GPS 기반 옥외용 로봇의 인간 추종 기술 개발
- Alternative Title
- Development of GPS-based Human Following Technologies for Outdoor Robots
- Abstract
- Recently, various trials have been made to extend the applicability of the
robotics technology in service area. Human following robot has been the most
interesting research topics in this area. The purpose of the human following
robot is to follow the trajectory of human. The human tracking robot should
always be aware of the position of human beings and should have the ability
to travel autonomously and reach that position. Thus, localization is the
crucial issue for the guide robot researches because autonomous navigation is
strongly dependent on the localization performance.
Another important issue for realization of the human following robot is
how the robot always perceives the position of a human in an environment
with many obstacles or in sloping terrain. Th conventional methods that use
image or range sensor such as a camera or a ultrasonic sensor could not
solve this problems.
This thesis suggests an outdoor localization, a human position recognition
method and a human trajectory tracking method based on GPS. For
localization in outdoor environment, we develop an effective localization by
using inexpensive GPS and odometry without using any INS system. Position
and orientation information from DGPS and the digital compass are combined
with encoder data from robot's wheels to estimate more accurate position of
the robot using extended Kalman filter. The concept of "validation gate" will
be introduced to ensure the reliability of the measured values for the error of
The thesis also proposes a method to autonomously follow the human
trajectory that is generated by connecting the positions of humans. In order
to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods, we also present
experimental results of various situations using a real robot in a real world.
- Author(s)
- 조인호
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Awarded Date
- 2017. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- Alternative Author(s)
- Inho, Cho
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 대학원 메카트로닉스공학과
- Advisor
- 임종환
- Table Of Contents
- I. 서 론 1
1. 연구 배경 1
2. 연구 동향 3
2.1 위치평가 3
2.2 인간 추종 기술 4
3. 연구목적 및 범위 7
II. 위치평가 및 추종방법 9
1. 인간 추종 로봇 시스템 구성 9
2. 로봇의 위치 평가 10
2.1 DR(Dead-Reckoning) 위치평가 10
2.2 확장칼만필터(EKF) 기반 로봇의 위치평가 12
2.2.1 센서 융합의 필요성 12
2.2.2 EKF 기반 위치평가 13
3. 궤적 생성 및 자율 추종 항법 18
III. 실험 및 고찰 22
1. 인간 추종 로봇 22
2. DGPS 특성 분석 25
3. 인간 추종 실험 결과 32
3.1 기초실험 32
3.1.1 직선 경로 추종 실험 32
3.1.2 곡선 경로 추종 실험 34
3.1.3 장애물 회피 실험 37
3.1.4 실제 환경 추종 실험 39
IV. 결론 42
V. 참고문헌 44
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 일반대학원
- Citation
- 조인호. (2017). GPS 기반 옥외용 로봇의 인간 추종 기술 개발
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- Faculty of Applied Energy System > Mechatronics Engineering
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