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『朝鮮館譯語』 音韻 硏究 - 南京方言과의 비교를 통하여 -

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Study of The Rhyme of "Chao Xian Guan Yi Yu" -By Comparision with Nan Jing Dialect -
Historically speaking, the Korean language and the Chinese language have had a long standing intercultural relationship and as such, it has affected and changed each other as much as the relationship between the two countries have become active. Therefore, a surprising amount of the remnants of ancient Chinese language formations can be found not only in various dialects of modern Chinese but within the Korean language itself. This paper aims to compare the Nanjing Dialect and translated words of Korean that appears in the book " Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu" (Translated Words of the Joseon Dynasty) during the end of Koryeo Dynasty to the early Joseon Dynasty period then search out the similar part, by the compare find out the problem and the differeces with studies of "Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu". The capital of China during the Ming Dynasty was located in Nanjing and the official language was predominantly the "Jianghuai Guanhua" (Lower Yangtze Mandarin) and "Jinling Ya Yin"(nowadays called Nanjing Dialect) which was also belong to the Jianghuai Guanhua system, was mainly used in the capital . Even after the capital was moved, the official language cannot change overnight so this official language maintained its prestige as the prime language even in the Beijing region and can be said to have had vast influences in the Beijing language. Through the investigation for the purpose of this paper, a few problems that appeared in the "Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu" were compared with the Chinese rhyme sounds and its dialect and the following special characteristics were identified. First, the sounds of the Chinese characters in the Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu for the most part reflects the sound scale of the jianghuai guanhua system. In other words, the sounds of the Chinese characters used in the Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu could be said that parts followed the North Chinese character sound system of that period but certain parts have been influenced by the Nanjing Dialect which was the official language during that time so some parts of the Chinese character sounds of the translated words actually belong to the Jianghuai Guanhua system. Second, the word "tian" (sky or the heavens) that appears in the Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu has been historically verified through thorough research. In the Ji Lin Lei Shi the word "tian" was translated into "han nal" as the reading sounds of the Chinese characters in Korean. This term was probably changed later to "haneul" due to the phenomena of consonant assimilation as the final consonant "n" of the "han" and the first consonant of "n" of "nal" has the same sounds. (*haneul in Korean means sky in modern Korean) Third, there is a regular pattern in terms of using the "er"(meaning the number two) in the Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu. In other words, all intonation sounds in the Nanjing Dialect were read as implosive sounds (/-?/) and "er" was only used when it finished off as an intonation sound that reads as implosive sounds such as the "de","bie", or "ji". On the other hand, ancient Korean language did not have a clear awareness of grammar so when a postpositional particle such as the "哈嫩(ha neul eun)" was used, it was confirmed that the "er" was not used. Fourth, some vocabularies of the ancient Korean language that appeared in the Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu still exist in some regional dialects. For example, "tu(earth, pronounced as 'heuk' in modern Korean)" does not have the "ㄱ" sound in both the Ji Lin Lei Shi and the Chaoxian Guan Yi Yu and is used as"hol" in the Kyeongsangdo and Pyeongannamdo regions.
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2017. 2
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대학원 중어중문학과
Table Of Contents
I. 緖論 1
1. 硏究目的 1
2. 硏究範圍와 방법 4
3. 朝鮮館譯語 槪觀 6
II. 朝鮮館譯語의 音韻분석 10
1. 朝鮮館譯語의 聲母분석 14
1) 有氣音과 無氣音의 양상 14
2) 脣音의 양상 30
3) 齒音의 양상 35
4) 喉牙音의 양상 49
5) 鼻音/n-/과 邊音/l-/의 양상 54
6) 零聲母의 양상 59
2. 朝鮮館譯語의 韻母분석 66
1) 朝鮮館譯語 중의 入聲字 66
2) 陰聲韻 69
3) 陽聲韻 91
III. 朝鮮館譯語와 普通話南京方言의 음운체계 비교 116
1. 현대 南京方言과 普通話의 음운체계 비교 116
1) 南京方言과 普通話의 聲母체계 비교 117
2) 南京方言과 普通話의 韻母체계 비교 125
2. 朝鮮館譯語와 남경방언의 음운체계 비교 133
1) 聲母체계 비교 133
2) 韻母체계 비교 149
3) 朝鮮館譯語에 반영된 南京方言의 音韻特徵 155
IV. 朝鮮館譯語의 어휘 분석 156
1. 朝鮮館譯語의 어휘 구성 156
1) 의 分合 157
2) 朝鮮館譯語중의 誤字 158
2. 朝鮮館譯語중에 語源변화 160
1) 天의 語源과 變遷推定 160
2) 二와 관한 考證 161
3. 중세 한국어 方言중에 남아 있는 어휘 168
V. 結論 173
제주대학교 일반대학원
전휘. (2017). 『朝鮮館譯語』 音韻 硏究 - 南京方言과의 비교를 통하여 -
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