경찰작용에 있어서 기본권보호의무의 적용에 관한 연구
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Application of the Duty of Basic Human Rights Protection with regard to the Exercise of Police Powers
- Abstract
- The exercise of police powers should be minimal, and legal limitations on their exercise needs to be set because police intervention in the form of administrative actions that impose duties on citizens limits people's basic rights. Therefore, police powers must be exercised in accordance with strict legal limitations. Also, discretion exercised by police has to be used reasonably. So far, most of the discussion on the exercise of police powers has been about passive limitations so as to limit the exercise of police powers and avoid its abuse.
It is true that such passive limitations on the exercise of police powers are still important. However, the scope of police duties is expanding with the request for change of the practical concept of police powers as danger becomes more common and specific concepts of danger which require police intervention have altered. In addition, social requests for protecting people's basic rights by actively exercising police powers are growing. This is because there has been infringement of fundamental rights with the absence of the exercise of police powers. Because these social changes are spreading awareness that police should play both roles in violating and protecting basic human rights, there are calls for the necessity of discussion on the active limitations on the exercise of police powers.
The statement "That government is the best which governs least" came because it was considered in the past that government's non-intervention was the best way to ensure fundamental rights. In society in the 20th century, however, other emerging factors like social power and individuals also violated basic human rights, and thus the duty of nations to protect its citizens against them was highlighted. Therefore, all national organizations should guarantee basic human rights and among them the administration has a direct relation with fundamental human rights. The exercise of police powers has a critical meaning because police powers directly influence personal security. Accordingly, the nation's duty to protect fundamental rights provides a basis for the police's duty of active intervention.
This thesis aims to conduct systematic research on the exercise of police powers focused on the nation's duty of protecting basic human rights which is the basis for the necessity of the police's active intervention as a measure to be recognized as not an invader but a protector of basic human rights following the recent request for the protection through the active intervention of police forces.
Furthermore, it also intends to provide suggestions for improvement to fulfill the duty of protecting basic human rights under the limitations of the active exercise of police forces, which would enable police, as a guardian for citizens, to carry out its duties faithfully.
- Author(s)
- 김경미
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Awarded Date
- 2016. 8
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000007769
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Gyeong-Mi
- Department
- 행정대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 표명환
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 2
1. 연구의 범위 2
2. 연구의 방법 3
제2장 경찰의 기본권보장과 경찰권 발동의 원칙 4
제1절 경찰의 기본권보장 4
제2절 기본권보장의 담당자로서 경찰권 5
1. 경찰의 기능과 본질 5
2. 경찰권 발동의 근거 8
3. 경찰권 발동의 요건 16
4. 경찰의 기본권보장의 한계 24
제3절 경찰개념의 현대적 변화 30
1. 실질적 경찰개념의 수정 요청 30
2. 경찰개입요건으로써 위험개념의 변화 32
제4절 소결 34
제3장 경찰의 기본권보호의무와 경찰개입의 한계 37
제1절 국가의 기본권보호의무 37
1. 기본권보호의무의 개념 37
2. 기본권보호의무의 법적성격 41
3. 기본권보호의무의 구성요건 49
4. 국가의 기본권보호의무에 대한 보호청구권 51
5. 기본권보호의무에 있어서 과소보호금지원칙 53
6. 소결 57
제2절 기본권보호와 경찰개입 59
1. 의의 59
2. 경찰의 적극적 한계 61
3. 기본권보호이익과 경찰재량의 0으로의 수축 62
4. 기본권보호청구권과 경찰개입청구권 67
5. 소결 71
제3절 기본권보호의무를 위한 경찰의 개선과제 72
1. 경찰의 위험 예측 및 판단능력 함양 72
2. 피해자 보호적 차원의 경찰 활동 73
3. 국민기본권에 대한 인식 제고 74
제4장 결론 76
참고문헌 79
Abstract 84
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 행정대학원
- Citation
- 김경미. (2016). 경찰작용에 있어서 기본권보호의무의 적용에 관한 연구
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