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온도와 광주기에 따른 목화진딧물의 유성형 발생 예측모형

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A Forecasting Model for the occurrence of sexual morphs in cotton aphid in relation to temperature and photoperiod
This study was conducted to examine the environmental factors that induce
the switch from parthenogenetic reproduction to sexual reproduction and to
construct a forecasting model for the occurrence time of sexual morphs in
holocyclic cotton aphid Aphis gossypii(Hemiptera: Aphididae).
The effects of photoperiod and temperature were unequivocally demonstrated
to have a direct influence on the production of sexual morphs in holocyclic A.
gossypii . Above 21℃, all the photoperiod treatements could not induce the
production of sexuals. Under the photoperiod of 12.0~12.5h, lower temperature
induced higher production ratio of gynopara and male. Also, under 15~18℃,
shorter photoperiod induced higher production ratio of gynopara and male. In
the treatement of 13 h of photoperiod, any sexuals were not induced
regardless of temperature. It was demonstrated that the critical day length
required to induce sexual morph production varies depending on temperature.
In this study, a 3℃ rise in temperature decreased by about 21 minutes in the
critical day length. The production of male was occurred after the middle of
the reproductive sequence of subsexupara.
Two forecasting models (Advance model and 50% model) for the occurrence
time of sexual morphs were developed using the results of experiment in
relation to photoperiod and temperature. The forecasting models were
simulated to predict the occurrence time of sexual morphs, and then, for
validation of the models, model outputs were compared to the actual male
occurrence serveyed in 5 sites from Oct. 2014 to Dec. 2014. As a result of
validation, the model of advance mode showed statistically better performance
than that of 50% mode. Until more improved model is developed, the present
model should be useful for understanding the population dynamic of holocyclic
A. gossypii in late season.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 8
대학원 농학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 연구사 3
1. 진딧물의 생활사 3
1-1. 기주전환종과 비기주전환종 3
1-2. 완전생활형과 불완전생활형 4
2. 진딧물의 유성형 유도관련 환경요소 6
Ⅲ. 재료 및 방법 7
1. 목화진딧물 사육 7
2. 유성형 발생 임계광주기 및 온도효과 규명 8
2-1. G₀ 세대 처리 8
2-2. G₁세대 처리 8
2-3. G₂세대의 형태별 분류 8
3. 버금양성모의 산자곡선 확인 10
4. 유성형 발생시기 예측모형 작성 및 포장적합 10
4-1. 모형작성 10
4-2. 모형 포장적합 11
Ⅳ. 결 과 13
1. 유성형 유도 임계광주기 및 온도효과 13
2. 버금양성모의 산자곡선 확인 16
3. 실험포장 자료 21
4. 유성형 발생시기 예측모형 시나리오와 적합성 검정 25
4-1. 유성형 발생시기 예측모형 25
4-2. 유성형 발생시기 예측모형의 포장적합 28
Ⅴ. 고 찰 30
Ⅵ. 적 요 34
인용문헌 35
AppendixⅠ 38
제주대학교 대학원
권순화. (2015). 온도와 광주기에 따른 목화진딧물의 유성형 발생 예측모형
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