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조류독감에 따른 산란계 수급 변화 분석

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Analysis of changes to Demand and Supply of layer chicken according to Avian Influenza
This study set out to introduce a process of building a demand and supply simulation mode for layer chicken by using estimation technique(OLS) and analyze changes to the demand and supply of layer chicken according to Avian Influenza. The study used a partial equilibrium model to reflect the demand and supply characteristics of layer chicken market developed a demand and supply model to enable dynamic recursive simulations, and organized a model in simultaneous equations of recursive type.
A demand and supply simulation model for layer chicken was established by the years and the period of basic prospect was set at 2018∼2025. The investigator reviewed variables needed in the model including the demand and supply, number of layer chicken, production amount of eggs and consumption of layer chicken and estimated each of functions include price of eggs. The prospect estimated that the number of layer chicken would be approximately 70,079,799 chickens in 2018 down by 3.1%from 2017, that its the per capita consumption of eggs would be approximately 258 per year down by 1.0% from 2017, that its production amount of eggs would be approximately 695,708 tons down by 0.6% form 2017, that it's the price of eggs would be approximately 2,144 won down by 0.1% from 2017. The estimated functions had no problems in model fitness and statistical significance of variables.
The study set a two scenarios to analyze the influences of Avian influenza on the demand and supply of layer chicken in the simulation. The first scenario set a situation when the Avian Influenza occur in 2018. Second scenario set a situation when the Avian Influenza occur in 2018, but the government well respond to the Avian Influenza. According to the prospect results of fist scenario, the number of layer chicken will decrease from 72,293,699 chickens in 2017 to 61,454,596 chickens in 2018. Production amount of eggs will decrease by approximately 6.4% from the basic scenario prospect. The price of eggs will rise by approximately 6.0%. According to second scenario, the number of layer chicken will decrease from 72,293,699 chickens in 2017 to 68,583,610 chickens in 2018. Production amount of eggs will decrease by approximately 1.6% from the basic scenario prospect. The price of eggs will rise by approximately 0.9%.
This study introduces the possibilities of analyzing changes to the demand and supply of layer chicken in case of various shocks includes AI, Detection of pesticides as wells as mid term and long term prospects for its demand and supply, but the model need to develop more realistic and delicate model in response to animal disease, sanitary problems and various market situations. In other words, this is the future task to build a accurate demand and supply situation models by securing long-term series data or capable of diverse economic and policy simulations. And when the government is about to enact rural policy, the result of this study will be expected to consider as baseline data.
Issued Date
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2018. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Myung Su
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 농업경제학과
Table Of Contents
Ι. 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
가. 연구의 필요성 1
나. 연구 목적 2
제2절 선행연구 검토 2
Ⅱ. 산란계 산업 현황 4
제1절 국내 산란계 수급 현황 4
가. 사육 동향 4
나. 농가 동향 5
다. 가격동향 6
제2절 수출입현황 9
가. 수입현황 10
나. 수출현황 12
제3절 국내외 조류인플루엔자(AI) 발생 현황 13
가. 국내 조류인플루엔자 발생 현황 13
나. 해외 조류인플루엔자 발생 현황 16
Ⅲ. 수급모형구축 및 예측력 검정 18
제1절 분석자료 및 모형구조 18
가. 모형의 기본 가정 18
나. 주요 거시경제 변수 19
제2절 분석방법 20
제3절 주요 변수 및 수급분석 시나리오 설정 21
가. 주요 변수 설명 21
나. 시나리오 설정 21
제4절 주요방정식 추정결과 23
제5절 모형 예측력검정 28
Ⅳ. 조류독감에 따른 산란계 수급변화 분석 30
제1절 기본전망 30
제2절 시나리오별 수급변화 분석 31
Ⅵ. 요약 및 결론 35
참 고 문 헌 37
제주대학교 일반대학원
김명수. (2018). 조류독감에 따른 산란계 수급 변화 분석
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General Graduate School > Agricultural Economics
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