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유명인 광고모델 속성이 브랜드 애착과 구매의도에 미치는 영향

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The Effects of Celebrity's Advertising Model Characteristics on Brand Attachment and Purchase Intention
A celebrity endorsement can hugely increase the brand influence by which set off a popular trend and increase the buying intent. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of brand preference and purchase intention of the properties of celebrity endorsement for cosmetics brand. The following research objectives were established.
Firstly, we want to analyze the attributes of celebrities in terms of professionalism, appeal, and reliability of celebrities and examine the impact on brand preference.
Secondly, we intend to analyze the identity of the brand and validate the impact on the purchase intention.
Thirdly, it aims to classify the attributes of celebrities in terms of professionalism, appeal and reliability, and to validate the impact on buying intent.
Fourthly, it is desirable to verify the effectiveness of the conformity of fit and appropriateness of the conformity of the brand with respect to the attributes of the celebrity advertising model, the professionalism and the reliability of the brand.
Fifthly, it is recommended to examine the validity of the validity of the conformity of the advertisement model with respect to the attributes of the celebrity ad model, and to verify the validity of the appropriateness of the conformity of purchase.
Finally, it is suggested to present a theoretical and practical point of view based on the analysis of celebrity advertising models that affect branding and buying intentions.
For this study, two methods of research study and survey are conducted.
First, literature studies explored and studied the study of domestic and international researchers on the attributes of celebrities, branding, purchase intentions, and suitability for conformity. The empirical study examined research models and hypotheses based on the literature study.
For the Second, the survey was conducted from April 11 to April 21, 2017 at Wenjuanxing(问卷星,https://www.sojump.com), a research expert at China's survey site, was surveyed. It polled more than 20 people who had purchased advertised products from the question naire.
It took two weeks to do the questionnaire., Total 495 additions have been recalled since the survey brand recognition was low and there was no purchase experience, and there was no bulseongsil questionnaire., 329 were used for the analysis, to analyze the data, we used SPSS 22.0.
The study focused on the regulatory effects of the suitability of cosmetics advertising models (professionalism, attractiveness, and reliability) to identify the effects of the effects on brand attachment and purchase purposes. When buying cosmetics, the advertising model has significant influence. Choosing a celebrity advertising model can be a good chance of success. Thanks to celebrity advertising models which were able to attract consumers to market products. The designation of the conformity of the fit and identity of the celebrity model and the relationship between branding and branding resulted in the verification of the seongg wan variables. The relationship between celebrity advertising model and identity of brand attachment, brand attachment, purchase of brand attachments, and celebrity attachments was analyzed by the relationship between celebrity advertising models and celebrity attachments. Therefore, the study analyzed the characteristics of the celebrities, the attractiveness of celebrities, the professionalism, and the purchase of brand attachments and purchase intentions for consumers in China. Based on the regulatory effects of this adaptability, the attributes of celebrity advertising models were analyzed to analyze the impact of the brand's attachment and its effect on buying purposes.
The results of the empirical analysis of this study are as follows.
First, the results of the analysis of theanalysisoftheimpactoftheadvertising model on the branding of the commercial models emerged as a result. Looking at these results, the expertise defines a particular knowledge ski-ll or use of a brand that is promoted by a branding model (Ohanian, 1991). In this study, it is difficult to satisfy consumers ' knowledge of the expertise of cosmetics as an expert on cosmetics, not experts in China's Wang Kai model. Therefore, Chinese consumers are finding it difficult to feel the professionalism of celebrity advertising models. Therefore, the company pointed out a high emphasis on attractiveness, especially with the expertise of celebrities in the process of designating celebrity models in the Chinese market. In particular, the effects of attraction were greatest. In other words, the professionalism, appeal, and reliability of the celebrity model attributes are all statistically significant, reflecting the positive influence of the brand attachment.
Second, we examined the results of the analysis of the effects of brand attachment on cosmetics. The brand attachment of ESTEE LAUDER has a positive effect on the purchase intentions. Therefore, the results match the results of the preceding study. If consumers are attached to the brand, they will be able to repeat it as soon as possible. In other words, the Chinese consumers expressed their attachment to the brands of Chinese consumers emotionally and showed their attachment to the brand. Or, when purchasing a product, it was revealed that the consumer purchased the brand product. A research hypothesis was adopted regarding the relationship between branding and purchase of purchased brands. In other words, branding has a statistically significant significance to the purchase intent.
Third, the results of the analysis of the analysis of the impact of celebrity advertising on the buying intent of the buying intent are shown in the results. In fluencing the influences of the brand attachment model among the attributes of celebrities and brand attachment, affecting the influence of attractiveness and brand attachment, affecting the influence of trust and brand attachment. All research hypotheses were adopted. In particular, the effects of attraction were greatest. In other words, the professionalism, appeal, and reliability of the celebrity model attributes are all statistically significant, thereby influencing purchases intent on buying intent.
