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제주국제자유도시 평가지표 재구성에 관한 연구

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A study on the reconstruction for Jeju free international city evaluation index
Jeju Free International City Development project is a national project of the Korean government and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. It aims to provide a high level of autonomy to Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in all areas except for defense and diplomacy and to make Jeju a national strategic region where people, products and capital freely flow through. Under this project, Jeju is making efforts to attract foreign capital and tourists and invest in education and human resources to pioneer new future industries, thereby enhancing national competitiveness.

Jeju Free International City Development Center, a state-owned corporate, was established in 2002 for successfully carrying forward the project. After the establishment of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in 2006, central authority has been gradually transferred to Jeju, while regulations have been eased.

Through five-stage regulation improvements, there have been 3,880 cases of deregulation and authority transfer. Also, more and more private investment has accelerated Jeju Free International City project, contributing a lot to the local economy. However, as housing prices have skyrocketed and the number of development businesses has increased, environmental degradation and environmental protection have been paid much attention.

A new evaluation index that fits changing environment should be created to make full use of the continuous achievements so far. Also, we need to set a new goal of 'Jeju Free International City Development' that encompasses environment protection and the connection between investment and Jeju residents' income.

A new evaluation index that fits Jeju's unique characteristics will help increase consistency between policies and our efforts. This study designed an evaluation index for Jeju Free International City focusing on 'Implementation of Free International City Development project' that enhances local competitiveness, 'Index of economic freedom' that is about deregulation and 'environment and coexistence' that is related to environment projection. And it conducted a social survey on 330 residents and analyzed results.

We hope that a 'new evaluation index for Jeju Free International City' will increase the consistency with the project and create more synergy effects.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Go, Bong-Deuk
대학원 행정학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 배경과 목적 1
1) 연구의 배경 1
2) 연구의 목적 2
2. 연구의 대상 2
1) 제주국제자유도시 추진 목적 2
2) 제주국제자유도시 특징 2
3) 수행사업 7
3. 연구방법 및 흐름 13
Ⅱ. 제주국제자유도시 평가진행과 문제점 제기 15
1. 제주국제자유도시 평가현황 15
1) 평가 목적 및 체계 15
2) 평가 지표 16
3) 평가 방법 및 결과 18
4) 검토의견 25
2. 유사정책 및 평가지표 분석 25
1) 제주형 국제자유도시 25
2) 지역경쟁력 측정을 위한 지표개발 사례 27
3) 경제자유지수 평가 31
4) 경제자유구역 평가 33
5) 제주 미래비전 36
3. 기존평가와 유사정책 평가지표와의 비교 38
1) 지역발전 평가지표 38
2) 경제자유지수 평가지표 38
3) 제주미래비전의 평가지표 38
4) 제주국제자유도시 평가지표 39
5) 소결론 40
Ⅲ. 새로운 제주국제자유도시 평가지표 제안 42
1. 제주국제자유도시 평가지표의 보완 42
1) 새로운 지표설계 42
2) 지표 설계 대상 43
3) 지표 선정 기준 43
2. 분석의 틀 44
1) 지표 설계 방향 44
2) 조사 내용 및 가설 설정 45
3) 조사 방법 49
Ⅳ. 새로운 평가지표에 의한 사회조사 내용 분석 50
1. 표본조사의 기본 50
1) 설문지 구성 50
2) 설문 조사 51
3) 자료 분석 방법 51
2. 조사 내용의 특징 52
3. 응답자 특성 54
4 결과분석 56
Ⅴ. 결론 82
1. 지표의 재구성 및 정책제언 82
1) 지표의 재구성 82
2) 정책 제언 85
2. 조사의 특징 및 한계 86
[참고문헌] 88
[부록: 설문지] 92
제주대학교 행정대학원
고봉득. (2016). 제주국제자유도시 평가지표 재구성에 관한 연구
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