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복합리조트 카지노 사업에 대한 인식이 지역주민태도에 미치는 영향연구

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Influence of Perception on Integrated Resort Casino Business on Local Residents' Attitude
Integrated resort industry has competitiveness on an axis of casino. It can activate local economy by attracting foreign tourists and it is highly growing industry in creating employments.
Integrated resort industry has high competitiveness in attracting foreign tourists with a focus on the casino which can not only activate the local economy by attracting foreign tourists but can create employments.
Integrated resort, including a casino, spreads recognition that it its possible to provide a great help to the economic growth in the region and success stories of Integrated resort, such as Singapore, which affect domestic municipality, induce a keen attraction race.
In this way, Integrated resort industry, as a new growth power, develops the Korean tourism market, while it can achieve a balanced development of the local, therefore it has been highly interested in the associated impact and ripple effect about that industry.
However, there is also a negative view while the role of importance and expectations of the casino in the integrated resort.
As a typical example, more than 86% of the respondents have negative perception and 25.8% of them answered that it is reminiscent of the gambling in the result of a voluntary brand image survey by Gangwon Land. In addition, Jeju is also under construction jumped to integrated resort industry, with the goal of opening in 2018. In Jeju, the resilience of the local residents and the negative attitude in questionable toward the development plan is spread as well.
At the time the Integrated resort of Jeju is development, to succeed the Integrated resort industry and the harmony with the local residents, this study aims at grasping the threat recognition given to local residents and the attitude from that recognition. Also, it aims at looking for the difference on the contact experience in the threat recognition of local residents.
In this study, it parallels empirical study and documentary study in order to achieve the purpose of the study efficiently and successfully. In addition, this study uses a scenario approach in the form to answer the question of 'What would happen in the future' and 'What kind of things will happen if such a condition is satisfied', and also uses self-administered questionnaire.
Questionnaire correction was completed from April 11, 2016 to April 17, 2016 and a full-fledged investigation period was set from April 27, 2016 to May 8, 2016.
Spatial extent is limited in range from Andeok-myeon to Daejeong-eup and also from Nohyeong-dong to Yeondong where the region will contain the integrated resort. With the exception of 10 parts of the questionnaires that contain lots of missing response or insincere response, 225 parts of the questionnaires are used to analysis the final valid sample.
It was carried out the technical statistical analysis and frequency analysis in order to understand the morphological characteristics and demographic characteristics of the sample. Threat perception about the casino in the Integrated resort and the attitude of the local residents, the factor analysis and reliability test was carried out for the verification of the reliability and validity of the contact. In order to look for the hypothesis testing on the relationship among the contact, threat recognition, and local residents' attitude, Regression Analysis and Two-way ANOVA is carried out in this study.
As a result of the analysis, first, the three factors including the anxiety between groups, realistic threat, and symbolic threat have a similar effect on the attitude of local residents, and in those effects, it has been confirmed that the symbolic threat has relatively the highest influence.
Second, as a result of the Two-way ANOVA, it is verified that four factors (realistic threat, symbolic threat, Intergroup anxiety, negative stereotypes) have similar differences in main effect, and symbolic threat and anxiety between groups are similar differences in interaction effect.
On the basis of the above analysis results, the negative perception in integrated resort casino business is ascertained by local residents. Therefore, in order to complete the integrated resort in Jeju and to succeed at the same time the harmony site Jeju residents, minimizing the threat perception to the Integrated Resort Casino and drawing the support of the local residents is necessary. Therefore, there is a need for efforts to mitigate the intensity of threat perception through systemic management about threats recognition to the composite resort and casino business.
Also, realistic threat has been significantly affect the attitude formation of local residents, not negative but positive effects in a different way which other factors have.
In addition to this, emphasizing the role of positive contribution of integrated resort to the community and trying to improve the image of the resort integtrated resort itself are necessary. Thus, it should expand the publicity policies that can induce a positive attitude residents.
As a result of the analysis, since it was confirmed that contacts through the media occupy a substantial portion, it must provide information about more aggressive composite resort and casino business. At the same time, during the construction of the integrated resort and after completing the construction, it should take the attitude to converge the views of local residents' opinions through a public hearing or media, and also it is necessary clear communication process that the results of the opinions will back to local residents.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Bae, Jong-Hoon
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 문제의 제기 1
2. 연구의 목적 5
3. 연구의 방법과 범위 6
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8
1. 복합리조트(Integrated Resort) 8
1) 복합리조트의 개념 및 유형 8
2) 카지노사업의 개념 및 특성 23
3) 지역주민과 카지노에 관한 연구 34
2. 통합된 위협 이론(Integrated Threat Theory) 37
1) 통합된 위협이론 개념 37
2) 통합된 위협이론 구성요소 39
3) 통합된 위협이론 선행연구 42
3. 지역주민태도 44
1) 지역주민태도 개념 44
2) 지역주민태도 선행연구 46
Ⅲ. 연구설계 48
1. 연구모형 및 연구가설 48
2. 연구의 조사설계 50
Ⅳ. 분석결과 53
1. 표본의 특성 53
2. 측정변수의 신뢰성검증 57
3. 연구가설의 검증 61
4. 분석결과 요약 70
Ⅴ. 결론 73
1. 연구의 요약과 시사점 73
2. 연구의 한계와 제언 78
참고문헌 79
1. 국내문헌 79
2. 국외문헌 82
3. 기타문헌 83
4. 설문지 86
제주대학교 대학원
배종훈. (2016). 복합리조트 카지노 사업에 대한 인식이 지역주민태도에 미치는 영향연구
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General Graduate School > Tourism Management
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