Fourth, the suitability of the conformity of the celebrity model attributes to the professionalism and the influence of the brand attachment is expected to be positive. Fitness has shown that the influence of celebrities on the attractiveness of celebrity models and the influence of brand attachments will be positive. Compliance has shown positive control of the reliability of celebrities and the impact of brand attachment on branded models. The suitability of celebrities for celebrity advertising models showed the greatest appeal to celebrity attachment models in the name of celebrity gwanggo models. And the professionalism and reliability of the celebrity ad models showed a little bit less professionalism.
Fifth, conformity was unlikely to affect the professionalism and effect of the designer's wangkai model attributes. Compliance has not been shown to control the reliability of the designer's model attributes and the impact on the purchase intent. Compliance has shown positive control of the attractiveness of celebrity appeal and the effect of buying on the buying intent. The suitability of the attributes of celebrity advertising models shows the effect of the popularity of celebrities on the gwanggo model properties, and the effectiveness of the conformity of fit. In addition, there appeared to be a low degree of professionalism and credibility in the attributes of celebrities and lack of coordination.
First of all, we have identified various and influencing properties of advertising models to build brand attachment models and increase purchase intent. The attribution of cosmetics advertising models that affect variables has been shown to differ. It would be effective to analyze and model it well and use it for marketing purposes.
Second, we have identified celebrities who have the most important characteristics of female cosmetics advertising models, which are generally attractive and attractive. The advertisement model proved to be the most important aspect of the cosmetics advertisement and the image of the model of the model and cosmetics brands is the most important. I think it is important to consider the models suitable for cosmetics advertisement and brand image and also to appeal to others.
Third, the brand attachment has confirmed that the brand of cosmetics brands that make brands of cosmetics available for cosmetics brands can identify key variables that improve brand attachment and increase consumer purchasing power. The company will be utilized as apractical material for conducting marketing strategic sales promotion.
Fourth, if consumers are highly attracted to celebrity advertising models, they are better able to buy the purchasing power of their brands. While consumers buy only what they need to buy products, they can buy products without appealing to consumers if they choose to appeal to consumers.
In future studies, it is necessary to expand advertising models and products to target advertising models, taking into account the limitations of these studies.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2017. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Cul, Ya Qiong
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구 필요성 및 연구 목적 1
1) 연구 필요성 1
2) 연구 목적 5
2. 연구 범위 및 방법 5
3. 논문의 구성 6
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8
1. 유명인 광고모델 8
1) 유명인 광고모델의 개념 8
2) 유명인 광고모델의 속성 13
3) 유명인 광고모델에 관한 선행연구 16
2. 브랜드 애착 17
1) 브랜드 애착의 개념 17
2) 브랜드 애착의 영향요인 19
3) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 브랜드 애착 20
3. 적합성 22
1) 적합성의 개념 22
2) 적합성에 관한 선행연구 23
4. 구매의도 28
1) 구매의도의 개념 28
2) 구매의도의 선행연구 29
3) 브랜드 애착과 구매의도의 관계 30
4) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 구매의도의 관계 32
Ⅲ. 연구 설계 35
1. 연구 모형 35
2. 연구 가설 36
1) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 브랜드 애착 36
2) 브랜드 애착과 구매의도 37
3) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 구매의도 38
4) 적합성의 조절효과 40
3. 측정변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 42
1) 유명인 광고모델 속성 42
2) 브랜드 애착 43
3) 적합성 44
4) 구매의도 45
4. 조사 설계 47
1) 설문지의 구성 47
2) 표본설정 및 자료수집 49
3) 분석 방법 49
Ⅳ. 실증분석 50
1. 표본의 특성 50
1) 조사 대상자의 인구 통계적 특성 50
2. 측성도구의 타당성 및 신뢰도 검증 52
1) 타당성과 신뢰도 분석 52
2) 연구 개념 간 상관관계 분석 55
3. 가설 검증 56
1) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 브랜드 애착 56
2) 브랜드 애착과 구매의도 57
3) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 구매의도 58
4) 유명인 광고모델 속성과 구매의도의 관계에서 브랜드 애착의 매개효과 59
5) 적합성의 조절효과 61
4. 가설검증 요약 69
Ⅴ. 결론 70
1. 연구결과의 요약 70
2. 연구의 시사점 71
3. 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구 방향 72
참고문헌 73
한국어 설문지 85
중국어 설문지 90
Abstract 95
제주대학교 일반대학원
최아경. (2017). 유명인 광고모델 속성이 브랜드 애착과 구매의도에 미치는 영향
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