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조직공정성이 다중초점 변인들에 미치는 차별적 영향과 지원인식 및 정치지각의 매개효과

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Differential Effects of Organizational Justice on Multi-Foci Variables, and Mediating Effects of Perceived Supports and Politics
The concept of organizational justice has been continuously studied by many researchers. In the previous studies, organizational justice has been carried out distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice, and has been well predicted productive employee attitude and behaviors in organizational area. In addition, a variety of studies on organizational justice were applied with many sorts of theories; self-interest theory, group value model, attribution theory, referent cognitive theory, and equity theory, and instrumental model. Thus, the organizational justice still required a new theory for effectively account for it, one of alternative is target similarity theory. It explains the different relations between target-foci objects, the previous theory is unable to explain the inconsistent results on multi-dimensional approach of organizational justice. The casuality of organizational justice to organizational supports is good example. Furthermore, target similarity theory has been studied in the positive mechanism such as productive behaviors and organizational commitment. Thus, there was no trial to prove negative mechanism whether the mechanism is operated or not. Accordingly, the current study is designed to examine multi-foci approach and target similarity theory to multi-foci perceived supports, citizenship behavior, perceived politics, and silent behavior.
The research model is classified two parts as belows. First, it is the model to demonstrate the productive mechanism by organizational justice to perceived supports and citizenship behavior. Second, it is the model to demonstrate the counter productive mechanism by organizational justice to perceived politics and silent behavior.

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The data which was applied to analysis collected from 459 employee's who have worked for private owned companies and government owned companies. The questionnaire was designed to measure self-report style, but self-report measurement is linked with bringing about common method bias. Accordingly, to minimize common method bias, the questionnaire is composed of both parts. Part 1 measured organizational justice, perceive supports, and citizenship behavior, and part 2 was assessed perceived politics and silent behavior with time interval of a week. The analysis was conducted with SPSS and AMOS program. Amos program was proved the validation of scales, SPSS program was utilized to analyze relative effects with the way on which Fielde et al.(2002) suggested to demonstrate relative effects by comparison of R2. In the end, mediation was demonstrated with the procedure suggested by Baron and Kenny(1986).
This researcher conducted to prove 6 hypotheses comprehensively. First, organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) will have positively relative effects to perceived supports(organizational, supervisor, coworker). Second, perceived supports(organizational, supervisor, coworker) will have positively relative effects to citizenship behavior(organizational, supervisor, coworker). Third, perceived supports(organizational, supervisor, coworker) will mediate the relationships between organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) and citizenship behavior(organizational, supervisor, coworker) in the multi-foci perspectives. Fourth, organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) will have positively relative effects to perceived politics(organizational, supervisor, coworker). Fifth, perceived politics(organizational, supervisor, coworker) will have positively relative effects to silent behavior(organizational, supervisor, coworker). Sixth, perceived politics(organizational, supervisor, coworker) will mediate the relationships between organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) and silent behavior(organizational, supervisor, coworker) in the multi-foci perspectives.
The results are as follows. First, the relative effects of organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) to perceived supports(organizational, supervisor, coworker) were partially supported in cases of procedural justice→organizational perceived supports, and interactive justice→supervisor perceived support. Second, the relative effects of perceived supports(organizational, supervisor, coworker) were partially supported in cases of supervisor perceived support→supervisor citizenship behavior and coworker perceived support→coworker citizenship behavior. Third, mediation by perceived supports(organizational, supervisor, coworker) will mediated the relationships between organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) and citizenship behavior(organizational, supervisor, coworker) in the multi-foci approach. Fourth, the relative effects of organizational justice(distributive, procedural, interactive) were partially supported in cases of procedural justice→organizational perceived politics, and interactive justice→supervisor perceived politics. Fifth, the relative effects of perceived politics(organizational, supervisor, coworker) were partially supported in cases of organizational perceived politics→organizational silent behavior. Sixth, mediation by perceived politics(organizational, supervisor, coworker) partially mediated in the relationships between interactional justice and silent behavior toward supervisor in the multi-foci approach.
The implications of this study are as follows in academy and in practice. First, the perspective of target similarity theory in organizational justice model was demonstrated empirically, this results contribute to expand the research area of organizational justice. Second, multi-foci impacts was verified. Multi-foci perceived supports relatively affects to multi-foci citizenship behavior, Multi-foci perceived politics partially and relatively affects to multi-foci silent behavior. Such the results of which the casuality of perceived supports and politics has different impacts to citizenship behavior and to silent behavior account for why perceived supports and politics are inconsistent research results.
Issued Date
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2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Byung Cheol
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
1) 연구의 필요성 1
2) 연구목적 4
2. 연구방법 및 논문구성 5
1) 연구방법 5
2) 논문구성 5
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 다중초점접근과 대상유사성 모형 7
1) 다중초점접근방법과 대상유사성모형의 개념 및 구조 7
2) 다중초점접근 및 대상유사성모형의 선행연구 9
2. 조직공정성 12
1) 조직공정성의 개념 12
2) 조직공정성의 유형 및 연구동향 18
3. 다중초점 지원인식과 시민행동 27
1) 다중초점 지원인식의 유형 및 연구동향 27
2) 다중초점 시민행동의 유형 및 연구동향 33
4. 다중초점 정치지각과 침묵행동 39
1) 다중초점 정치지각의 유형 및 연구동향 39
2) 다중초점 침묵행동의 유형 및 연구동향 46

Ⅲ. 연구설계 52
1. 연구모형 및 연구가설 52
1) 연구모형 52
2) 연구가설 54
2. 변수정의 및 분석방법 62
1) 변수정의 및 출처 62
2) 조사방법 및 연구표본 66

Ⅳ. 실증분석 68
1. 기초통계분석 68
1) 타당성 및 신뢰도 분석 68
2) 상관관계분석 73
2. 연구가설 검증 74
1) 연구모형 1의 가설검증 75
2) 연구모형 2의 가설검증 83
3) 가설검증결과의 요약 91
Ⅴ. 결 론 93
1. 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 93
1) 연구결과의 요약 93
2) 연구의 시사점 95
2. 연구의 한계 및 향후연구를 위한 제언 98

참고문헌 100
설 문 지
제주대학교 대학원
양병철. (2016). 조직공정성이 다중초점 변인들에 미치는 차별적 영향과 지원인식 및 정치지각의 매개효과
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