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하이데거의 니체해석에 관한 연구

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A Study on Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzsche : With Focus on Nihilism and Subjectivity
The purpose of this thesis is to study Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzsche, especially on nihilism and subjectivity. Heidegger interprets the problem of nihilism as a matter of value in Nietzsche philosophy, and thinks that the issue of value comes from the will to power. The characteristics of Heidegger's interpretation is that the problem of nihilism is discussed in relation to subjectivity. Heidegger analyzes the concept of value after confirming that Nietzsche understands Nihilism as a historical movement, that is, the collapse process of
the highest value. Heidegger interprets Nietzsche's core idea, which is inherent in the notion of value, as 'the will to power', and interprets the will to power as 'being'. However, Heidegger thinks that the will to power as the being of beings is pushing the 'I think' which Descartes has laid on the foundation, to the extreme of Western traditional metaphysics. In this sense, Heidegger defines Nietzsche's thought as 'the metaphysics of the subjectivity of the will to power'. However, the interpretation of Heidegger is different from Nietzsche's intention. Nietzsche, through criticism of Descartes, has expressed a negative attitude about the subject. He criticizes Descartes' cogito proposition and says that the concept of Ego is illusion. As a result, Nietzsche presents the body concept as an alternative to overcome the subject concept. However, Heidegger thinks that
Nietzsche misunderstands the cogito proposition. Heidegger interprets the cogito proposition as a fundamental proposition or principle, not reasoning like what Nietzsche interpreted. He thinks that Nietzsche misunderstands the cogito proposition because he accepted the achievements of modern philosophy beyond
all doubt. In Heidegger's view, Nietzsche's body is nothing but a different name for the subject. Heidegger's interpretation is that the metaphysics of the will to power of Nietzsche is within the realm of modern philosophy as metaphysics of subjectivity. Thus, Heidegger estimates that Nietzsche can not overcome
nihilism. Heidegger diagnoses that traditional metaphysics is in the history of the oblivion of being because he thinks this is the essential state of nihilism. In Heidegger's view, the overcoming of Nihilism is possible when we think of being. Especially, he thinks that we can overcome nihilism when we experiences being itself through experience of Nothing[Nichts]. Therefore, Heidegger discusses the issue of Nothing through the question of 'what is metaphysics'. Through these discussions, we will be able to understand Nietzsche and
Heidegger in greater depth.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2019. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Tae Hyun
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 철학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말 1
Ⅱ. 니힐리즘과 힘에의 의지 6
1. 니힐리즘의 역사성 6
(1) 니힐리즘과 신의 죽음 6
(2) 니힐리즘의 유형 9
a. 니힐리즘과 염세주의 9
b. 불완전한 니힐리즘 10
c. 완전한 니힐리즘 11
2. 가치정립으로서 니힐리즘 14
(1) 가치의 개념 14
(2) 가치정립과 힘에의 의지18
3. 힘에의 의지의 형이상학적 해석 21
(1) 힘에의 의지의 본질 21
a. 의지와 힘 21
b. 진리와 예술 24
(2) 힘에의 의지와 주체성 27
a. 확실성과 정의27
b. 의인관으로서 니체철학30
Ⅲ. 니체와 하이데거의 주체성에 관한 해석 36
1. 니체의 몸주체 36
(1) 데카르트 비판 36
(2) 몸(Leib)―자기(das Selbst) 41
2. 하이데거의 데카르트 비판 46
(1) 세계해석의 문제 46
(2) 코기토-숨(cogito-sum)의 해석 51
a. 코기타레(cogitare)의 의미 51
b. 에르고(ergo) 55
c. 코기토 숨(cogito sum) 56
Ⅳ. 하이데거의 니체비판과 니힐리즘 극복 59
1. 하이데거의 니체비판 59
(1) 니체철학의 근대적 성격 59
a. 코기토 해석의 문제 59
b. 존재와 진리의 해석 61
c. 주체해석과 방법상의 동일성 64
(2) 데카르트와 니체의 연계성 66
2. 전통 형이상학의 끝(Ende)에 있는 니체철학 69
3. 니힐리즘 극복으로서의 존재사유 77
(1) 존재와 '무'(Nichts) 77
(2) 존재에 대한 회상―사유 82
Ⅴ. 나가는 말 87
Abstract 98
제주대학교 대학원
김태현. (2019). 하이데거의 니체해석에 관한 연구
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > Philosophy
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  • 공개 구분공개
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