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방사선에 의해 유도된 피부 손상에 대한 Phloroglucinol의 방사선 방어 효과

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When exposed to gamma-rays, hair follicle stem cells, immediately go
through apoptosis, which injures their rapid differentiation essential for the
regeneration of hair. Phloroglucinol (PG) is a phenolic compound of Ecklonia
cava, brown algae abundant in Jeju island, Korea. Containing plentiful
polyphenol, PG is known for its instructive effects by inhibiting apoptosis,
scavenging oxygen radicals, and protecting cells against oxidative stress. In
this study, we demonstrate that PG rescues radiosensitive hair follicle stem
cells from gamma radiation-induced apoptosis and DNA damage. To identify
the hair follicle protection capability of PG, we irradiated gamma-rays to the
whole body of C57BL/6 mice at day 6 after depilation with or without PG.
PG or EpiCeram (EC) was applied once at 17.8 hours before irradiation and,
after irradiation, it was applied at 17.8 hours internals until autopsy. At 8
hours after gamma-rays irradiation, PG not only decreased apoptosis which
was suppressed by radiation as shown in control but also decreased
morphlogical changes of hair follicles. Our results suggest that PG presents
radioprotective effects by inhibiting apoptosis of radiosensitive hair follicle stem cells and can PG protects hair follicle stem cells from gamma-ray
induced damage.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
대학원 차세대융복합과학기술협동과정
박재우, 지영흔
Table Of Contents
Table of contents 1
List of tables 2
List of figures 3
List of abbreviations 4
Abstract 5
Introduction . 7
Materials and methods 10
Results 14
Discussion . 19
References 23
Tables . 29
Figures 30
제주대학교 대학원
김아름. (2015). 방사선에 의해 유도된 피부 손상에 대한 Phloroglucinol의 방사선 방어 효과
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Interdisciplinary Programs > Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Advanced Convergence Technology and Science
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