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로봇 공연 플랫폼을 이용한 콘텐츠 실현에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Content Realized using the Robot Performance Platform
Position Awareness Technology is very important factor for movements and performance of Robot. We generally categorize Position Awareness Technology into two type of Scene Analysis and Proximity Method according to characteristic of the sensor. In order to use these sensors for locating robot, it requires enough space for sensor installation on the robot. Because present developed robots don't have enough space for installing sensors, the robot performance is limited.
As a solution of this space problem, performance platform which can detect robot location has developed, installing CDS cells in the platform. Illumination change resulted from robot's movement calculates robot location. To minimize error on position awareness of robot, reference parameter regarding illumination change is calibrated with filtered parameter.
Using the collected sensor data, To estimate plurality of robot location were grouped within the range of sensor values.
Robot stayed on the platform suggests a pass plan for distance moving from robot's current position to a goal position. By a route planning, plurality of robot reaches a given target point and it is commanded motion
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Rae-Yoon
대학원 메카트로닉스공학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1. 연구 배경 1
2. 연구 목적 2

II. 위치인식을 위한 로봇공연 플랫폼 4
1. 로봇공연 시스템 구성 4
2. 로봇공연 플랫폼 5
3. 디지털 필터기 10

III. 로봇 공연 콘텐츠 25
1. 로봇의 위치인식 25
2. 로봇의 경로계획 35
3. 스토리 기반 로봇 공연 44

IV. 결론 48
제주대학교 대학원
강래윤. (2015). 로봇 공연 플랫폼을 이용한 콘텐츠 실현에 관한 연구
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Faculty of Applied Energy System > Mechatronics Engineering
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