to verify the differential effects of multi-focus VB and OCB, as well. The target similarity model used in this research model refers to a hypothetical model assuming that the three independent variables i.e., organization, job, and supervisor, have the highest level of influence on an object as a dependent variable. Third, it investigates the mediator effect of multi-focus commitment styles in the interacting relationships between POF, PJF, and PSF and multi-focus VB and OCB. The below is a schematic description of the research model.
In order to minimize the common method bias, the survey questionnaire is comprised of two parts. The respondents answered the questions of Part 1 and 2 in a sequential order with an interval of one to three days. The research sample is selected randomly among employees of public or private entities based on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province or in Seoul Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea, and comprised of four hundred fifty six (456) persons. The method of verification suggested by Fielde, et al, (2000) is used in the research in order for a post hoc verification of the differential effects.
The research results are summarized as follows:
First, it is revealed that the person-environment fit styles, i.e., POF, PJF, and PSF, influence on the multi-focus commitment styles, i.e., organizational commitment (OC), job commitment, (JC), and supervisor commitment (SC) with a differential effect. In detail, it is analyzed that the differential effects of the person-environment fit styles are found in the order of POF, PJF, and PSF in OC (in terms of strength of influence); PJF, POF, and PSF in JC; and PSF, POF, and PJF in SC.
Second, it is analyzed that both PJF and PSF have a positive effect on VBO, VBJ, and VBS. However, it is found that POF influences only on VBO and VBJ, but not on VBS. It is also found that VBJ has the differential effects on the person-environment fit styles in the order of PJF, PSF, and POF, which satisfies the predictive value. However, the differential effects in VBO and VBS do not satisfy the predictive values as they are found in the order of PJF, PSF, and POF in VBO; and PJF and PSF in VBS.
Third, it is found that POF, PJF, and PSF all have a positive effect on OCBO, OCBJ, and OCBS. The differential effects are revealed in the order of PJF, PSF, and POF in OCBJ; and PSF, PJF, and POF in OCBS. However, it is found that the differential effects in OCBO are different from the predictive values showing the influence in the order of PJF, POF, and PSF. The results reveal that the important variable to predict OCBJ and OCBO is PJF.
Fourth, it is found that the differential effects of the person-environment styles on all of the three styles of voice behavior, i.e., VBJ, VBO, and VBS, are all in the order of JC, OC, and SC. Among the three voice behavior styles, only VBJ satisfies the predictive value. The results highlight the importance of JC as a variable to predict VBJ, VBO, and VBS, the three voice behavior styles.
Fifth, the research reveals the differential effects of multi-focus commitments, i.e., OC, JC, and SC, on different multi-focus organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) styles. It is found that OC, JC, and SC all have a positive influence on OCBO, OCBJ, and OCBS, the three multi-focus OCB styles. The differential effects are in the order of OC, JC, and SC in OCBO; JC, OC, and SC in OCBJ; and SC, JC, and OC in OCBS.
Sixth, it is found that the commitment styles, which interact between the person-environment fit styles, i.e., POF, PJF, and PSF, and multi-focus voice behavior styles, i.e., VBJ, VBO, and VBS, have a mediator effect partly in some relationships. The organizational commitment (OC) mediates partly in the relationships between the person-environment fit (PEF) styles i.e., POF, PSF, and PJF, and the supervisor-oriented voice behavior (VBS). The job commitment (JC) mediates partly in the relationships between the three PEF styles and job-oriented voice behavior (VBJ), and in the relationships between the two PEF styles, i.e., PJF and PSF, and supervisor-oriented voice behavior (VBS). The supervisor commitment (SC) mediates partly in the relationship between PJF and VBS, and fully in the relationship between PSF and VBS.
Seventh, it is found that the commitment styles, which interact between the PEF styles and the multi-focus organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) styles, i.e., OCBO, OCBJ, and OCBS, have a mediator effect partly in some relationships. It is analyzed that both of OC and JC mediate partly in the relationships of all PEF and OCB styles. However, the mediator effect of SC is valid in the relationships between the PEF styles and two of the OCB styles, i.e., OCBO and OCBS but not valid in OCBJ.
The research results suggest meaningful implications in various aspects. First, it is very suggestive that the research adopts the framework of a target similarity model for the first time in Korea by approaching the same variables with three foci and analyzing the differential effects via post hoc verification. Second, the research contributes to the expansion of research scale by carrying out multi-focus approaches on the organizational citizenship behavior and voice behavior. In particular, the research contributes to the expansion of the scale in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) research by attempting to define the concept of the organizational citizenship behavior relative job (OCBJ) and examining it empirically. It also helps research on the differential effect relationships between various variables identified in earlier studies and multi-focus OCB. Additionally, the research is meaningful in the aspect that it suggests a measuring tool that can evaluate voice behavior with multiple foci, by synthesizing the survey questions from earlier studies and reconstructing them into three voice behavior styles, i.e., VBO, VBJ, and VBS, based on who is(are) the interlocutor(s) and what is the purpose of the voice behavior. Third, the research is also meaningful in the aspect that it identifies the mediator variables and their mechanism between the PEF characteristics and result variables, which motivates further research in this area. The mediator variables that have already been identified by previous research are basic psychological needs, justice, work value, and so on. However, research on various psychological reactions that work at the state preceding action has not been explored yet. Under the circumstance, this research contributes to the related field triggering further research with the identified mediator effect of multi-focus commitment styles.
Meanwhile, the research provides meaningful information in the practical aspect of management. First, it provides information on how to induce various styles of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) that can positively influence on the long-term organizational effectiveness, effectively. Second, it helps organizations establish an enterprise-wide communication system, by inducing constructive and change-oriented comments from employees, so that the organizations to function effectively, and foster an inclusive organizational climate that induces and promotes employees to speak out freely. Third, it helps establish a system to monitor employees' attitudes towards organization, job, and supervisor. As the research results reveal, all commitment styles mediate between person-environment fit (PEF) styles and multi-focus organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The mediator effect is also found in the relationships with voice behavior, although it is not found in all commitment styles. A management system structured on the base of fitness value, has limitations in inducing employees' organizational citizenship and/or voice behavior. Therefore, the information provided via this research may help each management system find measures on how to monitor employees to find out what kind of psychological mechanism they go through preceding their actions.
Issued Date
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2015. 2
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
1) 연구의 필요성 1
2) 연구목적 3
2. 연구방법 및 내용 4
1) 연구방법 4
2) 연구내용 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 6
1. 대상유사성모형 6
1) 대상유사성모형의 개념 및 체계 6
2) 대상유상성모형의 적용 8
2. 개인-환경적합성 10
1) 개인-환경적합성 개념 및 측정방법 10
2) 개인-환경적합성 유형 13
3) 개인-환경적합성의 연구흐름 16
3. 다중초점 태도 및 행동 22
1) 다중초점 몰입의 유형 및 연구동향 22
2) 다중초점 발언행동의 유형 및 연구동향 29
3) 다중초점 조직시민행동의 유형 및 연구동향 34

