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MELCOR를 이용한 공기에 완전 노출된 사용후연료 저장조에 대한 중대사고 해석

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Alternative Title
Analysis of severe Accident for the SFP under the Condition of Complete Drainage using MELCOR
Following Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, spent fuel pool
(SFP) accident studies have being undertaken to improve SFP safety even
further. This study is provided of simulation result of severe accident for the
SFP under the condition of complete drainage in typical PWR. We used the
MECORE 1.8.6 code to compute the variation of the fuel cladding temperature
after a complete loss of the cooling water in the spent fuel pool. Since we could
not obtain detailed design data of the SFP for a domestic nuclear power plant,
the SFP model and fuel assembly model used in this study were taken from a
study conducted by Sandia National Laboratory(SNL). Important factors such as
Zr oxidation by air, air natural circulation and thermal radiation were considered
for complete drainage accidents without mitigation measures. The simulation
result shows that the cladding temperature exceeds the rupture temperature in
most of the fuel rods and some part of the fuel rods suffers melting of the
cladding. Since the sudden rise and drop of the cladding temperature well
coincides with those of the oxygen concentration, the oxidation of Zr seems to
be a governing factor affecting the melting of cladding. For sensitivity analysis,
the effects of emergency ventilation and decay heat, hole size, open door were
analyzed. The analysis results, we have developed a minimum ventilation
capacity table of suppressing fuel damage. Based on this Study, it was
confirmed that needed additional models in the SFP modeling.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Oh, Jung-Min
대학원 에너지응용시스템학부 에너지공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
Ⅱ. SFP 내 공기 산화반응 모델 3
Ⅲ. SFP 사고 모의용 MELCOR 입력 작성 7
1. SFP 완전 노출사고 모의 입력 7
2. 민감도 카드 및 입력 설명 25
Ⅳ. SFP 완전 노출 사고 모의 결과 및 민감도 분석 27
1. SFP 완전 노출 사고 모의 결과 27
2. 민감도 분석 45
Ⅴ. 결론 50
APPENDIX A. Input of the SFP under the Condition of Complete Drainage 55
감사의 글 100
제주대학교 대학원
오정민. (2015). MELCOR를 이용한 공기에 완전 노출된 사용후연료 저장조에 대한 중대사고 해석
Appears in Collections:
Faculty of Applied Energy System > Energy and Chemical Engineering
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
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