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스마트 헬스케어서비스의 수용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 및 사용자 유형별 차이분석

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Alternative Title
Analysis and Factors of Smart Healthe Care Service on Acceptances and Differences by User's Type
Despite the efforts of many people to lead a healthy lifestyle, people in our contemporary society are experiencing difficulties with the maintenance and management of their healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the social and economic problems faced by society are in part caused by the increase of chronic diseases due in part to aging, and the increases in medical expenses, and the death rate.

The development of medical IT has brought about significant, innovative changes in both the ways medicine is practiced as well as managed. Globally customized consumer-oriented medical services have become generalized, and the medical paradigm has shifted from treatment to prevention. This has created smart healthcare, which is required in order to manage consumer's treatment, diagnostics, and foster a healthy contemporary lifestyle.

This study is aimed at finding the factors of the current medical trends, analyzing these trends, and developing methods to promote smart healthcare commensurate with the needs of both medical providers and clients.

For this study, a survey was conducted. This survey included a questionnaire completed by medical personnel which included doctors, nurses, as well as staff members, and non-medical consumers. The results were then transformed into computer models which were then tested against established acceptance models. SPSS 12.0K was applied to analyze and generate statistics.

This study shows consumers' traits have significant effects on innovational tendency and perceived risk, the traits of system on usefulness and promotion conditions, and security on acceptance intention. It also shows that the acceptance intention of consumers' trait and system is significantly different in self-efficacy, perceived risk, usefulness, availability and security. The acceptance intention of smart health care service shows significant differences, depending on consumers' type. This study recommends that a deliberate and prepared approach should be executed in expert fields. It is hoped that by adopting and implementing new technologies associated with smart healthcare services, that this study will aid in promoting individual healthcare and the medical industry.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Young Nam
경영대학원 경영정보학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 목적 2
제3절 연구의 구성 4

제 2 장 이론적 배경 5
제1절 스마트 헬스케어서비스 5
1. 개념 및 정의 5
2. 스마트 헬스케어의 중요성 7
3. 스마트 헬스케어의 분류 8
4. 국내외 시장 현황 11
제2절 스마트 헬스케어에 대한 선행연구 16
1. 사용자 선호 및 이용의도 파악의 고찰 16
2. 원격의료의 법적 제도 고찰 19
제3절 기술수용모형에 관한 연구의 고찰 21
1. 기술수용모형(TAM) 21
2. 통합된 기술수용모형(UTAUT) 22
제4절 인지된 위험에 관한 연구의 고찰 24
제5절 보안성에 관한 연구의 고찰 25
제6절 혁신성향에 대한 연구의 고찰 26

제 3 장 연구모형 및 가설 27
제1절 연구모형 27
제2절 연구가설 29
1. 사용자 특성에 대한 가설 29
2. 시스템 특성에 대한 가설 31
3. 사용자 유형에 대한 가설 33

제 4 장 연구 설계 및 실증분석 34
제1절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정항목 34
제2절 실증분석 35
1. 자료수집 35
2. 표본의 특징 36
3. 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 37
제3절 가설검증 40
1. 사용자 및 시스템 특성에 대한 연구가설 검증 40
2. 사용자 유형(의료인 vs 비의료인)에 대한 연구가설 검증 41
제4절 검증결과 논의 44

제 5 장 결론 46
제1절 결과요약 46
제2절 연구의 의의 및 시사점 47
제3절 한계점 및 향후 연구방향 48
제주대학교 경영대학원
최영남. (2015). 스마트 헬스케어서비스의 수용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 및 사용자 유형별 차이분석
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Management Information Systems
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