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공항 서비스스케이프 결정요인에 관한 연구 -제주국제공항을 중심으로

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A Study on Airport Servicescape Determinants : Focusing on Jeju International Airport
The design of airports was focused on eficiency and economic aspects in the past, but recently, airports are endeavoring to met emotional aspects for customer service satisfaction as wel as physical aspects. Nevertheles, airports are stil rated based on satisfaction after the use and most of satisfaction evaluations depend on human services, since intangible services are hard to be measured. In order to upgrade airport images, establish promotion marketing strategies and improve facilties, there is a ned to examine evaluations of airports before provision of services. Airport users evaluate services through physical evidence, which is a tangible clue that enables them to indirectly perceive airport services before visiting airports. Servicescape refers to this physical evidence or physical environment. This study aimed to develop airport servicescape determinants using an expert panel, the Delphi Technique and the AHP, because there is yet no relevant research on airport servicescape. Then the airport servicescape determinants developed were aplied to Jeju International Airport to understand priorites of the servicescape determinants of Jeju International Airport. This study result can provide basic data required for airport extension and airport design and serve as the foundation for improving the image of Jeju International Airport and making out promotion marketing strategies. To achieve this objective, the study was conducted through the folowing proceses. First, because there is a shortage of the previous studies on airport servicescape determinants, based on the theory of airport services and the previous studies on servicescape, an academic foundation of airport servicescape was constructed and uper concepts of airport servicescape were extracted. Second, a panel of airport experts was organized and thre Delphi surveys were conducted using the uper concepts of airport servicescape obtained from the previous studies. Third, among the airport servicescape determinants and the details extracted from the Delphi surveys, relative weights and priorities were analyzed using the AHP, which is an analytic hierarchy proces for decision-making. Fourth, on the basis of the relative weights of the airport servicescape determinants and the details extracted from the Delphi surveys and the AHP, this study provides fundamental data for a beter image of Jeju International Airport and marketing strategies, and implications. The study findings are as folows. First, the five uper concepts of airport servicescape extracted from the preceding studies on servicescape are 'facilty environment', 'design environment', 'surounding environment', 'relationship betwen customers and employes' and 'relationship betwen customers'. Second, fiten airport servicescape determinants and seventy thre details were extracted from the thre Delphi Technique-based surveys. Third, when the relative weights of the uper concepts of Jeju International Airport were analyzed using the AHP, an analytic hierarchy proces for decision-making, 'relationship betwen customers and employes' had the highest relative weight and it was folowed by 'facilty environment', 'relationship betwen customers and customers' , 'design environment' and 'surounding environment'. Fourth, among the details of Jeju International Airport servicescape, 'keping chairs clean when using' had the highest relative weight and it was folowed by 'an abilty to deal with the flight delay', 'internal lighting of terminals', 'keping carts clean when using', 'keping toilets clean', 'guide sign lighting', 'guide scren lighting', 'quick security check', 'ventilation of toilets', 'convenience facilty signboard lighting' and 'an abilty to deal with a boarding gate change'. Lastly, sensitivity analysis of the relative weights of airport servicescape was caried out. As a result, the airport servicescape details of this study extracted from the AHP showed a low sensitivity. These study results ofer some implications as below. First, this study has significance by revealing airport servicescape determinants, which have not ben developed so far. Second, this study faciltates a satisfaction evaluation based on servicescape of physical and social environments rather than human services by sugesting the airport servicescape determinants and the details extracted from the previous studies and the Delphi surveys. Third, this study can help airport management and service related studies by developing airport servicescape determinants. Fourth, this study provides determinants that are helpful in airport design required for airport construction and airport extension by extracting airport servicescape determinants. Fifth, it is very windy in the Jeju International Airport, because this is located in an island. This is why an abilty to cope with frequent flight cancelation and delay is very important. Providing prior information of delay and cancelation can improve the image of Jeju International Airport and servicescape. Thus, it is required to enhance an abilty to deal with flight delay and gate change and construct a system for providing prior information. In spite of these study results, this study has some limitations as folows. First, although there was an efort to evenly distribute airport experts of the country to the Delphi panel, they were mostly focused on the panel in Jeju. Second, this study is based on the previous ones on airports and servicescape due to an absence of research on airport servicescape determinants. Third, this study is limited to Jeju International Airport. In other words, this study failed to clasify the types of airports depending on the airport servicescape determinants. Acordingly, there are sugestions for further research as folows. First, further research neds to evaluate airport servicescape perceived by users based on the airport servicescape determinants revealed in this study and verify if the determinants of this study are aplicable to the reality. Second, there is a ned to consider if the details and the determinants purifed using the Delphi Technique can be generalized and establish airport servivescape determinants in a more precise way by developing new determinants and details.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2019. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Yong Ho
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
1. 연구의 배경 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 연구의 방법 및 구성 6
1) 연구의 방법 6
2) 연구의 구성 7
제 2 장 이론적 고찰 9
1. 공항 서비스 9
1) 공항의 기능과 유형 9
2) 공항 서비스의 개념과 평가 15
3) 공항 여객터미널의 기능과 시설 21
2. 공항 서비스스케이프(servicescape) 27
1) 서비스스케이프에 대한 선행연구 27
2) 서비스스케이프(Servicescape) 구성요소 40
3) 공항 서비스스케이프(Servicescape) 상위개념 43
3. 연구방법에 관한 고찰 48
1) 델파이 기법 48
2) 계층적 의사결정방법 51
제 3 장 연구설계 57
1. 연구설계 57
1) 연구설계 57
2) 공항 서비스스케이프 결정요인 개발 과정 59
2. 전문가 패널의 선정 60
1) 델파이 조사 전문가 패널 선정 60
2) 계층적 의사결정방법 조사 전문가 패널 선정 64
3) 응답자의 특성 6
3. 자료수집 및 분석방법 68
1) 델파이 기법 단계 및 자료수집 68
2) 계층적 의사결정방법(AHP) 분석단계 및 자료수집 71
3) 자료분석방법 71
제 4 장 연구 결과 분석 73
1. 델파이 기법을 이용한 결정요인 도출 73
1) 1차 델파이 조사 결과 73
2) 2차 델파이 조사 결과 76
3) 3차 델파이 조사 결과 89
4) 최종 공항 서비스스케이프 결정요인 항목 97
2. AHP 조사결과 10
1) 상위개념 상대적 가중치 및 우선순위 102
2) 결정요인 상대적 가중치 및 우선순위 102
3) 세부항목 상대적 중요도 및 우선순위 104
3. 최종 공항 서비스스케이프 결정요인 및 가중치 도출 결과 11
1) 최종 공항 서비스스케이프 결정요인 가중치 분석결과 11
2) 민감도 분석 14
제 5 장 결 론 18
1. 연구결과 요약 18
2. 연구결과 논의와 시사점 123
1) 연구결과에 대한 논의 123
2) 시사점 127
3. 연구의 한계와 향후 연구방향 128
부록 1: 1차 델파이 설문지 143
부록 2: 2차 델파이 설문지 146
부록 3: 3차 델파이 설문지 153
부록 4: AHP 설문지 158
제주대학교 대학원
양용호. (2019). 공항 서비스스케이프 결정요인에 관한 연구 -제주국제공항을 중심으로
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