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제주 스마트 안전도시 조성을 위한 선택요인 분석

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An Analysis of the Choice Factors for the Construction of Jeju Smart Safety Cities
Recently, cities around the world have been competitively introducing smart city services using advanced information and communication technologies to improve the competitiveness of cities and improve the quality of citizens' life. As society become advanced, the causes of disasters are also become a sudden tendency to vary and unpredictable. Recent frequent and increasingly diverse natural disasters have caused the collapse of urban infrastructure and loss of people and property. In addition, the increase in safety accidents and social crimes threatens the physical, economic and psychological safety of urbanites. However, Korea is still lacking in safety awareness, in addition to its safety-related infrastructure and systems also remain at a lower level than advanced cities in other countries. In urban life, safety is a major concern for both the public and private sectors and a common willingness to solve it is a common cause. Therefore, an efficient and smart traffic safety city can be built if all members of the nation, who will be active in the development of cities so far and in the future, move toward sharing information and solving urban problems through a common analysis of safety. As a safety city, smart city should be safe from a variety of risk factors and measures should be taken to address citizen anxiety. If citizens are threatened with safety, they should respond so that they can minimize social chaos and become a city with strong resilience to minimize damage in case of disaster and quickly return to their daily lives. The definition of smart city is very extensive, but in an administrative sense, researchers define it as "a city that can solve various urban problems and improve the quality of life through job creation by combining new technologies such as ICT and Big Data into city." Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose elements and principles that should be considered in order to overcome existing U-City limitations and create smart transport safety cities for Jeju Special Self-governing Province. This research is designed to examine the need and direction of smart city planning, the direction of policies for promoting human resources development programs and developing Jeju smart safety cities through experts through institutional measures such as laws and regulations. Therefore, the direction of the basic strategy for building smart safety cities is to ensure sustainable and safe living without traffic accidents. The reason why the traffic safety sector among various sectors of smart city chose traffic safety is that the traffic safety sector is relatively large in terms of quality of human life, and that the traffic sector is accumulating as smart city policies are implemented through U-C. The Jeju Special Self-governing Province needs to create a smart transportation safety city with the aim of improving the quality of life of local residents and providing comfortable and safe spaces for tourists. For example, building a smart city would be justifiable to solve such problems as typhoons, storms, snow-induced isolation, and waste disposal. Through this research, the basic human desire for safety will improve the quality of human life in the future and understand what factors should be in place for sustainable Jeju smart transportation safety city. Therefore, it provides basic data on the direction of sustainable smart transportation safety city transport infrastructure policy by providing direction for basic strategies for building smart transportation safety city in Jeju to ensure safety of residents and cities from accidents. Providing smart information anytime, anywhere is an important role. First, the information-use sector needs to look for ways to make the first use of the information services, prevention and prevention, transportation, energy and environment, healthcare, welfare, etc. Second, advanced information processing infrastructure systems should be established. Intelligent facilities should be provided and systems should be established for urban integration operations and management. Third, it should have urban infrastructure for collecting information. Especially, Ubiquitous city technology is important. As a result, it is necessary to take the basic steps to use