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당뇨병환자의 당화혈색소 관리수준에 따른 식행동 및 영양섭취 실태분석:2016년 국민건강영양 조사자료

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Diabetes prevalence has been increasing continuously in Korea. Still, there is a lack of concern and social benefits so that the management of diabetes is not effective in Korea. To manage diabetes, diet therapy, exercise therapy, and medication should be combined. Especially the diet and exercise are crucial for reducing the risk of diabetes, and are good for glucose control. This study is aimed at analyzing the data which provides the fundamental information of eating behavior and nutrient intake for glucose control of diabetic patients by finding affective factors in dietary behavior and nutrient intake on HbA1C of diabetic patients.
The analysis of frequency and the χ²-test were carried out by 449 diabetics who were respondents of 24 hour recalls except for 158 whose 24 hour recalls data had been omitted among 607 diabetics, who were aged over 30 based on the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016. The result shows that the uncontrolled group goes on diets more than the control group. As the risk of complications grows due to the high blood sugar level, the uncontrolled group seems to be more active in the diet therapy and other treatments for diabetes. According to the result of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, those who aged over 70 account for 43.0% of diabetics and those who only graduated from elementary school and uneducated account for 47.2%. It proved to be difficult for the patients to practice healthy diet and other good things for glucose control. In the case of a diabetic patient, the necessary intake of nutrients can vary so that it is difficult to capture the actual eating behavior and habit exactly. This is because 24 hour recall only gets one day eating quantity as of the surveying date. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted to various people nation-wide is a survey that can reveal the diabetes related factors and has the goal to give a good guide to diabetic patients. Still there are some problems to find the exact related factors. It would be better if the number of dietary intake survey days was increased or the usual intake quantity could be estimated. Still more research is needed for raising the reliability of evaluation and criteria of the items on the survey. Furthermore, if a study of disease patients or different aged groups is carried out, it can reveal various causes which affects the level of HbA1c so that it can help to control diabetes.
Issued Date
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2018. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, JI Hee
제주대학교 보건대학원
보건복지대학원 보건학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론
1. 연구 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 3

Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 내용 5
2. 연구 자료 및 대상 6
3. 변수 정의 8
4. 자료 분석 11

Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 당뇨병 환자의 일반적 특성 12
2. 당뇨병 환자와 30세 이상 성인의 식행동 비교 14
3. 24시간 회상법에 응답한 당뇨병 환자의 식행동 및 영양섭취 특성 23
4. 24시간 회상법에 응답한 당뇨병 환자의 일반적 특성, 질환관련 특성 및 건강생활 요인 특성 33

Ⅳ. 고찰
1. 연구 결과 요약 39
2. 연구 자료 고찰 40
3. 연구 방법 고찰 41
4. 연구 결과 고찰 42
5. 연구 제한점 및 추후과제 44

참고문헌 47
Abstract 52
제주대학교 보건대학원
김지희. (2018). 당뇨병환자의 당화혈색소 관리수준에 따른 식행동 및 영양섭취 실태분석:2016년 국민건강영양 조사자료
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Graduate School of Public Health and Welfare > Public Health
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