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제주특별자치도 관관개발사업 사후모니터링 제도 도입 방안 연구

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A Study on the Introduction of Post-monitoring System for the Effective Process of Tourism Development Project in Jeju: Focused on the Project Stakeholders' Recognition
Jeju, the local government, has been struggling to raise the employment, to encourage the residents to join the development projects, and to return benefits as well as to enhance quality of life ultimately to the local residents through the tourism development. For these efforts, Jeju has put the differentiated system such as approval of development projects, tax reduction, and special treatment for real estate into practice on the basis of special law of Jeju.
The purpose of this study is to suggest that it is necessary for Jeju to introduce post-monitoring system into the process of tourism development projects. Accordingly, this study especially focused on the projects related to tourism development approved by the local government in Jeju.
This study proceeded a reference study through literature review, practitioners' interview, case study, quantitative approaches, and empirical study as the research method. For this research, frequency analysis has been conducted for demographic characteristics as well as chi-square independence test with SPSS 22.0.
The questionnaires are totally composed of 20 questions including evaluation of approval procedures, support system, and policies regarding development projects. The main survey for this study has been conducted by man-to-man interviews as well as self-administered questionnaire survey method in Jeju after completing a pilot test. 300 questionnaires were distributed randomly and 274 were finally used except some questionnaires missed marking.
There are some implications according to findings as follows: First, the findings indicated that there has been almost no system to monitor and manage the projects since these were approved. This implies that it is necessary for the local authority to approach the approved projects systematically. In other word, hopefully post-monitoring system should be applied for the process of project. It means that there need some grounds or standards to legislate primarily and implement the system.
Second, the stakeholders influence to the reliability of the system and support the system as important factors regarding tourism development in Jeju. This suggests that the system should be inevitable to give the stakeholders reliable and supportive. Therefore, Jeju local government should be able to introduce a system for post-monitoring to manage and assist the all the tourism projects for accomplishment of the project purposes.
Third, stakeholders need specific standards for benefits such as tax, procedures and special treatment regarding tourism development. Then, these suggest to introduce the post-monitoring system in the process of projects.
There are some limitations in this research. Sampling frame and stakeholders should be more organized so that the result of research would be generalized. For the further studies on recognition research regarding tourism development, it is necessary to develop the indices for implementation of the objective and predictive monitoring.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Yong-Sug
경영대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 1
제2절 연구의 목적 2
제3절 연구의 범위 및 방법 4
1. 연구의 범위 4
2. 연구의 방법 4

제2장 개념적 고찰 5
제1절 모니터링 제도 5
1. 모니터링의 개념 5
2. 모니터링의 의의 6
3. 모니터링의 유형 7
제2절 관광개발사업 평가 제도 8
1. 평가의 개념 8
2. 평가의 의의 9
3. 평가의 유형 9
제3절 모니터링과 평가의 특징 비교 11
제4절 관광개발사업 모니터링 체계 구축방안 연구 사례 12
1. 모니터링 추진 목적 및 대상 12
2. 모니터링 과정 13
3. 모니터링 지표 설정 15
4. 모니터링 수행 방법 18
제5절 문화관광부 2015지역관광개발사업 평가 사례 19
1. 평가 배경 및 목적 19
2. 평가체계 19
3. 평가절차 20
제3장 제주특별자치도 관광개발사업과 모니터링 및 평가 현황 22
제1절 제주특별자치도 개발사업 승인 제도 22
1. 근거 22
2. 개발사업의 범위 23
3. 개발사업의 시행 절차 25
4. 개발사업 등에 대한 특례 제도 27
제2절 제주특별자치도 관광개발사업 모니터링 및 평가 현황 30
1. 관광개발사업 현황 30
2. 관광개발사업 모니터링 및 평가 현황 36
제3절 제주특별자치도 정책 모니터링과 평가 사례 46
1. 제주특별자치도 성과 평가 46
2. 국제자유도시종합계획 평가 49
제4절 제주특별자치도 관광개발사업 모니터링과 평가 현황 종합 52
1. 제주특별자치도 관광개발사업 모니터링 및 평가 실태 종합 52
2. 제주특별자치도 관광개발사업 모니터링 및 평가 체계 도입 필요성 54

제4장 인식조사 설계와 분석 55
제1절 인식조사 표본의 선정 55
제2절 설문지 구성과 분석방법 56
제3절 조사결과 분석 58
1. 조사대상자의 인구통계학적 특성 58
2. 측정 척도의 분석 59
제4절 분석결과 요약 및 시사점 97
1. 분석결과 요약 97
2. 시사점 99

제5장 결론 104
제1절 연구결과 요약 104
제2절 연구의 한계 및 제언 105

참고문헌 108
부 록 110
제주대학교 경영대학원
강용석. (2016). 제주특별자치도 관관개발사업 사후모니터링 제도 도입 방안 연구
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Tourism Development
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