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제주해녀 이미지의 관광자원 활용가치 탐색 : 표본조사에 따른 집단차이 분석을 중심으로

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If you examine the study of a strong woman diver in Jeju Island, you will see the image of a woman diver was once snell and old-fashioned since 1960, changing to be diligent, plain and independent image till 1980,and the positive image of a regional elite has been emphasized . A positive image of a woman diver appeared to be diligent, strong, cautious, and energetic, and it was judged that her image was realistic. However, it is hard to judge that the image of the diver was established correctly, the concept of 'Haenyeo= Tourist Resources 'is not established at this time of the introduction of the Haenyeo tour.(Yoo Hyung Sook 2011)yet Using the image of a Jeju woman diver and the image study that could provide useful information ,the study made a research on the pursuit of a tourism resource planIn detail, it examined how Jeju woman divers were perceived. It also analyzed the existence of an impact relationship among the elements of the image - the cognitive image, the emotional image and the value of the utilization. I will tell you the specific Jeju female diver's cognitive image, emotional image, and value of using tourist resources as follows. Through theoretical and empirical analyses, the results of the analysis showed that Jeju female divers' cognitive image, emotional image, and utilization value were higher than those of the prior research result in 2011, 2014, and 2016. Among them, three of the survey results were analyzed as follows. First, using analysis method of varimax rotation through analysis of 27 items of Jeju haenyeo image. we extracted four factors over the number of eigenvalue 1 Factor names were named attraction, environment, the quality of experience, value incentive considering the semantic relevance of the variables that constitute extracted factors. Among the four factors, 22 items were selected by 0.5 load for the elevator, and 13 items were selected by 0.6 load for the elevator. By choosing most items, the level of the image of the maidens in the public has been risen highly than 2011 a lot. Second, using analysis method of varimax rotation through analysis of 22 items of Jeju woman's emotional image , we extracted eight factors over the number of unique value 1.Considering the semantic correlation of the variables that be formed by the factor extraction. We named thoses factors preponderance, enjoyment, stimulation. Among the three factors, 16 items were selected by 0.6 load for the elevator. The positive image of women diver clearly stands forth that diver is delightful,energetic,interesting,beautiful,clean and friendly. We can make a conclusion that the actual image of women diver is more than the image that we named in advance research. Third, using analysis method of varimax rotation through analysis of 23 items about tourist attraction utilization valule , we extracted three factors over the number of unique value 1.Considering the semantic correlation of the variables that be formed by the factor extraction. We named thoses factors self-resourcing value of cultural utilization and necessity. 9 items were selected by 0.6 load for the elevator Out of the three factors, and 9 items with a capacity of 0.6 or more were selected. Among them, the assessments of tourist attraction are as follows. And if you examine prove hypothesis consequence, there are three hypotheses as follows, The first one is called the number of visits, the length of one's stay, and age affect on the definition of the cognitive image. The second one is called cognitive image influences the definition of utilization value. The third one is called emotional image have an effect on the value of utilization. The three hypotheses were adapted partly. To realize the ustainable development of diver culture, There are more resource utilization plan appearing since UNESCO intangible culture heritage of humanity was registered. For example, Among them, Kang Eun-jeong(2016), a tourism professor, has activated the 'Female Divendities ' House ' and become a volunteer for food, Lee Sun-hwa (2016) A study on revitalization strategies of cultural contents through storytelling focused on life history of Jeju Haenyeo, Jin-Sook Yang(2017) A Study on the Cultural Brand Plan of the Dance of Jeju Haenyeo, Jung Min-Eui and Lee Woong-Kyu (2017) A Study on the Contents of Marine Tourism according to the Entry of UNESCO Humanity Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jeju Haenyeo Culture. Through thoses study and the jeju woman diver image untilizable tourist attractian plans, the conception named `Haenyeo=tourise attraction' can be established.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2018. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Chen, Zheng
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
1.연구의 배경 및 목적1
2.연구의 범위 및 방법2

Ⅱ.이론적 고찰4
1.제주해녀의 의의와 특수성4
(1) 개념4
(2) 연혁5
(3) 현황7
(1) 역사적 생활양식13
(2) 세계무형문화유산 등재19
(3) 변천과정 21
2.제주해녀 문화정책 연구동향 22
1) 제주해녀 문화정책22
2) 제주해녀 연구동향25
3.제주해녀 이미지 속성26
1) 제주해녀 이미지 속성26
2) 인지적 이미지32
3) 정서적 이미지62

Ⅲ.연구 설계70
1.연구 모형과 가설 설정 70
1) 연구모형 설계70
2) 연구가설 설정71
3) 조작적 정의 및 측정72
2.조사 설계75
1) 조사의 개요75
2) 설문지 구성75
3) 자료분석 방법78

Ⅳ.자료분석 및 검증결과79
1.표본의 특성79
1) 인구통계학적 특성79
2) 관광형태적 특성 80
2.측정항목의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 82
1) 인지적 이미지83
2) 정서적 이미지85
3) 관광자원 활용가치86
3.가설의 검증결과87
4.집단 간 차이분석 90

1.연구결과의 요약95
2.연구의 한계 및 제언97

제주대학교 일반대학원
진쟁. (2018). 제주해녀 이미지의 관광자원 활용가치 탐색 : 표본조사에 따른 집단차이 분석을 중심으로
Appears in Collections:
Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Tourism Development
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  • 공개 구분공개
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