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공급사슬에서 기업경영활동 위험관리 방안에 관한 실증적 연구

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An Empirical Study on the Business Activities Risk Management Plan in Supply Chain
Due to the increase in uncertainty of corporate management activity by the
competitive environment in the global era, rapid technological developments and the
diversification of customer need, the risk within supply chain is becoming more
diversified. These supply chain risks effects a lot of related corporate within the supply
chain and they are considered as important factors that need to be managed.
A Risk is occurred by a variety of complex and extensive cause. It is also occurred
by the impact of internal operations as well as the external environment. The risk in
corporate management activities results in catastrophic effect on corporate business at
one affair such as foreign exchange crisis or the risk might be minor that it could be
ignored. Thus, the long term or short term risk in distant future is difficult to predict
its size and degree of effect until it actually occurs. The risk is actualized when it is
practically encountered. Variety of risks can also inflict a loss with its uncertainty by
always existing in corporate management activities.
Corporate, within the supply chain, can't clearly predict any events to occur with its
uncertain future, so the corporate management activities risk is always embedded.
Various risks can be caused in most of the corporate over its management activities,
and the possibility of compensation loss in material and human dimensions always
exists among them. Therefore, recently a lot of corporate pursue the risk management
strategies in order to prevent the loss.
Supply chain contains specific risk that can occur precariously in the process of
production, distribution and sales by the corporate, and the corporate loss can be
aggravated if it is not managed in proper time. Therefore, a risk management that can
systematically recognize, analyze and respond to the risk, is needed. Supply chain risk is
made up of the environment and strategy of a corporate, characteristics of an industry
and member of supply chain, which effect various part of a corporate. It can also
improve the cognitive level of the risk and trust among the supply chain partners
through risk management.
For the management, relief, reduction and avertion of the supply chain risk,
collaboration and cooperation with the supply chain partners are essential. This process
also maximizes the created value and benefits.
As the network connection was activated among the corporate within supply chain,
the complexity level grew. Also, as the outsourcing was activated, the borders between
the different countries are erased. Likewise, the supply chain risk management is
standing out as the essential strategy in successful supply chain operation because of its
globalization due to extension of the supply chain and frequently exposed risk due to
the lengthening of the supply line.
This research investigated the effects of corporate risk management, especially
transaction type and innovation, on the firm performance.
The diversification of risks, information sharing and learning are focused as important
factors among the competition within supply chain, due to recent development in
technology and the uncertainty in industry environment. The mode of transaction among
corporate is making its transitions from the traditional mode of dedicated transaction to
network transaction that can respond placidly to the sudden changes of environment,
because the ability to create new knowledge and technology is considered not only as
the core factor of competitiveness, but as the method to survival. It can be said that the
mode of transaction among corporate in supply chain risk management should be
drawing close attentions, not only in terms of social and structural network but internal
perspective to external perspective.
In addition, the innovation activities of corporate made it possible to earn the
opportunity to acquire its competitiveness and produce profit by pursuing new products,
technology, knowledge and experience.
Furthermore, it is accessed as the core risk management factor in the survival of the
corporate and securing the competitiveness by expanding, not only the existing
technology, knowledge and experience by developing the products according to
customers' needs, but the market channels as well.
Therefore, this research attempted to access, structurally and relationally, in the risk
management in internal dimensions of a corporate and the dimension of population
ecology, which is recently attaching great importance.
In the first phase of the research, a research model was suggested to prove the
mediating effects of risk management strategy in the relationship between the risk
factor of corporate management activity and the corporate outcome.
First, a structure was established between the concepts of the precedence factors of
the research such as the internal risk of a corporate, the risk of industry environment
and the risk of trade relation. Also, in the previous research of the variables of
corporate risk management strategy was reviewed to arrange the concept of risk
management strategy. Second, the relationship between the risk factors of corporate
management activities and the outcome of corporate, which is theoretically established,
was empirically verified. Third, the variable of the type of business transaction and the
fact that whether the innovation activity is done was set as the control variable, to
verify the moderating effect among the variables. Forth, the mediating effect of risk
management strategy was verified between the relationship of the outcome of corporate
and the risk factor of corporate management activity according to main model, the type
of business transaction and the fact that whether the innovation activity is done. Fifth,
theoretical and practical implications were suggested about the relationship between the
outcome of corporate and the risk factor of corporate management activity based on the
result of the study.
In the second phase of the research, the relationship between the corporate types and
the outcome of a corporate was verified.
