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디스플레이 전극 제작을 위한 전기수력학적 프린팅 공정에 관한 연구

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Alternative Title
Study on Electrohydrodynamic Printing Process for Display Electrodes Fabrication
In this study we introduced new technology and system of electro hydro
dynamic printing to make direct patterning for printed electronics. Electro
hydro dynamic printing technology is suggested for electrode pattern less
than 5um and repair process of shorted electrode pattern due to
miniaturization, light weight, integration of electronics devices by rapid
emerging printed electronics industry. Electro hydro dynamic printing
technology overcame several fatal disadvantages of traditional inkjet printing
technology. Traditional photo-lithography process of MEMS process is capable
of precise micro pattern but, has several disadvantages such like high cost,
environmental problems caused by harmful chemicals, waste materials. It has
limitation to use photo-lithography for fabrication of electronics devices by
efficient cost, environmental-friendly process.
Various printing process is applied to overcome photo-lithography's
disadvantages by developing flexible electronics. ink jet printing technology of
non-contact printing process is capable of direct patterning without substrate
damage and recently a lot of research work has been going on. It is difficult
to apply for fabrication of electronic devices deu to limitation of micro pattern
less than 10um, viscosity more than 50cps.
we developed integration control software that is capable of control of
patterning head and patterning system for implementation 5um electrode
pattern by using electro hydro dynamic printing process. we did experiment
of electrode patterning according to applied voltage and material supply
pressure and implemented 5um electrode pattern with ±0.194 of standard
deviation by using electro hydro dynamic printing process.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Soo-Wan
대학원 메카트로닉스공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 5
Ⅱ. 전기수력학적 프린팅 기술 9
1. 전기수력학적 프린팅 공정원리 10
1) 메니스커스 형성 및 토출 원리 10
2) 전기수력학적 프린팅 모드 제어 12
Ⅲ. 전기수력학적 프린팅 시스템 15
1. 미세전극 패터닝용 전기수력학적 프린팅 헤드 개발 15
2. 전기수력학적 프린팅 공정 시스템 개발 18
1) 전기수력학적 프린팅 공정 테스트 베드 및 이송부 개발 19
2) 미세전극 패터닝용 고전압 공급 시스템 20
3) 전자식 정밀 공압 잉크 제어 장치 개발 21
4) 실시간 모니터링 시스템 22
5) 통합 공정 제어 소프트웨어 개발 25
Ⅳ. 미세전극 패터닝 공정 실험 및 결과 29
1. 공정변수에 따른 미세전극 패터닝 실험 30
1) 인가전압에 따른 미세전극 패턴 토출 실험 32
2) 공급압력에 따른 미세전극 패턴 토출 실험 35
3) 미세전극 패턴 결과 평가 36
2. 미세전극 리페어를 위한 미세선폭 구현 41
1) 리페어용 단선회로 기판 제작 41
2) 단선회로 기판에 대한 리페어 공정 실험 결과 42
Ⅵ. 결 론 44
참 고 문 헌 46
제주대학교 대학원
김수완. (2015). 디스플레이 전극 제작을 위한 전기수력학적 프린팅 공정에 관한 연구
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Faculty of Applied Energy System > Mechatronics Engineering
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