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모바일 게임 싫증의 선행요인과 결과요인에 관한 연구

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A Study of the Precedents and the Dependent Variables on the Boredom of the Mobile Game
Nowadays, it is increasing for consumers to change their indefective products in use to new ones such as smart-phones rather than the past. As the smart-phone has quickly become the part of our life and those people who change their lifestyle according to their mobile equipment have increasingly appeared, 'mobilization' has occurred in every field.
The quickly changed mobile network environment and mobilization causes the types of communication to be getting exploding with various contents. Particularly, the area of mobile games in the social communications are attracting attentions that emphasizes both interactivity and pleasure of participants to become 'a major pole' in it. However, as the mobile game based on SNS(social network service) has strong diffusion forces with many successive stories, it also seems the PLC(product life-cycle) of the mobile game to be shorter than others because it has both quick introduction, growth stages and mature, decline stages.
Previous researches reported that the PLC of the mobile games has no longer 3 months. This could be a critical threatens to mobile game service providers. Therefore, they can not help not only expanding the network of their consumers but also having managerial objectives to maximize using time within PLC, because the revenue platform of the mobile game depends on items sales and advertisements. However, as the mobile game user's tendency to get easily tired of their mobile games and persuade new ones are increasing, the 'boredom' which interrupt managerial objectives is such a critical variable.
By the time, the studies on the boredom has mainly been conducted in the area of phycology and consumer science. A number of companies recognize the result of these studies as a critical factor in their marketing activities and use them as well. Because the boredom not only has directly something to success and fail with marketing activities of companies but also has to be considered importantly to make a marketing plan.
In this study, we tried to research the precedence and result factors of the mobile games, the objectives of this study are as followings.
The first one of objectives is to research the previous studies on the precedence and result factors of boredom to organize the concepts involved in emotion of the boredom and similar ones, establish the theatrical system and organize structure between concepts of precedence factors such as reward of a mobile game, system quality, proximity, fun factors of contents and result factors such as switching intention and negative word of mouth intention.
Secondly the relationship between precedence and result factors is to be tested through an empirical study.
Thirdly, the moderate effect of variables among demographic factors(gender, ages, etc.), using time on smart-phone, mobile games, the using period of the most favorite mobile game of the mobile game uses is to be verified.
Next, to make alternatives are also other objectives that suggest the result of theatrical and empirical through Delphi method with expertises in the mobile games to the practices.
Lastly, we tried to theatrical and practically. suggest managerial implications on boredom of the mobile game.
On the basis of our objectives, we have conducted both theatrical and empirical researches to approach synthetically and synthetically to overall contents about mobile game and boredom.
In the part of theatrical background, we researched not only the precedence variables affecting the boredom of the mobile games such as effect of rewards, system quality, proximity and fun factors of contents but also the result variables such as switching intentions and negative word-of-mouth intentions.
We used 962 samples in the empirical study and tested the effect of 4 precedence variables to boredom, boredom's effect to result variables, and mediating effect. The results of our study are mainly summarized as followings.
Firt of all, the hypothesis that reward to a mobile game has a negative effect(-) to boredom was rejected.
Secondly, we verified that system quality has a negative effect(-) to boredom.
Thirdly, we also verified that proximity has a negative effect(-) to boredom.
Fourth, we verified that fun factors of contents has a positive effect(+) to boredom as well.
Fifth, the hypothesis that boredom of a mobile game has a positive effect(+) to switching intentions was rejected.
Sixth, we verified that boredom has a positive effect(+) to negative word-of-mouth intentions.
Seventh, as a result of test on relationship between proximity and boredom by means of the gender of mobile game users, male has a lower level of boredom caused by proximity than female. Plus, female who felt boredom has a higher level of intention to switch than the other.
Eighth, we could not find that age have an effect on the route connecting precedence and result variables of boredom.
Ninth, as a result of test on relationship between boredom and reward by means of using time on smart-phone, users spending under 3 hours a day has a lower level of boredom caused by reward than people those who spend over 3 hours a day. Futhermore, once the people spending under 3 hours a day felt boredom, they have a lower level of switching intention than the others.
Next, we could find out that as a result of test on relationship between boredom and proximity by means of using time on smart-phone, users spending under 30 minutes have a lower level of boredom caused by proximity than people spending over 30 minutes and in the relationship between fun factors of contents and boredom, users spending under 30 minutes have a higher level of boredom caused by fun factors of contents.
And in the relationship between boredom and switching intention, if people using their smart-phone under 30 minutes a day felt boredom, they seem to more switch their intention than the others and in the relationship between boredom and negative word-of-mouth intention, if people using their smart-phone under 30 minutes.
Lastly, we find that in the relationship between system quality and boredom by means of the period of using mobile game, the people's boredom caused by system quality with under 15 days of using their favorite mobile game is higher than the others over 15 days and in the relationship between proximity and boredom, the people's boredom caused by proximity with under 15 days of using thier favorite mobile game is lower than the others over 15 days.
In order to approach to the practices in the field of the mobile game with the result of both theoretical and empirical researches, we could draw conclusions through 'Delphi Analysis' for expertises in the area of mobile games as followings.
First of all, we suggest that the critical factors in developing process of a mobile game are designated development and services for targeted users, creativity, proximity, easiness for everyone, entertaining elements(story, music, etc.), and payment such as paid or not.
Secondly, the reasons why PLC of the mobile game is shorter seem that the lack of contents, existence of similar games, not enough depth rather than on-line games cause user's boredom.
Thirdly, we suggest that the measures of anti-boredom for mobile game users include regular supplement of contents, rewards, fun factors of contents, continuos update, and alarming service with proximity.
Through this study, we suggest for service providers of mobile games to set the business model direction from the step of development of a mobile game and make a decision to choose a target market whether it is specified one such like mobile game mania or unspecified individuals with easiness to paly for all. We consider establishment of business model according to the results of this research with precedence and result factors to affect the mobile game users.
The mobile game service providers should get ready for surplus 2∼3 contents from a development step and lessen user's boredom and make them concentrate on their game through continuous and regular upgrades and updates because many of mobile game users have complaints of contents development, updates and upgrades.
Other suggestion is that the mobile game service providers classify the types of users through data accumulation to provide the designated services as a result of this study of moderating effect of gender of mobile game users, using time of smart-phone a day, playing mobile game time a day, a period of enjoying game, etc. Therefore, they can affect their users' boredom to paly longer.
It seem that users who felt boredom on their mobile game have a negative word-of-mouth. Thus service providers should the customer community for users to communicate with each other so that mobile game users play with better environments which are modified according to the user's stories in that community.
Fourthly, it seems that our study contributes on studying about boredom and similar variables in spite of lack of previous studies and we expected further studies in the near future.
And, we expect that service providers not only reduce the effect of boredom from the development stage of mobile game with pervious studies but also create the profitable business model through exporting it.
Last, although there are advantages of mobile games to operate easily and play even in a short time, the mobile games are not likely to give a stimulus to users continuously to cause users' unsatisfaction and boredom. So service providers have to develop several steps acc ording to level of difficulty to play longer.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Tae Hoon Kang
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1

