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조건부시장가치평가법(CVM)을 활용한 세계자연유산 가치평가 연구

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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province registered World Natural Heritage let the world
know the value of Jeju and receive recognition from the world by first designating
UNESCO biosphere reserve in 2002, registering World Natural Heritage in 2007, and
certifying global geopark in 2010.
As this shows, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province based on the three awards of
UNESCO showed continuous growth. Visitors to Jeju also go to Jeju to use various
resources. However there are not sufficient researches on economic value felt about this
tourism resources. Therefore this study push for world natural heritage which can be an
issue among tourism resources owned by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has high
utilization value as ecology tourism resource, and it is hope that this study would
contribute to coming up with policies for world natural heritage within Jeju Special
Self-Governing Province.
With UNESCO designating biosphere reserve, World Natural Heritage registration and
global geopark registration, compared with the registration there are more visitors to Jeju
and more visitors to the resources.
In the past natural resources were emphasized for the property․legal value and ownership and management was valued. However, recently the concept of natural heritage
includes this traditional value concept and public good resource concept which is
comprehensive social value including citizen's participation. Up until now many scholars
used CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) and conducted researches with great interest in
economic convenience measurement of environment resources and public good resources
such as natural resources. But there are insufficient researches on economic benefits of
natural heritages.
Therefore the recent international trend shows that transnational demand of
international tourists is growing year by year. When the international tourists choose tour
destination, heritage resources play as an important choice factor. Accordingly the
importance of heritage resources is recognized again and the need for new researches on
measures to turn natural resources into tourism resources.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure economic benefits of world natural
heritage by utilizing CVM used a lot in measuring economic benefits of public goods such as
natural resources. To that end, detailed research purpose was made like the following.
First, total economic benefits regarding world natural heritage are assumed by dividing
use value and non-use value.
Second, decision factors affecting use value and non-use value of world natural
heritage are found.
Third, average WTP calculated from dichotomous CVM and direct question CVM is
compared and analyzed, and reasonable value assumption model is suggested.
Fourth, through assumption about use value and non-use value of world natural
heritage policy implications regarding efficient preservation and management policy.
For achieving the purpose of this study, existing literature materials and positive
researches were conducted in parallel. As for literature materials, published books, theses
and related data were used to examine the economic value evaluation of the recent heritage
resources, and to evaluate the value of natural resources based on theoretical examination
and recent research trend regarding CVM evaluation method. In addition, positive research
divided use value and non-use value for measuring economic benefits of world natural
resources and conducted surveys on Jeju residents and tourists. For the surveys, each world natural heritage was visited, and the surveys were conducted
on those who directly experienced world natural heritage for four months from December
2017 to March 2018. Collected data went through frequency analysis and cross analysis
through SPSS 18.0 program, LIMDEP program, econometrics statistical program was used to
measure economic value of world natural heritage.
For value assumption, Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice CVM was applied. Indirect
utility function difference expressed in the responses of the surveys (   ) was
used in logit model based on Maximum Likelihood Function for assuming parameter value.
The entire use value of Hanra mountain, Seongsan Ilchulbong, Geomoonoreum, and lava
cave was measured at 44.5 billion (44,549,517,593) won, and non-use value was 12.5
billion (12,593,971,607) won, suggesting the total value of world natural heritage at 57.1
billion (57,143,489,200) won.
Based on the research results, for utilizing as sustainable tourism resources, average
WTP values reflecting payment will of visitors was used for realistic entrance fee, and
there is a need for efficient management policy of world natural heritage resources.
Second, since administrative authorities until now fail to property recognize the
importance of natural resources and prioritize artificial regional development, the
investment for sustainable development compared with tourism advanced countries. This
research's results found that the non-use value(preservation value) is 3.7 billion won of
Hanra mountain, 3.4 billion won of Seongsan Ilchubong, and 5.4 billion won of
Geomoonoreum, and lava cave per year. Now is the time for recognize the limitless value
as tourism resources and the educational value to utilize world natural resources as the
site for natural education through systematic management and preservation. In addition,
based on value assumption of natural heritage resources, various policy implications such
as budget allocation for preservation and management of natural heritage resources.
