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관광객의 심리적 거리와 목적지 PR 메시지가 관광태도에 미치는 영향 : 해석수준 이론을 중심으로

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The purpose of this study is to find out the problem of ineffective PR communication of the government that informs the destination of the tourism, and to draw the PR communication strategy that stimulates the visit demand substantially and to lay the foundation on the reasonable academic basis to support it. The construal level theory(CRT) focusing on the human cognitive process and behavior was examined and applied to the tourism phenomenon. The construal level theory(CRT) is a theory that reveals that there are differences in the level of construal of individual phenomena, even in the same phenomenon, which affects behavioral responses and choices. It is appropriate to support the fact that the PR PR messages of tourism destinations are applied differently according to the situation Theory. As the research that has applied the construal level theory(CRT) to the tourism field still remains in the early stage, it has been verified step by step according to logical development that the theory application is valid for the tourism phenomenon. As a research method, experimental design was carried out to clarify the effect of psychological distinction on construal level and persuasion effect according to message matching, and to select and analyze the causal relationship intensively. Experiments were carried out in order to rigorously control experimental variables such as participant recruitment and randomization of group distribution, experimental manipulation of independent variables and experimental situation. The distance and time distances from the operation of the independent variables are presented as 1 month and 6 months after the start date of the trip, respectively. The spatial distance is based on Korea, about 2 hours or less from the flight distance, Respectively. Experiments were conducted to confirm the possibility of the extension of the theory of tourism phenomena as a preliminary experiment, and the difference in the level of tourism construal according to the psychological distance and the overlapping psychological distance was verified. The level of tourism construal was divided into the upper construal level (natural attraction, socio - cultural attractiveness) and the lower construal level (infrastructure, travel cost, accessibility) based on the study of destination selection attributes. This experiment was conducted to elucidate the persuasive effect of the psychological distance and the construal level message after deriving the same result as the theoretical assumption through the preliminary experiment and establishing the basis of the theory expansion. As in the preliminary experiment, this experiment verified both the psychological distance in a single dimension and the overlapping psychological distance situation. The construal level messages presented in this experiment consisted of upper level construal messages describing the appealing elements of tourist attractions and lower level messages explaining the accompanying elements to experience tourism attractiveness. First, the level of interpreting the tourism phenomenon was different according to the distance between the temporal distance and the spatial distance. First, temporal distances were interpreted with a focus on higher construal levels (natural appeal, socio-cultural attractiveness) in distant situations, and closer temporal distances were more focused on lower construal levels (infrastructure, travel costs, accessibility) Respectively. Therefore, it is proved that the difference of tourism construal level according to time distance is consistent with the theory. In spatial distance, mean value was higher at higher construal level in distant situation, but in case of spatially close, statistically significant difference was found only in infrastructure factor among 3 outline of lower level. And the need for attention. Second, the construal of tourism phenomenon in the situation where the temporal distance and the spatial distance are overlapped is mostly consistent with the theory, but some exceptions are confirmed. The socio - cultural appeal, which is interpreted as a higher level, was expected to show the highest average when the duplicated psychological distances were far away, but the average of the disagreement situations nearest to the distant and spatially temporal was the highest. In addition, travel costs and accessibility factors, which are construals of the lower dimension, are close to temporal, and spatial inconsistencies are higher than psychological distances.
Third, based on the results of previous studies, it was found that the psychological distance of a single dimension and the persuasion effect by matching the construal level messages showed that lower - level messages increased the attitude of sight when distance and spatial distance were close to each other. They acted effectively on attitudes and supported the theories. Fourth, as a result of confirming the persuasion effect by matching the temporal distance and spatial distance with the construal level message, the matching of the overlapping psychological distance and the construal level message led to the highest response, while the overlapping psychological distance When the unmatched message was presented in the unified situation, the attitude of tourism was the lowest, which was consistent with the expected result from the theory.
The results of this study are as follows. First, it is shown that the application of construal level theory(CRT) to tourism phenomenon is valid through the research hypothesis test, and considering the effect of psychological distance on construal level, I found a basic clue. Based on this, we analyzed the contents of the PR to emphasize that the PR destination message should be applied differently according to the temporal and spatial distance. The purpose of the additional content analysis is to present problems and alternatives by comparing the compatibility of the construal level theory(CRT) with the PR activities of the tourism destination in the current central government. Data collection was conducted by 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics PR contents, which can be used to identify the time and space of the contents produced by the government 's major institutions and distributed on - line. As a result of analyzing the message difference according to the temporal distance, the upper construal level message was more in the near temporal distance than the theoretical direction of the lower distance construal level. On the contrary, at higher temporal distances, higher construal level messages appeared more consistent with temporal distance = higher construal level theory(CRT) direction. Second, as a result of analyzing the message difference according to the spatial distance, the upper construal level message was more in the near spatial distance, and thus, it was inversed with the theoretical direction of the near distance = lower construal level. On the contrary, in the case of distant spatial distance, the higher construal level message appears to be more, so that it is consistent with the theoretical direction of distant distance = higher construal level in time. Third, as a result of analyzing the message difference according to the overlapping psychological distance, it was revealed that there are many high - level messages in the close temporal and spatial contexts, which is opposite to the theoretical direction of the low distance construal level. On the other hand, it is found that there are many high-level messages in both the temporal and spatial contexts. As a result of the above analysis, it is possible to confirm the absence of the strategy of the government 's PR activities at the present time, and to confirm the necessity of introduction of the message strategy based on the theory.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2018. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Jo, Jeong In
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1