1. 문제의 제기 및 연구 목적 1
1) 문제의 제기 1
2) 연구 목적 4
2. 연구 범위 및 방법 5
3. 논문의 구성 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8

1. 모바일 게임과 싫증 감정 8
1) 모바일 게임의 정의 9
2) 모바일 게임의 특성 10
3) 싫증 감정 14
2. 모바일 게임 싫증의 선행 요인 22
1) 보상 26
2) 시스템 품질 31
3) 접근성 35
4) 콘텐츠의 재미요소 38
3. 모바일 게임 싫증의 결과요인 43
1) 전환의도 44
2) 부정적 구전의도 49

Ⅲ. 연구 설계 53

1. 연구모형 53
2. 연구가설 55
1) 모바일 게임 싫증의 선행요인 55
2) 모바일 게임 싫증의 결과요인 59
3) 조절 효과 62
3. 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 63
1) 보상 64
2) 시스템 품질 65
3) 접근성 67
4) 콘텐츠의 재미요소 68
5) 싫증 69
6) 전환 의도 71
7) 부정적 구전의도 73
4. 조사 설계 74
1) 자료수집 74
2) 설문의 구성 75
3) 자료의 분석 77

Ⅳ. 실증분석 78

1. 표본의 특성 78
2. 신뢰도와 타당성 80
1) 신뢰도 분석 및 탐색적 요인분석 80
2) 확인적 요인분석 83
3) 상관관계 86
3. 가설 검증 87
1) 모형의 적합도 87
2) 모바일 게임 싫증의 선행요인 87
3) 모바일 게임 싫증의 결과요인 89
4) 조절효과 91
(1) 인구통계적 특성 91
(2) 스마트폰 사용시간 94
(3) 하루 모바일 게임 시간 95
(4) 모바일 게임 기간 97
4. 델파이 기법을 이용한 정성적 분석 99

Ⅴ. 결 론 102

1. 연구 요약 102
2. 시사점 104
1) 이론적 시사점 104
2) 실무적 시사점 105
3. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구 106

참고 문헌 107
설문지 122
전문가 설문지 125
제주대학교 대학원
강태훈. (2014). 모바일 게임 싫증의 선행요인과 결과요인에 관한 연구
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