Ⅲ. 연구설계와 분석방법 44
1. 연구모형 및 가설설정 44
1) 연구모형 44
2) 연구가설 45
2. 변수의 정의 및 분석방법 56
1) 변수의 정의 및 측정도구 56
2) 분석방법 및 설문구성 57
3) 표본의 특성 59

Ⅳ. 연구결과 60
1. 기초통계분석 60
1) 신뢰성과 타당성 분석 60
2) 상관관계분석 63
2. 차별적 효과분석 64
1) 개인-환경적합성이 다중초점몰입유형에 미치는 차별적 영향력 65
2) 개인-환경적합성이 다중초점발언행동에 미치는 차별적 영향력 67
3) 개인-환경적합성이 다중초점조직시민행동에 미치는 차별적 영향력 70
4) 다중초점몰입유헝이 다중초점발언행동에 미치는 차별적 영향력 72
5) 다중초점몰입유헝이 다중초점조직시민행동에 미치는 차별적 영향력 74
3. 매개효과분석 77
1) 개인-환경적합성과 발언행동유형의 관계에서 몰입유형의 매개효과 77
2) 개인-환경적합성과 조직시민행동유형의 관계에서 몰입유형의 매개효과 82
4. 가설검증결과의 요약 87

Ⅴ. 결 론 89
1. 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 89
2. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구를 위한 논의 94

참고문헌 96
제주대학교 대학원
고경심. (2014). 개인-환경적합성이 다중초점 몰입,발언행동,조직시민행동에 미치는 차별적 영향과 몰입유형의 매개효과
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