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농촌관광마을의 주민참여와 관광사업 성과 간 매개요인 변화에 관한 연구 : 제주 농촌체험휴양마을 대상 구조방정식 모형의 적용을 중심으로

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The government has continuously implemented a policy for the revitalization of a rural tourism village community since about 15 years ago, but as communal problems keep occurring, there is a political limitation, this study has a critical mind on the basis that it is most important to strengthen the basis of 'recovery and revitalization of village community.' Along with this, this study started with the necessity to suggest the priority directions for the future for the efficient promotion of the policy for the revitalization of rural tourism in the village community, e.g. How social capital and local governance should operate and what to do to form them properly. The spatial scope of the study was set to the entire rural experience recreation villages on Jeju
Island to contribute to the generalization on Jeju Island. The temporal scope of the study was limited from the time before the development of the rural tourism villages till the present to compare their properties before and after their construction as rural tourism villages. Through literature research, this study drew the items about residents' participation, social capital, local governance and business performance and prepared the draft of questionnaires. Through a preliminary study, this study refined the items of the questionnaires in the draft and composed the items of the final questions for the main survey. Moreover, based on the ranking of the average score of the recognition of business performance in the preliminary study, this study selected eight villages as subjects for the main survey to consider Plan A that selects a total of eight villages, adding top
two villages and bottom two villages by the western and eastern groups on Jeju Island and Plan B that selects a total of eight villages adding four villages at the top first through fourth by the top and bottom groups and four villages the bottom first through fourth by. As a result of an examination of Plans A and B, the same eight villages were drawn as the target sites. Thus, this study subsequently conducted tests of the western and eastern groups and the top and bottom groups in the verification of the group difference through the main study. This study focused on the analysis and verification of the following. First, this study analyzed the
mediating effects of social capital and local governance in the relationship between the residents' participation and business performance with the entire samples. Second, to compare the differences in
the mediating effects of social capital and local governance in the residents' participation and business
performance between the groups (The western and eastern groups and the top and bottom groups).
Third, to verify the difference in the relationships of the influences among the residents' participation,
social capital, local governance and business performance by the groups, the moderating effects were
analyzed. Fourth, this study analyzed the pattern of changes by comparing the significance of the path
and mediating effect of the present entire samples and groups before the development of rural tourism
village and after the construction. By setting each research model before the development of a rural tourism village and after the development of the rural tourism village as a research model (before the construction) and a research model (present), theoretical models for hypothesis testing were proposed. In addition, to verify the research hypotheses, SPSS 18 and AMOS 18 statistical package were used. Through an exploratory factor analysis, this study checked the factor structure by variables and conducted a reliability analysis, using Cronbach's value to ensure the reliability of the items. Also, for the assessment of convergent validity among the measuring items, statistical validation of discriminant validity and the assessment of the fitness of the measurement models, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. Based on the verified measurement models, this study conducted a structural equation model analysis to analyze the relationships of mediation and influence among the potential variables. Next, to check the mediating and moderating effects of the western and eastern groups and the top and bottom groups on Jeju Island, this study conducted a multiple group analysis. As a result of a comprehensive analysis through the hypothesis testing of this study, the following implications could be drawn. It turned out that, through collaborative participation, the endogenous development of rural tourism village was possible, and that at the level of consultative participation lower than collaborative participation, social capital and local governance played a mediating role and might have a positive impact on the increase of business performance. Also, it turned out that, for the increase of the economic performance, the enhancement of local governance would be very helpful; for the increase of the non-economic performance, the enhancement of bridging social capital would be helpful; and bonding social capital could have a synergy effect with local governance for the increase of the
economic performance. Therefore, it is important for administrative institutions to set up a plan related
