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개발적 리더십, 팔로워 역량, 맥락수행의 관계와 선제적 커뮤니케이션 행동의 매개효과

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Mediating Effects of Follower Competence and Proactive Communication Behaviors on the Relationship Between Developmental Leadership and Contextual Performance
In the research area of leadership, the relationships between leaders and followers
are called hierarchy, it is involved with the quality of relations among them. In the
leadership, the role of leaders get highlighted than the importance of followers.
However, researchers in the followership have a different perspective of the role
between leaders and followers, they argued that followers are regarded as a key
factor so as to achieve organizational goals. In addition, with regard to followership,
some of researchers insist in that the relation of leadership and followership are not
related with each other. Whereas, others argue that leadership and followership are
interacted and both of them are enable to make inter-supplement together. In the
present research, the approach of the author is interaction between them, and is
related with that a sort of leadership is enable to develop follower competency. As a
result, in the interactional viewpoint, it is important for followership research to find
out a proper leadership style, which enhance follower competence and well account
for followership.
In this paper, it advances understanding of mechanism on development of follower
competency between developmental leadership, proactive communication behaviors,
and contextual performance. This research model is aimed to examine the mechanism
of follower competency in organizations comprehensively. In leadership research, a
few of scholars are interested in the concept of developmental leadership on how
leaders develop their follower's ability. In the present study, developmental
leadership describes on the process how it affects follower job performance
empirically. In addition, one of issues in recent organizational studies are proactive
behavior, but because the concept is dealt with comprehensively, proactive behavior
is needed to classify in detail. So, in the research, proactive behavior focus on
communication behaviored by follower. This approach vastly implicates on
communication perspective to organizations which highlight the strong hierarchy.
In accordance with the research model, developmental leadership is independent
variable, outcome variables are consisted of follower competency, proactive
communication behavior, contextual performance. In addition, follower competency and
proactive communication behavior are regarded as a core mediator between
developmental leadership and contextual performance.

◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요.)

The data which was applied to analysis collected from 688 employee's who have
worked for hotel, banks, government owned companies, and manufacturing companies.
The questionnaire was designed to specifically assess through self-report elements
to all variables, self-report instrument is able to bring about common method bias.
With regard to common method bias, the questionnaire consist of two parts; part 1
which can measure developmental leadership and proactive communication behaviors,
part 2 which is able to measure follower competency and contextual performance,
with time interval of a day, so as to reduce the contextual effect. The designed
model for the current research was analyzed with SPSS package and program of
AMOS for the different purposes. SPSS carried out the reliability of measurement
scale and frequency of democratic characteristics. Except for these, most of analysis
conducted with structural equation modeling such as comparison of structural
equation models to seek for the best model, path model to test hypothesis, mediating
effects and indirect effects through bootstrapping.
This researcher conducted to prove 6 hypotheses comprehensively. First,
developmental leadership will be positively related to follower competency. Second,
follower competency will have a positive effect to proactive communication
behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior). Third, proactive
communication behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior) will be
associated with contextual performance positively. Fourth, follower competency will
mediate the links between developmental leadership and proactive communication
behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior). Fifth, proactive
communication behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior) will mediate
the relationships between developmental leadership and contextual performance.
Sixth, proactive communication behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice
behavior) will mediate the relationships between follower competency and contextual
The results are as follows. First, in the comparison of research model, the both
direct path between developmental leadership to proactive communication
behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior), and follower competency to
contextual performance are added after demonstration of the best model with
comparison to alternative models. As a result, all hypotheses tested in that model.
The main effects of developmental leadership on follower competency were
statistically supported as expected. Second, the impacts of follower competency to
feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior were positively significant. Third,
proactive communication behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior) has
different impact to contextual performance. feedback seeking behavior has no effect
to contextual performance significantly, whereas, voice behavior was positively
associated with contextual performance. Fourth, the mediating effects by follower
competency was revealed statistically significant in the links between developmental
leadership and feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior. Fifth, the mediation of
feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior were partially supported in the link
between developmental leadership→voice behavior→contextual performance. Sixth,
there was no statistical significance in both paths; follower competency→feedback
seeking behavior→contextual performance, follower competency→voice behavior→
contextual performance.

◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요.)

The implications of this study are as follows in academy and in practice. First,
mechanism of developmental leadership to contextual performance was proved in the
comprehensive perspective via follower competency and proactive communication
behaviors(feedback seeking behavior and voice behavior). In the previous studies on
developmental leadership, a few studies just tested the main effects of developmental
leadership on organizational effectiveness, almost none examined the mechanism how
developmental leadership affects contextual performance. As a result, this paper
contribute to understand developmental leadership comprehensively and to facilitate
studies for developmental leadership in leadership context. Second, in leadership
context, the issue between leadership and followership was demonstrated. Such the
results stress on that leadership and followership are interacted, it means that both
concept is not inter-dependent but inter-supplement. In practice, the results of
which developmental leadership improves follower competency require the importance
for the environment which facilitate developmental leadership in order to enhance
companies competitiveness.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Chang Young
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구 필요성 및 목적 1
1) 연구 필요성 1
2) 연구 목적 5
2. 연구 방법 및 논문 구성 6
1) 연구 방법 6
2) 논문 구성 7
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 9
1. 개발적 리더십 9
1) 리더십 이론과 개발적 리더십 9
2) 개발적 리더십 개념과 선행연구 12
2. 팔로워 역량 16
1) 팔로워와 팔로워십 16
2) 팔로워 유형으로 접근 및 선행연구 20
3) 팔로워 특성으로 접근 및 선행연구 22
4) 팔로워 역량으로 접근 및 선행연구 26
3. 선제적 커뮤니케이션 행동 30
1) 선제적 행동과 선제적 커뮤니케이션 행동 30
2) 피드백 추구행동과 선행연구 32
3) 발언행동과 선행연구 38
4. 맥락수행 46
1) 맥락수행 개념 46
2) 맥락수행 선행연구 48
Ⅲ. 연구설계 51
1. 연구모형 및 연구가설 51
1) 연구모형 51
2) 연구가설 52
2. 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정 61
1) 변수의 조작적 정의 61
2) 조사 및 표본 설계 64
Ⅳ. 실증분석 70
1. 조사대상의 일반적 및 직무관련 특성 및 측정도구 신뢰성 71
1) 조사대상의 일반적 및 직무관련 특성 71
2) 측정도구의 신뢰성 검증 73
2. 측정모형 검증 74
1) 개발적 리더십과 팔로워십 다차원성 검증 76
2) 확인요인분석 82
3) 판별타당성 및 상관관계 85
3. 구조모형 검증 86
1) 최적구조모형 검증 87
2) 주효과 검증 91
3) 매개효과 검증 94
Ⅴ. 결 론 105
1. 연구결과 요약 및 논의 105
2. 연구의 시사점 108
3. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 112
참고문헌 114
설문지 127
제주대학교 대학원
양창영. (2016). 개발적 리더십, 팔로워 역량, 맥락수행의 관계와 선제적 커뮤니케이션 행동의 매개효과
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