information, process information, and gather information to create smart city. In particular, the initial stage of smart city promotion requires active participation by the private sector through large financial investments and incentives. The intentions of smart city can be set up in two main ways. First, the infrastructure management department should be set up to carry out the project of the infrastructure building resources, and secondly, the information-related department should be able to do the business of meeting the demand and gathering information. For smart city to succeed, there need to ease regulations to create a flexible environment for start-ups and expansion. If there is a lack of understanding of urban policies and consideration of citizens could lead to a one-time attempt to introduce and end new technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to institutionalize the system so that it can serve as part of urban policy. And when the system is established, citizens should be allowed to participate. Because big data analysis is highly influenced by the nature of data, developing a roadmap suitable for Jeju Island is essential for analysis to be focused on data specific to Jeju Island. In other words, it is important to have Big Data professionals analyze, predict and improve the vast amounts of data produced by smart cities. The key value for implementing safety city is to put the lives of citizens first, and it is important to reduce the safety accidents that can occur in the lives of citizens. To this end, effective policies should be implemented. First, we need to build a smart city that is customized for the region. Second, for sustainable smart city building to solve regional problems, it is necessary to select a local customized Living Lab model and establish an ecosystem model in which local residents take initiative. It is necessary to select Living Lab according to the characteristics of cities in smart urban areas such as energy, environment, transportation, architecture, and agriculture to build a public-private cooperative model for local residents to participate in the initiative. Third, public-private cooperation projects should be implemented to promote smart city projects through communication and rational decision making. Fourth, smart city promotion strategies of existing cities that can create growth synergies for new cities and existing cities should be established along with differentiated new city models. Fifth, we need to set up a control tower system to promote smart city. This research is expected to be used as a basis for the formation of Jeju smart safety city as a driving force to revitalize the Jeju safety community.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2019. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Ko, Ki Bong
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 행정학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
1. 연구 배경 1
2. 연구 목적 5
제2절 연구 범위 및 방법 7
1. 연구 범위 7
2. 연구 방법 9
제2장 스마트 안전도시 개념 및 이론적 논의 13
제1절 스마트 도시 개념 및 유사 개념 분석 13
1. 스마트 도시 개념 정립 13
2. 스마트 도시 제도 및 정책 26
3. 스마트 도시 유사 개념 31
4. 스마트 도시 특징 35
제2절 안전 및 교통안전의 개념 45
1. 안전의 정의 45
2. 교통 안전지수의 내용 62
3. 교통안전의 개요 70
4. 스마트 시티 교통의 내용 85
5. 교통 회복력의 내용 92
제3장 제주 스마트 안전도시 관련 선행연구 및
국내외 스마트 안전도시 사례 분석 97
제1절 제주 스마트 안전도시 관련 선행연구 97
1. 스마트 시티 추진 정책 및 제도에 관한 선행연구 97
2. 지능화 시설에 관한 선행연구 102
3. 스마트 시티 서비스에 관한 선행연구 108
4. 스마트 그린시티(환경에너지)에 관한 선행연구 114
5. 안전 도시에 관한 선행연구 118
6. 함의: 본 연구와 선행연구와의 차별성 127
제2절 국내외 스마트 안전도시 사례 128
1. 유럽의 스마트 안전도시 사례 130
2. 중국의 스마트 안전도시 사례 142
3. 일본의 .스마트 안전도시 사례 145
4. 국내 스마트 안전도시 사례 147
5. 스마트 안전도시 조성을 위한 제주도 사례 155
6. 함의: 미래 제주 스마트 안전도시의 발전 방향 176
제4장 제주 스마트 안전도시 연구 설계 및 중요도 분석 도출 179
제1절 연구 설계 및 분석의 틀 179
제2절 자료수집 및 분석 181
1. 평가요인 및 요소 181
2. 최종요인 설정 및 분석방법 193
3. 설문지 구성 및 신뢰성 198
제3절 제주 스마트 안전도시 조성을 위한 중요도 평가 200
1. 일반적 특성 200
2. 제주 스마트 안전도시 영역 및 세부항목의 중요도 분석 202
3. 소결 및 함의: 평가지표에 따른 제주 스마트 안전도시 조성 요인 221
제5장 제주 스마트 안전도시 조성 방향 및 정책 제언 225
제1절 AHP 분석에 따른 안전도시 방향 제언 225
1. 도시정책제도 측면에서 안전도시 방향 225
2. 도시교통안전 측면에서 안전도시 방향 228
3. 도시환경복지 측면에서 안전도시 방향 229
제2절 AHP 조사 결과에 따른 정책 제언 231
1. 도시정책.제도 측면 233
2. 도시교통안전 측면 237
3. 도시환경복지 측면 242
4. 기타: 제주형 스마트 도시 조성 측면 244
제3절 제주 스마트 안전도시 조성을 위한 정책 제언 247
제6장 결론 252
제1절 연구의 요약 및 결론 252
제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 과제 257
참고문헌 259
부 록 1 교통안전 제주 스마트 도시 구축을 위한 전문가 의견 조사 설문지 274
부 록 2 교통안전 스마트 도시 조성을 위한 전문가 조사 284
감사의 글 296
제주대학교 대학원
고기봉. (2019). 제주 스마트 안전도시 조성을 위한 선택요인 분석
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