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제주지역 낙뢰특성 및 풍력발전단지 접지사례 분석

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Analysis of Lightning Characteristics and Wind Farm Grounding Systems in Jeju Island
This dissertation analyzes characteristics of seasonal and hourly lightning occurred over Jeju Island by using cloud-to-ground lightning polarity data measured by Korea Meteorological Administration for last 5 years (2010 ~ 2014). Because lightning protection considering accumulated lightning distribution around Jeju Island must be ensured, this thesis proposes plan of lightning protection. Frequency on lightning is a lot of different every year. And average frequency on lightning is 1200 times a year. On the contrary to average frequency, frequency on lightning in 2011 is more than 4500 times. Lightning strength on straight and reverse polarity is similar. However, a lot of reverse polarity is in low lightning strength. A large number of lightning phenomenon occur on eastern region than western. Eastern region, especially side of coast, is also higher than western about all of characteristics including frequency, strength and so on. Because an amount of on-shore large scale wind farm is built in side of coast and mountain recently, One of the most important thing is lightning protection. According to KS C IEC 62305 (Korean standard on lightning protection system), only vertical lightning rod, horizontal lightning conductor, mesh grounding system and rolling sphere method are allowed. Consequently, this dissertation presents not only analyzing domestic and international standard on lightning protection but also proposing plan of lightning protection considering domestic standard about technique on electricity facilities. Because of feature of high earth resistance in Jeju Island, lightning protection on pylon is an alternative method by using equipotential grounding and early streamer emission lightning protection. In order to perfectly design inner and outer lightning protection system, lightning rod, surge protective device and equipotential common grounding is essential.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2015. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Jwa, Gil Hoon
산업대학원 전기공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 낙뢰의 발생 및 피뢰관련 국·내외 규정 3
2.1 낙뢰의 발생 3
2.2 제주지역의 지리적 특수성 7
2.3 피뢰대책 및 국·내외 규정 7
2.4 광역 피뢰침을 이용한 피뢰대책 13
Ⅲ. 2010~2014년의 제주지역 낙뢰특성 분석 16
3.1 낙뢰자료 수집 16
3.2 낙뢰발생 빈도 분석 17
3.3 낙뢰발생 강도 분석 19
3.4 지역별 낙뢰분포 분석 22
Ⅳ. 풍력발전단지 접지사례 분석 26
4.1 제주지역 발전단지의 접지사례 26
4.2 등전위접지 시공 31
4.3 광역 피뢰침을 이용한 독립 피뢰철탑 34
Ⅴ. 결 론 37
Ⅵ. 참고문헌 39
감사의 글 41
제주대학교 산업대학원
좌길훈. (2015). 제주지역 낙뢰특성 및 풍력발전단지 접지사례 분석
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Graduate School of Industry > Electrical Engineering
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