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제주 도심하천의 강우분석 및 홍수량 산정방법 연구

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A Study on Rainfall Analysis and Estimation Method of Flood Discharge in Jeju Urban Streams
A water control project are established to prevent flood damages from typhoons and localized heavy rain. When establishing water control projects, flood volume plays an important role in determining size of the hydraulic structure. Flood volume is calculated according to the Guideline for Calculating Design Flood Volume (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2012). However, the Guideline for Calculating Design Flood Volume fails to properly reflect hydrologic characteristics of Jeju Island because it was written based on the conditions of inland areas of South Korea. For the analysis and evaluation of flood volume in rivers of Jeju Island, it is necessary to develop a flood volume calculation method for Jeju based on river observation data taken from Jeju Island. Accordingly, this study was conducted to calculate flood volume that reflects topographic and hydrologic characteristics of rivers in Jeju Island by improving the parameters presented in the Guideline for Calculating Design Flood Volume. In addition, flood volume of urban rivers in Jeju Island was reviewed using hydrologic component survey data observed at river sites over many years. When calculating areal rainfall, the Thiessen polygon method cannot account for changes in rainfall according to altitude (mountain effect). Also, since there is no areal reduction factor (ARF) appropriate for Jeju Island, the Thiessen polygon method was determined to be inadequate for calculating areal rainfall of mountainous rivers in Jeju Island. The applicability was checked by comparing with areal rainfall using the isohyetal method. Areal rainfall calculated by the Thiessen polygon method can be partially applied to rivers in Jeju Island depending on altitude, but this method is inappropriate for mountainous rivers in Jeju Island because errors are created by altitude. Therefore, the isohyetal method is a more appropriate method that can account for the location of rainfall observatories and the effects of mountainous areas without creating errors from altitude. Urban rivers in Jeju Island do not have large basin area and are characterized by sharp slopes. When flood runoff occurs, it occurs at a fast flow rate of 7m/s or above. In addition, as topographic characteristics according to altitude and changes in land use are shown clearly, flood volume was calculated by applying the parameters considering topographic and hydrologic characteristics of rivers. In comparison to the Guideline for Calculating Design Flood Volume, the accuracy of peak runoff rate was increased by 1.2% according to runoff characteristics. Also, the   value of the runoff hydrograph was increased by 20.6% compared to observed flood volume. When combined with the parameters reflecting river characteristics of Jeju Island, flood volume was calculated more accurately compared to the conventional method.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2019. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Bo Seong
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 토목해양공학과
Table Of Contents
List of Tables Ⅳ
List of Figures Ⅷ
Abstract Ⅻ
1. 서 론 1
1.1 연구 배경 1
1.2 연구 동향 3
1.3 연구 목적 6
1.4 연구 방법 8
2. 이론적 배경 10
2.1 강우관측 장비 및 설치 10
2.1.1 강우관측 장비 10
2.1.1 강우관측 장비 설치 기준 1
2.2 유역평균 강우량 산정 12
2.2.1 산술평균법 12
2.2.2 티센다각형법 13
2.2.3 등우선법 14
2.3 Kriging 기법 15
2.3.1 Kriging 15
2.3.2 Inverse Distance Weighted 19
2.2.3 Spline 20
2.4 유효우량 산정 21
2.4.1 SCS 방법에 의한 유효우량 산정 21
2.4.2 유출곡선지수(CN) 결정 25
2.5 매개변수 산정 33
2.5.1 단위유량도 선정 33
2.5.2 도달시간 산정 34
2.5.3 유역 저류상수 산정 37
2.5.4 홍수량 산정지점 선정 39
2.6 강우-유출 모형 40
2.6.1 강우-유출 모형의 분류 40
2.6.2 HEC-HMS 모형 43
3. 연구대상 유역 45
3.1 유역 형상 및 지형적 특성 45
3.2 유역 표고 및 경사 분석 47
3.2.1 한천 47
3.2.2 병문천 49
3.2.3 독사천 51
3.2.4 산지천 53
4. 하천 현장관측 및 호우사상별 유출량 분석 55
4.1 현장관측 지점 55
4.2 호우사상 및 유역별 홍수유출량 59
4.2.1 이동식 전자파표면유속계를 이용한 유출량 59
4.2.2 고정식 Kalesto를 이용한 유출량 61
5. 강우분석 방법에 따른 면적강우량의 정확도 비교 분석 63
5.1 티센다각형법에 의한 면적강우량 산정 63
5.2 등우선법에 의한 면적강우량 산정 69
5.3 면적강우량 비교·분석 및 강우관측소의 공간적 분포 특성 73
5.3.1 강우관측소의 위치 및 공간적 분포 특성 73
5.3.2 면적강우량 정확도 비교 분석 80
6. 홍수량 산정 방법 개선 및 적용 84
6.1 CN 보정 및 홍수량 산정 85
6.1.1 경사를 고려한 CN 보정 85
6.1.2 CN 보정에 따른 홍수량 산정 86
6.1.3 도심 하천별 CN 보정 및 검토 92
6.2 신규 도달시간 산정 및 홍수량 산정 101
6.2.1 신규 도달시간 산정식 개발 102
6.2.2 신규 도달시간 적용 및 홍수량 산정 105
6.2.3 도심 하천별 적용 및 검토 10
6.3 소유역 구분 및 홍수량 산정 14
6.3.1 소유역 구분 14
6.3.2 소유역 구분에 따른 홍수량 산정 16
6.3.3 도심 하천별 소유역 구분 및 분석 120
6.4 하천별 매개변수 적용 및 홍수량 산정 126
6.4.1 매개변수 조합에 의한 홍수량 126
6.4.2 도심 하천별 홍수량 산정 132
7. 결론 139
8. 부록 142
제주대학교 대학원
강보성. (2019). 제주 도심하천의 강우분석 및 홍수량 산정방법 연구
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General Graduate School > Civil and Ocean Engineering
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