First, the main structure analysis of a corporate was conducted with the social
network analysis. Second, a comparison was made between groups that is classified by
the connection level that is divided by suppliers and buyer of focal company. Third, a
comparison was made between the outcome of corporate according to the type of
transaction in the aspect of suppliers and buyer of focal company that is classified by
an exclusive, minor and major transaction of qualified groups. Forth, theoretical and
practical implications were suggested about the relationship between the outcome of a
corporate and the transaction type of a corporate based on the result of the study.
For the execution of this research, a research model was suggested based on the
literature review and this model was verified and confirmed with a set of sample data.
The approached method of the first phase of this research used data sets from the
manufacturers that uses the supply chain management. The survey was conducted as a
part of the panel survey of the productivity of the manufacturing industry conducted by
the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Korea Productivity Center. To
secure the reliability, each items were based on the literature reviews and the
experts(professors) from each major of production management, business management
and industrial engineering participated in making up the survey items.
Structural equation model was used as the statistical analysis method for this research
and SPSS 18.0/AMOS 20.0 were used as the analysis equipment.
For the second phase of this research, 553 business channels and financial data from
the corporate in Chungnam Province. Social network analysis and ANOVA were used to
analyze the data.
As a result of the analysis, the following theoretical implications could be made. First,
a conceptual model was suggest to prove the relationship between the outcome of
corporate and the risk factor of corporate management in supply chain through 3
different approaches made by risk management, transaction type and innovation. Second,
the structural relationship between the outcome of a corporate and the risk management,
which is categorized into two aspects of suppliers and buyers, was considered. Third, it
was found that the effect of risk factor of corporate management activities on the
outcome of a corporate is different according to the type of business transaction and the
fact that whether the innovation activity is done. Forth, the centrality structural analysis
was conducted through social network analysis to verify the comparison between the
type of business transaction and the outcome of a corporate.
The practical implication of this research is the fact that this research provided
different results by the aspects of supplier and buyer of focal company, the type of
transaction and the fact that whether the innovation activity is done. The particulars are
as follows.
First, there was a difference when the focal company acts as a supplier and buyer in
the relationship between the risk factor of corporate management activities and the risk
management strategy.
When the focal company acts as a supplier, with the conditions of main model, having
transactions with several unspecified partners and with no innovation activity, industrial
environment risk had positive effects on risk management strategy. However, when the
focal company acts as a buyer, industrial environment risk did not have any effects on
risk management strategy except with the conditions of single or minor
transaction(negative effects). Also, when the focal company acts in both supplier's and
buyer's aspect, the internal risk of a corporate and trade connection risk(both supplier
and buyer) had negative effects on the risk management strategy. Therefore, when the
focal company acts as a supplier, it performs very sensitively to react.
Second, there was a difference in two aspects(supplier's risk and buyer's risk) in the
relationship between the risk factor of corporate management activities and the outcome
of a corporate. When the focal company acts as a supplier, the buyer's risk had positive
effects on customer satisfaction management, with the conditions of main model, single
transaction and no innovation activities. On the other hand, when the focal company
acts as a buyer, the supplier's risk had negative effects on quality performance(main
model, minor transaction with several unspecified partners by the market characteristics
and some innovation activities), cost performance(minor transaction by the market
characteristics) and purchase performance(main model, minor transaction by the market
characteristics, minor transaction by the management strategy, some innovation activities
and no innovation activities).
This research hypothesized that the risk factor will have negative effects on
performance, but as the results showed only the partial mediating effects were verified.
It was analyzed that having major transaction had greater positive effects on risk
management or performance than minor transactions. With a sudden changes in
technology and industrial environment domestically, more of the network transactions are
executed rather than the traditional exclusive transaction. As it was found in literature
review, it is difficult to say which is superior between the traditional exclusive
transaction and network transaction, with their own pros and cons. However, more
opened network transaction has shown more of pros. Actually, since 2000, the
information and technology industry has been showing the increase in trend of
outsourcing and external financing.
It was also analyzed that with the conditions of no innovation activities by the aspect
of both supplier and buyer, in the relationship of the risk factor of corporate
management activities and the outcome of a corporate, had positive effects on risk
management strategy and the outcome of a corporate.
When the sample data was analyzed, those companies with some kind of innovation
activities were conducted with internal ability and it is shown that exploration
innovation, which consumes a lot of time and cost, was conducted.
Thus, the results from this research is possibly a result from the short-term
performance. Therefore, in sum, the exploration innovation strategy is a method to
satisfy the needs of future consumer which allows the corporate to create new profit
and development. On the other hand, exploitation innovation strategy is a method to
acquire profit in a short time that expands market channel as well as the corporate's
existing knowledge, technology and experience to satisfy the needs of existing
However, this research faces four limitations.