1. 연구의 배경 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 연구의 방법 및 범위 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 8

1. 해석수준 이론 8
1) 해석수준 이론의 발전 8
2) 해석수준과 심리적 거리 11
3) 심리적 거리와 해석수준의 매칭효과 13
4) 중복된 심리적 거리의 설득 효과 26

2. 해석수준 이론과 관광 31
1) 관광객의 심리적 거리 31
2) 관광 해석수준 37
3) 관광분야 해석수준 이론 적용 선행연구 46

3. 관광태도 52
1) 태도의 개념 52
2) 관광 태도 56

4. 관광목적지 PR 59
1) 공공기관의 PR 59
2) 관광목적지 PR 63
3) 관광목적지 PR 메시지와 해석수준 이론 67
Ⅲ 연구 설계 72

1. 연구 가설 설정 및 연구 모형 72

2. 실험 설계 80
1) 실험설계의 적용 80
2) 예비실험 Ⅰ 81
3) 예비실험 Ⅱ 82
4) 본 실험 Ⅰ 84
5) 본 실험 Ⅱ 85

3. 독립 변수의 조작적 정의와 실험 처치 87
1) 시간적 거리 88
2) 공간적 거리 88
3) 관광 해석수준 메시지 90

4. 종속 변수의 측정 91
1) 관광 해석수준 91
2) 관광 태도 91

5. 자료 분석 방법 93

6. 관광목적지 PR 메시지 내용분석 94
1) 내용분석방법 94
2) 분석 대상과 자료 수집 95
3) 관찰의 단위 및 측정 96
4) 분석 97
Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과 98

1. 참가자의 인구 통계학적 분석 98

2. 종속변인의 신뢰성, 타당성 분석 100
1) 관광 해석수준의 신뢰성 타당성 분석 100
2) 관광 태도 102

3. 실험 처치 조작점검 결과 103

4. 예비 실험 Ⅰ 106
1) 실험 참가자의 집단 동질성 검증 106
2) 가설 검증 108

5. 예비 실험 Ⅱ 111
1) 실험 참가자의 집단 동질성 검증 111
2) 가설 검증 112

6. 본 실험 Ⅰ 116
1) 실험 참가자의 집단 동질성 검증 116
2) 가설 검증 119

7. 본 실험 Ⅱ 123
1) 실험 참가자의 집단 동질성 검증 123
2) 가설 검증 125

8. 관광목적지 PR 메시지 내용 분석결과 129
1) 관광목적지 PR 메시지 내용분석 개요 129
2) 분석 대상과 자료 수집 130
3) 분석 유목의 선정 및 자료 코딩 131
4) 내용 분석결과 136
9. 분석결과 요약 140

Ⅴ. 결 론 144

1. 연구결과의 요약 144

2. 연구결과의 논의 146
1) 연구결과의 학술적 논의 146
2) 연구결과의 실무적 논의 149

3. 연구의 한계 및 제언 153


부록 165

Abstract 173
제주대학교 일반대학원
조정인. (2018). 관광객의 심리적 거리와 목적지 PR 메시지가 관광태도에 미치는 영향 : 해석수준 이론을 중심으로
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