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한라구절초의 삽목증식 및 육묘환경 연구

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In the present study, we investigated seedling environments, growth
properties and rooting characteristics in response to natural habitats'
properties as well as cuttage methods in order to provide basic research data
for preservation as well as industrialization of Dendranthema coreanum
(H.Lev. & Vaniot) Vorosch.
Dendranthema coreanum (H.Lev. & Vaniot) Vorosch is distributed around
rocky land of the summit of Baekrokdam and valley slope of Youngsil-trails
of the Halla mountain in the form of non-continuous and independent
colonies. Rooting characteristics of Dendranthema coreanum (H.Lev. &
Vaniot) Vorosch were investigated in response to growth periods in vinyl
moist chambers and green houses of breeding facilities; in results, the rooting
rate was found to be highest (77.8%) for the stems grown in the green
house followed by stems in the vinyl moist chamber (56.6%), surface runners
in the green house (43.3%), surface runners in the vinyl moist chamber
(35.6%), leaves in the vinyl moist chamber (21.1%), and leaves in the green
house (17.8%), respectively. We further studied effects of growing containers
on the rooting rate of Dendranthema coreanum (H.Lev. & Vaniot) Vorosch
when cuttage; as results, the rooting rate was highest in the cuttage boxes
(96.7%), followed by 90 mm ports (93.3%), and 32 cell plug trays (81.7%),
respectively. When it comes to the pretreatments in order to remove rooting
inhibitors, limewater was shown to be most effective (97%) yet was not
statistically significant compared to others. In the shading experiment, in an
attempt to find their effects on growth properties of Dendranthema coreanum
(H.Lev. & Vaniot) Vorosch when seedling, the group with 75% of shading
represented approximately 50% or more increase in growth of aerial part compared to those with 50% of shading. For raising of seedling of
Dendranthema coreanum (H.Lev. & Vaniot) Vorosch, effects of amount of
applied fertilizer on growth changes were studied; the rate for taking roots
was highest in the group with no treatment (70.0%) followed by the
osmocote (66.7%), nitrogen 1kg (63.3%), nitrogen 5kg (53.3%), nitrogen 10kg
(46.7%), nitrogen 20kg (23.3%), respectively. When it comes to the length of
aerial part, the group treated with nitrogen 1 kg had the highest (61.4 mm)
whilst the length of subterranean part was longest in the group treated with
osmocote (127.2 mm). In addition, the group with osmocote had the highest
numbers of roots and biomass as 5.6 roots and 2.3 g per each, respectively.
Taken altogether, for breeding of Dendranthema coreanum (H.Lev. &
Vaniot) Vorosch, stems and cuttage plates should be utilized for cutting slips
and cuttage, respectively. In addition, in order to provide more stable seeding
environment, it is considered that slow release fertilizers such as osmocote
might be more effective than fast acting fertilizers for Dendranthema
coreanum (H.Lev. & Vaniot) Vorosch.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 2
대학원 농학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 연 구 사 3
Ⅲ. 재료 및 방법 6
1. 자생지의 환경조사 6
2. 공시시료 준비 6
3. 시약 준비 7
4. 배양상 준비 7
5. 삽수제조 및 삽목실 환경 7
6. 한라구절초 삽수 생육시기별 발근특성 실험 8
7. 전처리제 및 식물생장조절제 처리에 의한 발근특성 실험 9
8. 삽목 및 육묘환경 조사 10
9. 육묘환경 개선 연구 10
10. 통계처리 11
Ⅳ. 결과 12
1. 자생지의 환경조사 12
2. 삽목 및 육묘환경 15
3. 한라구절초의 발근특성 18
4. 육묘환경 개선 연구 26
Ⅴ. 고찰 29
Ⅵ. 적요 34
참고문헌 35
제주대학교 대학원
현도경. (2014). 한라구절초의 삽목증식 및 육묘환경 연구
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