First, the 3 different approaches to this research have different sample data. Second,
this research was limited to only manufactures. Third, when the values from the type of
transactions were used in this research, it was limited to the relationship of sales and
purchase among the corporate.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Hyun, Min Cheol
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 배경과 목적 1
1) 연구의 배경 1
2) 연구의 목적 3
2. 연구의 범위와 방법 4
1) 연구의 범위 4
2) 연구의 방법 6
Ⅱ.이론적 배경 7
1. 공급사슬관리 7
1) 공급사슬관리의 정의 7
2) 공급사슬관리의 발전과정 11
3) 공급사슬관리 관련 선행연구 13
2. 공급사슬 경영활동 위험요인 18
1) 위험의 정의 및 특성 18
2) 공급사슬위험 29
3. 공급사슬 위험관리전략 50
1) 공급사슬 위험관리의 정의 50
2) 공급사슬 위험관리의 배경 51
3) 공급사슬 위험관리의 목적 52
4) 공급사슬 위험관리의 효과 58
5) 공급사슬 위험관리전략의 유형 59
6) 공급사슬의 위험관리전략에 관한 선행연구 66
4. 공급사슬 기업성과 67
5. 기업 간 거래유형 70
1) 기업거래의 유형 72
2) 기업거래 유형의 특징 73
6. 기업의 혁신활동 76
1) 혁신의 개념 76
2) 혁신의 분류 77
3) 탐색성 혁신 전략과 이용성 혁신 전략 77
7. 소셜네트워크 분석 79
1) 소셜네트워크 분석의 정의 79
2) 소셜네트워크 분석의 유형 80
3) 소셜네트워크 관련 선행연구 82
Ⅲ. 자료조사 및 연구설계 85
1. 변수의 조작적 정의 85
1) 중심기업이 공급사측면에서 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계 85
2) 중심기업이 고객사측면에서 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계 87
3) 기업거래유형과 기업성과 간의 관계 실증분석 90
2. 자료수집 및 표본특성 90
1) 자료수집 90
2) 표본 특성 91
Ⅳ. 공급사의 경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계 94
1. 개념적 모형 94
2. 연구가설 94
1) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 위험관리전략 94
2) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 위험관리전략과 기업성과 96
3) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 98
4) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에서 조절효과 100
5) 연구모형 102
3. 수렴타당성 및 판별타당성 검증 103
1) 신뢰도 및 탐색적 요인분석 103
2) 수렴타당성 및 판별타당성 검증 105
4. 연구모형 검증 108
1) 연구모형 적합도 108
2) 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 연구모형 검증 109
3) 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 조절효과 검증 114
5. 연구결과 요약 134
1) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 위험관리전략 간의 관계 134
2) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 위험관리전략과 기업성과 간의 관계 136
3) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계 137
4) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 조절효과 138
5) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 매개효과 분석 140
Ⅴ. 고객사의 경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계 143
1. 개념적 모형 143
2. 연구가설 143
1) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 위험관리전략 143
2) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 위험관리전략과 기업성과 145
3) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 146
4) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에서 조절효과 148
5) 연구모형 150
3. 수렴타당성 및 판별타당성 검증 151
1) 신뢰도 및 탐색적 요인분석 151
2) 수렴타당성 및 판별타당성 검증 153
4. 연구모형 검증 155
1) 연구모형 적합도 155
2) 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 연구모형 검증 156
3) 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 조절효과 검증 161
5. 연구결과 요약 180
1) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 위험관리전략 간의 관계 180
2) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 위험관리전략과 기업성과 간의 관계 181
3) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계 183
4) 중심기업이 공급사측면일 때 기업경영활동 위험요인과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 조절효과 184
5) 중심기업이 고객사측면일 때 매개효과 분석 185
Ⅵ. 기업거래유형과 기업성과 간의 관계 실증분석 187
1. 개념적 모형 187
2. 연구가설 189
3. 실증분석 190
1) 기업 간 거래의 네트워크 분석 190
2) 집단에 따른 연결정도 중심성 간의 차이분석 191
3) 기업거래유형에 따른 기업성과 간의 차이분석 193
4. 연구결과 요약 195
Ⅶ. 결론 196
1. 연구의 요약 196
2. 연구의 시사점 202
3. 연구의 한계점과 향후 연구방향 207
* 참고 문헌 209
* 설문지 224
제주대학교 대학원
현민철. (2016). 공급사슬에서 기업경영활동 위험관리 방안에 관한 실증적 연구
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