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ADCP를 활용한 제주도 자연하천의 평균유속분포 추정과 유량산정

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ADCP flow measurement data were collected between July 2011 and June 2015 from perennial streams in Jeju Island including Jungmun-stream, Gangjeong-stream, Akgeun-stream and Yeonoe-stream. Parameters that take part in Chiu's 2-dimensional velocity distribution were predicted and verified. In addition, flow was calculated and analyzed using the velocity distribution equation and conventional depth-averaged conversion factor (0.85) and the surface velocity based on ADCP measurement and mean velocity regression coefficient. The results are as follows. Based on the analysis of sectional mean velocity distribution by ADCP and
computation of parameters for Chiu's 2-dimensional velocity distribution equation, the entropy coefficient (M) was 3.1136 for Jungmun-stream, 3.3459 for Gangjeong-stream, 2.7413 for Akgeun-stream and 3.597 for Yeonoe-stream. The iso-velocity curve parameter ( _urf ) was 0.4620 for Jungmun-stream, 0.4375 for
Gangjeong-stream, 0.4124 for Akgeun-stream and 0.4200 for Yeonoe-stream. Flow sensitivity of the entropy coefficient (M) was evaluated within the input range of 1∼2 in the range of 1∼10 for all streams, and flow change rate was about 19%. Flow sensitivity of the iso-velocity curve parameter was
evaluated within the input range of 0.1∼0.2 in the range of 0.1∼1.0, and flow change rate was about 47%.
Maximum velocity (u_max) and mean velocity (u) of each stream based on ADCP measurement data, the entropy coefficient (M) and the iso-velocity curve parameter were applied to Chiu's 2-dimensional velocity distribution equation. The value between surface velocity (u_surf) calculated using the velocity distribution equation and surface velocity of ADCP was 0.9267 for Jungmun-stream, 0.9242 for Gangjeong-stream, 0.8677 for Akgeun-stream and 0.8988 for Yeonoe-stream, showing extremely high correlation. The mean error rate of flow based on ADCP velocity data was 16.01% with flow calculated using the conventional depth-averaged velocity conversion factor (0.85), 6.02% with flow calculated using the surface velocity and mean velocity regression factor, and 4.58% with flow calculated using Chiu's 2-dimensional velocity distribution equation. If surface velocity by a non-contact velocity meter is calculated as mean velocity, the error rate can be increased for large streams in the inland areas of Koera. Therefore, flow can be calculated more precisely by utilizing the velocity distribution equation that accounts for stream flow characteristics and velocity distribution instead of the conventional depth-averaged conversion factor (0.85).
A future study is required to examine the process of predicting parameters related to turbulent flow characteristics of flood and calculate flood volume in natural streams, and an additional study needs to quantify parameters related to flow characteristics and velocity distribution of independent streams.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2018. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Se Chang
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 토목해양공학과
Table Of Contents
目 次 i
Summary ⅹ
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구 배경 및 목적 1
1.1 연구 배경 1
1.2 연구 목적 3
2. 연구 동향 3
2.1 국외 연구동향 4
2.2 국내 연구동향 6
3. 연구 방법 및 범위 8
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 10
1. 자연하천의 유량조사 방법 10
1.1 유량관측 10
1.2 유량관측 방법 10
2. Chiu-2차원 유속분포식의 매개변수 추정방법 12
2.1 표면유속에 의한 평균유속 유도 13
2.2 엔트로피 최대화 원리에 기초한 유속분포식 14
2.3 엔트로피 매개변수 유도 14
3. 표면영상유속계(SIV)를 이용한 표면유속 측정과 유량산정 15
3.1 하천흐름의 영상획득 15
3.2 영상좌표계 변환과정 16
3.3 유속벡터에 의한 표면유속 16
Ⅲ. 연구대상 유역 및 하천현장 실측자료 18
1. 연구대상 유역 18
1.1 유역 형상 및 지형 특성19
1.2 유역 표고 및 경사 분석21
2. ADCP 현장 실측자료 구축 28
3. 표면영상유속계(SIV) 관측자료 구축 34
Ⅳ. 자연하천의 평균유속분포 추정 결과 및 고찰 36
1. ADCP 실측자료를 이용한 평균유속분포 추정 36
1.1 하천 유속분포 추정을 위한 ADCP 실측자료의 이상치 보정36
1.2 연구대상 하천의 평균유속분포 특성 및 해석 38
1.2.1 중문천의 평균유속분포 분석38
1.2.2 강정천의 평균유속분포 분석46
1.2.3 악근천의 평균유속분포 분석54
1.2.4 연외천의 평균유속분포 분석61
2. 하천 유속분포식의 매개변수 산정 및 검정 69
2.1 Chiu-2차원 유속 분포식의 매개변수 추정방법69
2.2 연구대상 하천의 유속분포식 매개변수 산정 72
2.2.1 하천별 유속분포식 매개변수 산정72
2.2.2 유속분포식 매개변수의 민감도 분석100
2.2.3 실측자료의 비교ㆍ분석에 의한 매개변수의 적정성 검토106
3. 제주 자연하천의 평균유속분포식에 의한 하천유량 산정 및 검증123
3.1 유속분포식과 수심평균유속환산계수(0.85)에 의한 산정유량 비교ㆍ분석123
3.2 표면유속-평균유속 회귀계수에 의한 산정유량 비교ㆍ분석133
3.3 자연하천의 현장유량 검증153
Ⅴ. 결 론156
제주대학교 일반대학원
양세창. (2018). ADCP를 활용한 제주도 자연하천의 평균유속분포 추정과 유량산정
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