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濟州地域 專貰버스業 運營改善 方案에 關한 硏究

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A Study on the Management Improvement of Chartered Bus Industry in Jeju, South Korea
In recent years, the number of visitors to Jeju has experienced a
substantial boom so that the local tourism industry has prospered. According
to the TALC(Tourist Area Life-Cycle) Model, the Jeju tourism industry has
been experiencing a growth phase since 2008 known as the second
development period. However many of companies which have contributed to
the tourism boom in Jeju are not satisfied with business operations.
Tourism Transportation is one of the essential components of tourism
products. A charter bus is a means of major tourism transportation like a
rent-a-car in Jeju area. Therefore the local charter bus strongly displays
tourism product properties. The attribute of ubiquitous demand could deepen
the fluctuation of the rate of operation of the charter buses. This makes it
difficult to get stable cash flow which could result in financial problems for
the charter bus business. Transport service which charter buses produce is
perishable and is inseparable from production and consumption. Therefore it is
useless to talk about inventory investment for this product. Therefore we
need to maintain the rate of operation of buses as long as the price of the
product is at least above average fixed transportation costs. Due to these
kinds of attributes in charted bus service its price is vulnerable to dumping.
Since 1994 the regulations to establish new charter bus companies were
relaxed compared with 1993, so the number of charter bus business has
rapidly increased annually. At the same time this has increased the level of
excessive competition. Overheated rivalry had ended up eroding the financial
health of the charter bus companies. Intensifying competition among charter
bus companies in order to attract tourists at the risk of low profits has led
some to speculate that this could lead to a collapse of the whole industry.
By using charter bus ridership and supply and demand index, we tried to
estimate the amount of adequate supply for the Jeju charter bus industry; the result of that indicates that between 1,500 and 1,000 buses would be most
appropriate. The average price level of using a charter bus in Jeju is 40% of
the average domestic price level in Korea. Therefore it is hard for charter
bus companies to pay to their crews.
In order to improve the management for the charter bus industry in Jeju,
we could suggest following:
1. Expand regular service income to overcome the ubiquitous demand of
charter bus service in Jeju,
2. Set up related diversification strategies that can reduce transaction costs
by using the tourism ecosystem,
3. Materialize economies of scale and scope, and solve the information
asymmetry problem through promoting a charter bus cooperative.
There are two structural problems of the market, individual charter bus
business being held in trust192), and oversupply in charter bus market.
Because those are hard issues to solve through self-adjusting market
mechanisms, government intervention in the market is necessary. The
government enforced the adjustment of supply and demand in the charter bus
market, thereby limiting the amount of supply in the market during a specific
period of time. In order to achieve the policy's objective of market
stabilization, the government needs to solve problems concerning individual
charter bus businesses being held in trust being at the same time.
Moreover it is the time for the government to accomplish its role and to
review charter bus transportation goods as public goods. Finally the
government ought to set higher standards for crews of the charter bus
industry to improve workforce quality.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Hahn, Kyoungtaec
경영대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 문제제기 및 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 . 4
제3절 연구의 구성과 체계 5
제2장 전세버스업의 이론적 배경과 운영실태 . 8
제1절 전세버스업의 이론적 배경 8
1. 전세버스업의 개념 8
2. 관광교통수단으로써의 전세버스 10
3. 전세버스 운송상품의 성격 . 12
4. 전세버스업에 관한 제도 변화 . 14
5. 전세버스업의 성격 20
제2절 전세버스업의 운영실태 . 26
1. 국내 전세버스업 26
(1) 전세버스업의 유래와 현황 . 26
(2) 전세버스업의 운송 실태 . 30
(3) 전세버스 운송상품의 소비 실태 . 31
(4) 전세버스업의 영업수지 실태 34
(5) 지입제의 실태 36
2. 제주지역 전세버스업의 운영실태와 특성 37
(1) 제주지역 전세버스업의 유래와 현황 37
(2) 제주지역 전세버스업의 운송 실태 40
(3) 제주지역 전세버스 운송상품 소비 실태. 42
(4) 제주지역 전세버스업 시장의 수급 실태. 46
(5) 제주지역 지입제의 특성과 매출의 유리화 53
(6) 제주지역 전세버스업의 특성 54
제3장 조사설계와 분석결과 . 56
제1절 조사설계 56
1. 목적 . 56
2. 조사기간 및 조사대상 . 56
3. 측정변수 및 조사항목 . 58
제2절 조사결과 59
1. 기초자료 및 일반현황 . 59
2. 제주지역 전세버스업의 실태 조사결과 61
(1) 운송상품의 수요편재성과 가동률의 변동성 61
(2) 운송상품과 승무노동의 품질 63
(3) 운송상품 가격형성체계와 승무원의 보상구조 64
(4) 차량구성 현황 66
(5) 운송상품의 마케팅 실태 . 67
(6) 행정적ㆍ제도적 지원 실태 . 69
(7) 경영환경 . 71
제4장 제주지역 전세버스업의 운영개선방안 74
제1절 행정적제도적 개선방안 74
1. 전세버스업 합리화정책의 일관성 유지 74
2. 시장조정기구 역할의 확대 . 74
3. 전세버스 운송상품에 대한 공공성 검토 75
4. 인적자원 기준의 재정립 76
제2절 기업에서의 개선방안 . 76
1. 가동률 제고를 통한 운송원가 절감 . 76
2. 거래비용 감소를 위한 관련사업다각화 77
3. 수요편재성 극복을 위한 정기운행 매출비중 확대 . 78
4. 영리조합의 활성화 78
5. 비가격경쟁력 확보 80
제5장 결론 . 81
제1절 요약 및 결론 81
제2절 연구의 제한 및 향후 연구 방향 . 85
1. 연구의 제한점 . 85
2. 향후 연구방향 . 86
[Abstract] . 87
[참고문헌] 89
[설문지] 별첨
제주대학교 경영대학원
한경택. (2015). 濟州地域 專貰버스業 運營改善 方案에 關한 硏究
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Tourism Management
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