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감자 수경재배 작형별 경삽묘 종류와 정식시기가 식물체 생장과 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향

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This study was conducted to find out the optimum plantlet type and transplanting time on plant growth and mini-tuber formation of potato in aeroponics system. Acclimation plantlet, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th stem cuttings, and non-rooted stem cutting(DOS) were utilized in aeroponics system to find out the optimum plantlet type. And stem cutting were transplanted on Mar. 7, Mar. 14, Mar. 21 and Mar. 28 in spring aeroponics cultivation and on Aug. 31, Sep. 7, Sep. 14 and Sep. 21 in autumn aeroponics cultivation to determine optimum transplanting time.

Among the stem cutting plantlets and acclimation plantlet, the longer stem length was recorded from the 2nd, 3rd stem cuttings in spring cultivation, and similar results were shown in autumn cultivation also. Number of stolons were highest in acclimation plantlet, and showed the tendency to decrease gradually with cutting times. Number of tubers above 3g were similar in acclimation plantlet, 1st and 2nd stem cuttings, and were less in 3rd, 4th stem cuttings than another treatments in spring cultivation, and it was highest in acclimation plantlet and showed the tendency to decrease gradually with cutting times in autumn cultivation. Weight of tubers above 3g was not difference among acclimation plantlet, 1st, 2nd and 3rd stem cuttings in soring cultivation, and no difference among 1st, 2nd and 3rd stem cuttings in autumn cultivation
The stem length of non-rooted stem cutting and days-old stem cuttings showed a vigorous tendency in spring and autumn cultivations, as the stem cutting age is longer. The highest number of 1st stolons were recorded from the non-rooted stem cutting in spring and autumn cultivations, and showed the tendency to increase as the stem cutting age is longer. Number of 2nd stolons were not difference among the non-rooted stem and 25, 35 days-old stem cuttings in spring cultivation, and it was highest in non-rooted stem cutting in autumn cultivation. Number of tubers above 3g were similar in 25, 35 ays-old stem cuttings, and it was less in non-rooted stem cutting and 15 days-old stem cutting than another treatments in spring and autumn cultivations. Weight of tubers above 3g was shown a similar tendency to number of tubers above 3g in spring and autumn cultivation.

The stem length was increased in spring cultivation as delaying the transplanting time. Number of 1st stolons were highest on Mar. 21. Number. of 2nd stolons were higher on Mar. 21 and Mar. 28 than on Mar. 7 and Mar. 14. Numbers of tubers above 3g was highest on Mar. 21. Weight of tubers above 3g was not difference among Mar. 14, Mar. 21 and Mar. 28 and the lowest was recorded on Mar. 7.
The stem length was reduced in autumn cultivation as delaying the transplanting time. Number of 1st stolons were highest on Sep. 21. Number of 2nd stolons were highest. on Sep. 14. Number of tubers above 3g were increased as delaying the transplanting time. The weight of tubers above 3g was not changed with the transplanting time.
There were significant positive correlation among the agronomic traits except stem length and number of 1st stolons in spring cultivation. The stem length showed a significant positive correlation with the weight of tubers in autumn cultivation.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 2
대학원 원예학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서 언 1

II. 연구사 4

1. 감자 수경재배 및 묘 종류에 따른 식물체 생장과 소괴경 변화 4
2. 감자 수경재배 작형 및 정식 시기에 따른 식물체 생장과 소괴경 형성의 변화 8

III. 재료 및 방법 11

1. 식물 재료 11
2. 수경 재배 12
3. 식물체 및 소괴경 생육 조사 16
4. 기상요인 분석 17
5. 묘 종류별 경제성 분석 17
6. 통계 분석 17

IV. 결과 및 고찰 18

1. 경삽묘 종류가 식물체 생장 및 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향 18
1) 경삽 차수가 식물체 생장 및 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향 18
2) 경삽 육모 기간이 식물체 생장 및 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향 33
3) 묘 종류별 경제성 분석 46
2. 경삽묘 정식 시기가 식물체 생장 및 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향 48
!) 기상요인 분석 48
2) 경삽묘 정식 시기가 식물체 생장 및 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향 52
3) 기상요인과 소괴경 형성과의 관계 79

V. 종합고찰 81

VI. 적 요 87

VII. 인용문헌 89
제주대학교 대학원
김태균. (2014). 감자 수경재배 작형별 경삽묘 종류와 정식시기가 식물체 생장과 소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향
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General Graduate School > Horticulture
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