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블록체인기반 의료정보시스템 유형의 우선순위 분석

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Priority analysis of types of block chain-based medical information systems
Key words of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era are Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain and so on. The key point of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to achieve technical innovation through use of digital information. At this time, as a way to secure the characteristics of digital information, the block chain technology has been discussed and is attracting attention. As the world enters modern times, the use of information system by medical institutions is increasing. Especially recently, as access to personal medical information gets easier due to the development of Information Technology such as U-health and Smart Health, the infringement risk of personal medical information is on the rise. In order to solve this problem and strengthen the medical information system, the research to introduce block chain technology into medical information system has been conducted. This study involved experts in the large general hospitals. To introduce block chain technology into medical information system, 5 characteristics of block chain (security, availability, reliability, diversity and economic feasibility) have been set up as the variables of this research and the model of this research has been designed theoretically based on AHP analysis method to analyze priority of 4 block chain types (disclosure & no approval, confidentiality & no approval, disclosure & approval, confidentiality & approval.) The study reaches the conclusions that the most important characteristic among the five characteristics of the block chain is Security and when the block-chain technology is introduced into the medical information system. "Confidential and Approval" type was ranked as the first. In addition, this study suggests the direction in order for block-chain to be applied and be spread in the medical field and what the most appropriate study model based on the results of empirical analysis would be and further suggests implications from a practical and academic viewpoint.
Issued Date
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2019. 8
제주대학교 경영대학원
경영대학원 경영정보학과
Table Of Contents
1 장. 서 론 1
1.1 연구배경 1
1.2 연구 필요성 및 목적 3
1.3 연구의 범위 및 방법 4
2 장. 이론적 배경 6
2.1 의료정보 개요
2.1.1 의료정보 정의 6
2.1.2 개인 의료정보 6
2.1.3 의료정보시스템 7
2.2 블록체인 2.2.1 블록체인 개념 8
2.2.2 블록체인 유형 10
2.2.3 블록체인 특성 13
2.3 AHP 분석 15
2.3.1 AHP 분석 개념 15
2.3.2 AHP 분석 적용 절차 16
2.4 선행연구 사례 21
3 장. 연구모형 26
3.1 연구모형 26
3.2 연구변수의 조작적 정의 27
4 장. 결과 분석 29
4.1 데이터 수집 및 분석의 신뢰도 29
4.1.1 데이터 수집 29
4.1.2 분석의 신뢰도 30
4.2 데이터 AHP분석 결과 및 토의 30
5 장. 결 론 34
5.1 연구결과 요약 34
5.2 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구 방향 35
참고 문헌 37
부록 : 설 문 지 40
제주대학교 경영대학원
鄭亞軍. (2019). 블록체인기반 의료정보시스템 유형의 우선순위 분석
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Management Information Systems
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