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중국 인터넷 쇼핑몰 데이마케팅 참여자의 쇼핑동기가 만족도와 재구매의도에 미치는 영향

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Alternative Title
The Effects of Participating in Day-Marketing the consumer's shopping motivations on satisfaction and repurchase intention Through online shopping mall in China: Focusing on Moderating Effects of involvement
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Participating in
Day-marketing the consumer's shopping motivations to satisfaction and
repeat visits and repurchase, as well as to demonstrate the moderating effects
of involvement and customers' demographics.
On the basis of literature review, there are some hypotheses to achieve
research goals.
The consumer's shopping motivations have a positive(+)
effect on satisfaction.
The Economic shopping motivations have a positive(+)
effect on satisfaction.
The Convenience shopping motivations have a
positive(+) effect on satisfaction.
The Diversity search shopping motivations have a
positive(+) effect on satisfaction.
The Simply visit shopping motivations have a
positive(+) effect on satisfaction.
The Social shopping motivations have a positive(+)
effect on satisfaction.
The Reasonably shopping motivations have a positive(+)
effect on satisfaction.
The consumer's satisfaction have a positive(+) effect onrepeat visits and repurchase intention.
The consumer's shopping motivations have a positive(+)
effect on repeat visits and repurchase intention.
moderating effect of the involvement the relationship
between consumer's shopping motivations and consumer's satisfaction.
The data was collected from 350 Chinese during from 20th January to 28th
February. In the analysis, 300 data was valid to achieve it.
The results of the research are as follows.
First, consumer's shopping motivations was positively associated
consumer's satisfaction. In detail, all consumer's shopping motivations(
Economic shopping motivations, Convenience shopping motivations, Diversity
search shopping motivations, Simply visit shopping motivations, Social
shopping motivations, Reasonably shopping motivations) had positive effects
to consumer's satisfaction expected. It means that consumers who Through
online shopping mall in China, Leisure and playfulness when they shopping in
online shopping mall Day-marketing Activity. We can know Provide
reasonably priced products and Provide cost-effective products to the
consumer is very important.
Second, consumer's satisfaction had a positive effect on repeat visits and
repurchase intention. When the chinese consumers want to shopping in online
shopping mall Day-marketing Activity, consumer's satisfaction had a positive
effect on repeat visits and repurchase intention. So sellers to grasp and meet
consumer demand. Now many Chinese online shopping mall not only in the
Chinese market, enter the foreign market competition has intensified. So in
order to improve the market share of foreign markets, sellers need to know
more about foreign consumer demand, and provide needed services for them.
Third, the consumer's shopping motivations had a positive(+) effect on
repeat visits and repurchase intention. Sub-concepts consumer's shopping
motivations(Economic shopping motivations, Convenience shopping
motivations, Simply visit shopping motivations, Social shopping motivations,
Reasonably shopping motivations) had positive effects to repeat visits and
repurchase intention. That means that the consumers who shopping in onlineshopping mall Day-marketing Activity in China, are tendency to take a
consider on Economy, Convenience, Interesting, Rationality and Social
Shopping. Social shopping motivations in the most influential reason is
displayed. Consumers have other friends, peer groups and information
exchange occurs vigorously showed that you can increase your repeat visits
and repurchase intention.
Fourth, the moderating effect of the involvement in the relationship between
accuracy of consumer's shopping motivations and consumer's satisfaction was
proved. And the moderating effect of the involvement in the relationship
between Convenience shopping motivations and consumer's satisfaction
significant. Sales need for market segmentation based on level of attention.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Li, Ning
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구배경 1
2. 연구 목적 및 연구 방법 3
3. 논문의 구성 4
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 데이마케팅 6
1) 데이마케팅의 개념 6
2) 중국 인터넷 쇼핑몰 중의 데이마케팅 7
2. 쇼핑동기 21
1) 쇼핑동기의 정의 21
2) 쇼핑동기의 분류 23
3) 쇼핑동기에 관한 선행연구 27
3. 관여도 29
1) 관여도의 정의 29
2) 관여도의 결정요인 및 유형 32
3) 관여도의 측정 37
4) 관여도의 선행연구 38
4. 만족도 40
1) 만족도의 정의 40
2) 만족도의 측정 43
3) 만족도에 관한 선행연구 45
5. 재방문 및 재구매의도 47
1) 재방문 및 재구매의도의 정의 47
2) 재방문 및 재구매의도의 선행연구 49
Ⅲ. 연구 설계 51
1. 연구 모형 51
2. 연구 가설 52
1) 소비자 쇼핑동기와 만족도 52
2) 만족도와 재방문 및 재구매의도 54
3) 소비자 쇼핑동기와 재방문 및 재구매의도 54
4) 소비자 쇼핑동기, 만족도와 관여도의 관계 56
3. 변수의 조작적정의 및 측정 57
1) 쇼핑동기 58
2) 만족도 61
3) 관여도 62
4) 재방문 및 재구매의도 62
4. 조사 설계 63
1) 설문구성 및 조사방법 63
2) 분석 방법 65
Ⅳ. 실증분석 66
1. 표본의 구성 66
2. 신뢰도와 타당성 67
3. 상관관계 분석 71
4. 군집분석을 이용한 동기유형 요인집단의 도출 72
5. 가설 검증 78
1) 쇼핑동기와 만족도 78
2) 만족도와 재방문 및 재구매의도 79
3) 쇼핑동기와 재방문 및 재구매의도 80
4) 소비자 쇼핑동기와 만족도 간의 관계에서 관여도의 조절효과 81
6. 고객의 특성별 차이분석 87
Ⅴ. 결 론 96
1. 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 96
2. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구 99
✽ 참조문헌 101
✽ 부록 116
✽ 부록1 한국어 설문지 117
✽ 부록2 중국어 설문지 121
제주대학교 대학원
이녕. (2015). 중국 인터넷 쇼핑몰 데이마케팅 참여자의 쇼핑동기가 만족도와 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
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