to the rural tourism project in rural tourism village or approach that, considering the level of the residents' participation in implementing the project and pay careful attention to the focus according to the business priority of economic or non-economic aspect by each project site. Furthermore, it was noted that prior to the development of the rural tourism village, the collaborative participation of the western group on Jeju Island was located in a level a little higher than that of the eastern group, but in the present, after the development of rural tourism village, the western group maintained the level similar to that before the construction while the eastern group gradually entered into a higher level. It is judged that this is the pattern of a positive change in the eastern group as the rural tourism village project was promoted in earnest after they were constructed as a rural tourism village. In addition, it was noted that in the top group on Jeju Island, local governance rather
decreased through collaborative participation. This shows that while in the top group, collaborative
participation is made actively now, the reliability of administrative institutions and expert groups rather
decreased. Therefore, for a high level of authentic collaborative participation, it is judged that it is most important for administrative institutions and expert groups to build the residents' trust with a companion, horizontal and sincere attitude. It was noted that in the western group of Jeju Island, a mediating effect was gradually operating, concerning the economic performance, in particular; in the eastern group, it was gradually operating, concerning the non-economic performance; and in the eastern group, the bonding social capital, which had not played a mediating role in either the western or the eastern group, began to operate. In
addition, it was noted that in the top group, a mediating effect was gradually operating, concerning the
economic performance while in the bottom group, only the mediating effect of bridging social capital
was gradually operating, concerning the non-economic performance. This result reveals that the mediating effect was operating differently in the western and eastern groups or the top and bottom group, and it is judged that it would be helpful if administrative institutions implement a project for the policy for the development of rural area like a rural tourism village project, referring to the characteristics of each group when they would promote that. Social capital, which is the ethical basis for the development of politics and economy cannot be formed in a short time. It is necessary to institutionalize a system in which people can receive a systematic and repetitive advanced education since young so that they can feel at home with a habit
of respecting social norms such as law and order, and fairness as well as an oral promise in the long-term. Ultimately, this is concluded as the problem of education, and it is necessary to make an effort by all levels of society as well as in the education sector. This study emphasized an authentic attitude, not authoritative of administrative institutions, like a local government, concerning local governance, but what is the most important and essential is to create an atmosphere in which good conversation and communication are made with administrative institutions and expert groups and real cooperation is made as the capability of residents including rural leaders are advanced. It is necessary to be able to make a residents-led development equipped
with capability, instead of unconditional residents-led development.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2018. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Ki Ho
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 1
제2절 연구의 목적 9
제3절 연구의 범위 및 방법11
1. 연구의 범위11
2. 연구의 방법13
제2장 이론적 배경 15
제1절 농촌관광 15
1. 농촌관광의 개념 및 등장배경15
2. 농촌관광의 특징20
3. 농촌관광의 유형 및 주요활동27
4. 농촌관광의 발전단계 29
5. 농촌관광의 사업성과 33
제2절 주민참여 37
1. 주민참여의 개념37
2. 주민참여의 유형40
3. 주민참여의 단계44
4. 주민참여의 방향51
제3절 사회자본 53
1. 사회자본의 개념54
2. 사회자본의 유형 및 구성요소62
3. 사회자본의 특징 및 기능 70
4. 제주지역의 사회자본 73
제4절 로컬거버넌스 77
1. 로컬거버넌스의 개념 및 등장배경 77
2. 로컬거버넌스의 유형 82
3. 로컬거버넌스의 특징 85
제5절 선행연구 검토89
1. 주민참여와 사회자본 간의 관계 89
2. 주민참여와 로컬거버넌스 간의 관계93
3. 주민참여와 사업성과 간의 관계 95
4. 사회자본과 로컬거버넌스 간의 관계96
5. 사회자본과 사업성과 간의 관계 100
6. 로컬거버넌스와 사업성과 간의 관계103
제3장 연구의 설계 106
제1절 연구모형 설계 및 가설 설정 106
1. 연구모형의 설계106
2. 연구가설의 설정108
3. 변수의 조작적 정의 109
제2절 조사설계 및 분석 115
1. 연구대상지 선정 범위115
2. 예비 조사115
3. 조사 설문지 구성133
4. 자료수집 및 분석방법 136
제3절 연구대상지139
1. 연구대상지 선정139
2. 조사 대상지 개요140
제4장 실증분석 및 연구의 함의 159
제1절 표본의 인구통계학적 특성159
제2절 자료검증 및 분석결과(농촌관광마을 조성 전) 165
1. 탐색적 요인분석 및 신뢰도 검증165
2. 확인적 요인분석 및 타당성 검증172
3. 연구모형(조성 전)의 적합도 검증178
4. 사회자본과 로컬거버넌스의 매개효과 검증181
5. 집단 간 매개효과 차이 검증184
6. 잠재변수 간의 영향관계 검증190
7. 집단 간 영향관계 차이 검증191
8. 집단 간 인식차이 검증198
9. 연구의 결과 및 함의200
제3절 자료검증 및 분석결과(농촌관광마을 조성 후 현재) 204
1. 탐색적 요인분석 및 신뢰도 검증204
2. 확인적 요인분석 및 타당성 검증211
3. 연구모형(현재)의 적합도 검증217
4. 사회자본과 로컬거버넌스의 매개효과 검증220
5. 집단 간 매개효과 차이 검증223
6. 잠재변수 간의 영향관계 검증229
7. 집단별 영향관계 차이 검증231
8. 집단 간 인식차이 검증237
9. 연구의 결과 및 함의239
제4절 농촌관광마을 조성 전과 조성 후 현재의 변화양상 분석 및 함의243
제5장 결론 및 제언 255
제1절 연구의 요약 255
제2절 연구의 시사점 266
1. 학술적 관점266
2. 실무적 관점267
제3절 연구의 한계 및 향후 제언271
1. 연구의 한계271
2. 향후 제언272
참고문헌 276
[부 록] 303
Ⅰ. 우리나라의 농촌관광정책 304
Ⅱ. 인터뷰 조사 내용317
Ⅲ. 예비 조사 설문지 333
Ⅳ. 본 조사 설문지 338
제주대학교 일반대학원
강기호. (2018). 농촌관광마을의 주민참여와 관광사업 성과 간 매개요인 변화에 관한 연구 : 제주 농촌체험휴양마을 대상 구조방정식 모형의 적용을 중심으로
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Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Tourism Development
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