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어승생 수원지 색도발생 원인 규명 및 정수처리 방안 연구

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A Study on Identification of Chromaticity Cause in Eoseungsaeng Lake and Water Treatment Methods.
This study investigated the cause of chromaticity and its removal methods at
Eoseungsaeng water treatment plant(WTP) in Jeju. For removing the origin material of
chromaticity, suitable water treatment process was sought by the comparison and the
analysis of efficient chromaticity removal methods through the lab-tests by each process.
To find the source material of chromaticity, monitoring the raw water was carried out
by separating the field measurement with the lab test. And using the chlorine and ozone
oxidation, the application of chromaticity removal through changing the conditions of
oxidation was evaluated.
The test results of field and lab showed that the concentration of Fe, Mn were N.D.∼
0.02 mg/L, N.D.∼0.003 mg/L, respectively at 1st lake and N.D.∼0.02 mg/L, N.D.∼0.002
mg/L, respectively at 2nd lake which suggested that those were the least reason of
chromaticity occurrence. The variations of pH, DO, chromaticity, Chl-a were similar along
the depth. At 3∼4 m of depth, there were inflection point presumably due to algae. To
find the basis about this theory, quantitative experiments of algae were conducted. This
experiment showed that the variations of number of algae was similar to the trend of pH,
DO, chromaticity, Chl-a along the depth. For estimating the source material of
chromaticity, correlation of water quality parameters was analyzed. The correlation value
between chromaticity and number of algae was the most high value of 0.4308, so algae
was estimated as a cause of chromaticity.
The chlorine oxidation experiments were implemented with various dosages(0.3∼1.5
mg/L) and pHs(7, 8, 9), and ozone oxidation experiments performed under pre&post
injection with various dosages and pHs(7, 9). In chlorine oxidation, optimal dose of 1.0
mg/L with contact time of 30~60 min. leaded to 43% of chromaticity removal.
On the other hand, 71.43% of chromaticity removal rate was noticed at post-ozone
dosage of 0.931 mg/L under pH 9, and 86.71% of chromaticity removal rate was noticed
at post-ozone dosage of 3.0 mg/L under pH 9. If the chromaticity concentration of raw
water is low, present chlorine disinfection facility can be available. But if degree of
chromaticity is higher, the introduction of ozone oxidation process may be necessary.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Jeong-Hoon
대학원 환경공학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적 1
제 2 장 이론적 배경 3
2.1 상수원의 색도 발생 3
2.2 색도 제거 기술 8
2.2.1 염소산화 처리 10
2.2.2 오존산화 처리 13
제 3 장 연구 방법 17
3.1 연구 대상 17
3.2 원수수질 조사 21
3.2.1 시료 채취 21
3.2.2 현장 측정 항목 23
3.2.3 실험실 측정 항목 24
3.3 색도 제거 실험 27
3.3.1 염소산화를 이용한 색도제거 실험 27
3.3.2 오존산화를 이용한 색도제거 실험 28
제 4 장 연구 결과 및 고찰 32
4.1 수질 현황 및 색도원인 규명 32
4.1.1 제1저수지 수질 현황 32
4.1.2 제2저수지 수질 현황 37
4.1.3 색도의 발생원인 규명 43
4.2 염소산화를 이용한 색도제거 실험 결과 48
4.3 오존산화를 이용한 색도제거 실험 결과 57
4.4 염소 및 오존산화를 이용한 색도제거 효율 비교 및 현장 적용방안 62
제 5 장 결 론 63
참고문헌 65
감사의 글 70
제주대학교 대학원
이정훈. (2015). 어승생 수원지 색도발생 원인 규명 및 정수처리 방안 연구
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General Graduate School > Environmental Engineering
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  • 공개 구분공개
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