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정보해석에 대한 성별차이 연구

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A Study on Gender Difference in Information Construal[: View on Levels of Abstract Thinking & Construal Level Theories]
Commercial firms seek to induce consumer's purchase as much as possible using diverse marketing methods. In order for consumers to perceive their need to buy the products and actually buy one, the firms must assign values to their products so that consumers may feel necessary to buy certain products. These days, we witness vigorous occurrence of marketing strategies using consumer's psychological propensities. Gender difference stands out in consumer's preference behavior. In the field of shopping propensities online, males are oriented to conveniences, thinking highly of achieving the targets, while females tend to build familiarity, have hedonic shopping motives, thinking highly of views of other consumers. In the field of educational game designs, males are more effectively attracted by designs using spatial and visual cognitive abilities though with narrow peripheral vision, while females are by designs using linguistic skills and empathy with wider peripheral vision.
The purpose of this study was to ascertain that gender difference in preferences and behaviors shown in the consumer's purchase decision-making process might be explained by the influence of self- construal and levels of abstract thinking. Three sessions of studies in total examined people's difference in decision-making; the research used levels of abstract thinking (high level/ low level) as an independent variable, gender (male/female) as a moderating variable and preference for information security, consumer behavior, subjective perception of elapse of time (after one year/after two weeks), intention to apply for lectures as dependent variables. The study had findings as follows.
First, there was gender difference in consumer preference. Males with high level of abstract thinking preferred abstract objects, whereas females with low level of abstract thinking preferred concrete objects.
Second, there was difference in decision-making depending on levels of abstract thinking. The higher level abstract thinking had, the more subjective elapse of time people perceived, and there emerged remarkable difference in decision-making depending elapse of time.
Third, there emerged moderating effects of gender in relations between levels of abstract thinking and consumer's decision-making. There were bigger differences in decision-making depending on elapse of time among groups with high level of abstract thinking in males and those with lower level of abstract thinking in females.
The study found that levels of abstract thinking varied depending on gender and males were more influenced in their decision-making while having abstract thoughts, whereas females were more while having concrete thoughts. Given the argument of the existing construal level theories that the higher abstract thinking people have, the more they tend to pay attention to central, unchangeable traits of objects - resulting in more desires- this conclusion might reflect more of this researcher's male point of view with less of female one and so must be applied properly.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2017. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Kyong Eun
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 경영정보학과
Table Of Contents
Abstract ⅵ
제 1 장 서 론 1
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
1) 연구의 배경 1
2) 연구의 목적 3
2. 연구방법 및 논문구성 5
1) 연구방법 5
2) 논문구성 5
제 2장 이론적 배경 6
1. 자아해석과 성별 행동 차이 6
1) 자아해석 6
2) 소비자 선호·행동에서의 성별 차이 12
2. 행동정체성이론과 해석수준이론 18
1) 행동정체성이론 18
2) 해석수준이론 26
제 3 장 연구 가설 35
1. 연구가설의 설정 34
제 4장 정보보안 선호도 차이(연구 1) 39
1. 연구문제 및 연구방법 40
1) 실험 연구 설계 40
2) 실험변수의 조작 43
2. 연구결과 46
1) 가설검증 결과 46
2) 결과 논의 50
제 5장 소비자행동의 차이(연구 2) 51
1. 연구문제 및 연구방법 51
1) 실험 연구 설계 51
2) 실험변수의 조작 53
2. 연구결과 54
1) 가설검증 결과 54
2) 결과 논의 59
제 6장 주관적 시간거리 인식 차이와 수강신청 의도의 차이(연구 3) 61
1. 연구문제 및 연구방법 61
1) 실험설계 및 측정방법 61
2) 변수의 조작정의와 측정 63
2. 측정변수의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 67
1) 신뢰성분석 67
2) 타당성분석 68
3. 연구결과 70
1) 가설검증 결과 70
2) 결과 논의 79
제 7장 결론 80
1. 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 80
2. 연구의 한계 83
제주대학교 일반대학원
이경은. (2017). 정보해석에 대한 성별차이 연구
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Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Management Information Systems
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  • 공개 구분공개
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