제주대학교 Repository

험프리의 학창시절

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School Days according to Humphrey
Humphrey is a wise and friendly pet who loves writing poems. He lives in classroom 26 with Og, the frog. He loves his teacher and classmates and sympathizes with them. However, he is concerned about the bothersome things occurring in the classroom and so began to look into it. The new semester begins. Humphrey waited for his old friends but only new students showed up in the classroom. He is bewildered. So, he goes around the school at nights to search where his old friends are and while doing so he encountered a small trouble from accidently getting caught in the door. The class with the new students was problematic. The new students unlike the old ones were quite the trouble makers. Rosie in a wheelchair never bothers anyone for help while Holly loves to offer help to anyone who needs it. On the other hand, the new students like Harry is always late. Phoebe often forgets her homework. Thomas over-exaggerates everything and there's the confusing tall Paul and small Paul. Humphrey helps Mrs. Brisbane to settle the problem in his own little ways, such as replacing the teacher's role card and setting Harry's family clock ten minutes ahead of time. As time goes by, the class turned into the best one in their school. The author Birney achieved her purpose of leaving a good moral lesson and encouraging readers' imagination. She teaches the readers the importance of harmony and working together as a team. This book deserves to be highly valued in how it showcased actual daily happenings in a school using animals to spark reader's interest.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2019. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Seung Pyo
제주대학교 통역대학원
통역번역대학원 한영과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. Abstract 1
Ⅱ. 작가 소개 2
Ⅲ. 헌 정 사 3
Ⅳ. 본 문 4
1. 최악의 첫날이 시작되다 4
2. 최악의 첫날이 점점 악화되다 11
3. 규칙들 22
4. 학교의 밤 32
5. 다정한 얼굴 40
6. 흔들기, 꿈틀거리기, 그리고 돌기 47
7. 방문객과 방문 56
8. 세상에서 최악의 학급 62
9. 최악의 학급은 호전되지 않는다 70
10. 아주 최악의 하루 79
11. 브리즈번의 친구들 86
12. 똑딱 똑딱 96
13. 브리즈번 대 베커 106
14. 협력하기 114
15. 세상에서 가장 우수한 학급 121
Ⅴ. 참 고 문 헌 127
제주대학교 통역대학원
강승표. (2019). 험프리의 학창시절
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Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation > Korean-English
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