전기자동차 충전기와 운영시스템 간의 공통 프로토콜 추출에 관한 연구
- Abstract
- Among the various devices connected to the smart grid, electric vehicles take a very large part as a countermeasure. Many countries around the world are strategically spurring research and development of electric vehicles and are investing heavily to penetrating chargers which are essential for penetration of electric
vehicles. Domestically, 25,108 electric vehicles and quick chargers of more than 1,000 units were penetrated until Dec. 2017. Communication and inlet/outlet connectors between cars and electric vehicle chargers are standardized in the current quick charging system while between quick chargers and upper operating systems are not. In this study the current status of electric vehicle charging infrastructure was examined, and common charging process and essential data were extracted by comparing and analyzing the protocols of the Ministry of Environment, Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) and GS Caltex. Consequently, a common
charging process and common essential data between quick chargers and upper operating systems were proposed through this paper. As quick charging infrastructure is being spread, charging service companies need to share essential data such as amount of contemporary and accumulated electricity with the power network operator. Since the power grid is an essential public infrastructure of the country, the charging data must be managed systematically and stored at the national level. The common charging process and the common essential data proposed through this study can be utilized in for charging service companies to construct new charging systems and in controlling nationally the charging data.
- Author(s)
- 이상하
- Issued Date
- 2018
- Awarded Date
- 2018. 8
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/common/orgView/000000008599
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lee, Sang Ha
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 산업대학원
- Department
- 산업대학원 전기공학과
- Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 국내 전기자동차 충전인프라 및 기술 현황 2
2.1 급속충전기 현황3
2.2 충전인프라 표준현황 및 충전기술 동향 4
2.3 전기자동차 충전기 종류 및 특성6
Ⅲ. 전기자동차 충전기와 운영시스템 간 프로토콜 10
3.1 환경부 프로토콜 분석10
3.1.1 일반사항 10
3.1.2 통신전문 구조 11
3.1.3 충전기 모드 및 상태정보 14
3.1.4 충전기 비정상 동작코드16
3.2 한전 프로토콜 분석 17
3.2.1 일반사항 17
3.2.2 통신방식 17
3.2.3 통신전문 구조 19
3.2.4 충전기 동작상태 및 동작오류 코드22
3.3 GS칼텍스 프로토콜 분석 25
3.3.1 적용범위 및 통신방식 25
3.3.2 통신전문 구조 25
3.3.3 메시지 타입 및 코드별 정보26
Ⅳ. 공통 충전 프로세스 및 데이터 추출 28
4.1. 공통 충전 프로세스 추출28
4.2. 필수 데이터 추출29
4.3. 공통 충전 프로세스 및 데이터 추출31
Ⅴ. 결 론 33
참 고 문 헌 34
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 산업대학원
- Citation
- 이상하. (2018). 전기자동차 충전기와 운영시스템 간의 공통 프로토콜 추출에 관한 연구
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