As for the limitation of this research and the future challenges, first, there is a
question whether world natural resources whose value is to be assumed would be
conveyed clearly to respondents like market goods traded in market mechanism. For
assuming use value this study addressed efficiency value earned through use of world
natural resources as well as environment and heritage value provided by world natural resources. For non-use value assumption, through restoration and management of world
natural resources, not only preservation of world natural heritage, but also improvement
of tourism environment was set as subject good and many efforts were made to convey
this clearly, but it is still unclear whether respondents accurately recognized the subject
goods and responded.
Therefore, research for recognition process is needed to convey to respondents more
clearly public goods such as natural heritage whose value is to be assumed. Based on
researches on recognition process, it is necessary to develop methodology to convey
clearly public goods and to push for modeling based on recognition process in the
payment will amount model, too.
Second, measurement data about visitors to world natural heritage is insufficient.
Therefore, the limitation is the failure to assume the use value of world natural resources
through the use of more accurate visitor statistics by improving measurement method
about visitors.
Third, world natural heritage has sufficient national value as it is a world heritage
designated by UNESCO. However, this research limit the non-use evaluation subjects to
Jeju residents. If the non-use evaluation subjects are expanded to include the entire
people in the future, the total economic value of world natural heritage would be higher
than the results of this research.
Fifth, as the fact that the value evaluation about the natural heritage in question was
limited to the survey year when surveys were conducted was not revealed, the evaluation
of survey respondents may be exaggerated for evaluation, and there is a need to state
the value and related period in the future research.
Lastly, there is a need for research to compare position and benefits about turning
world natural heritage into tourism resources depending on each class in consideration of
characteristics of social class and income class. In addition, this research assumed the
value on local people, but in the future, there is a need for researches on foreign tourists
to compare differences when local people and foreigners assume values.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2018. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Young Min
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구배경 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3
제3절 연구의 방법 및 범위 5
1. 연구의 방법 및 구성 5
2. 연구의 범위 5
제2장 이론적 고찰 24
제1절 자연자원의 경제적 가치 및 평가방법 24
1. 자연자원의 경제적 가치 개념 25
2. 자연자원의 가치평가 방법 29
제2절 조건부시장가치평가법(CVM) 37
1. 조건부시장가치평가법의 이론적 기초 37
2. 조건부시장가치평가법의 이론적 문제 39
3. 조건부시장가치평가법의 설문지 설계 45
제3절 조건부시장가치평가법(CVM) 연구 동향 48
1. 국내 연구 동향 48
2. 국외 연구 동향 51
제3장 조사설계 및 분석모형 53
제1절 조사설계 53
1. 설문대상 및 설문조사방법 53
2. 가치평가를 위한 시나리오 설계 54
제2절 연구의 체계 59
제3절 분석모형 61
1. 이중양분선택형 질문법에 의한 지불의사 금액 추정방법 61
2. 지불의사 금액 추정 62
제4장 조사 및 분석결과 66
제1절 응답자 특성 및 기초통계 분석 66
1. 인구통계학적 특성 66
2. 세계자연유산 관련 방문행태 71
3. 세계자연유산 관련 이용 만족도 76
4. 세계자연유산에 대한 인식 78
5. 응답자의 지불의사와 미지불의사 79
제2절 WTP 가치추정 결과 82
1. 제시가격대별 지불의사 82
2. 유산지구별 WTP모형설정과 가치추정 92
제3절 세계자연유산의 경제적 가치평가 결과 111
제5장 결론 113
제1절 연구의 요약 113
제2절 연구의 시사점 120
제3절 연구의 한계 및 과제 122
제주대학교 일반대학원
김영민. (2018). 조건부시장가치평가법(CVM)을 활용한 세계자연유산 가치평가 연구
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Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Tourism Development
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