창업기업의 기업가 정신과 경영성과와의 관계에서 혁신역량과 혁신행동의 매개효과
- Alternative Title
- The Mediating Effects of Innovation Capability and Innovation Behavior on the relationships between Business Startups' Entrepreneurship and Business Performance
- Abstract
- With recent expansion of start-up assistance and improvement in start-up environment from the government, people to jump into start-up business are increasing. However, increased number of start-up business lead to increased number of closures. Living in uncertain business environment where global industrial structure constantly changes, constant appearance of new technology and competitors makes the situation more complicated. Considering the huge change happening, there seems to be a limit for enterprises to develop continuously only with their innovation capability and innovation havior. Therefore, entrepreneurship is the value that should come to the front to overcome the limitations with innovation capability and innovation behavior. For start-ups, entrepreneurship and innovation behavior are valued for continuously develop the enterprise and reaching business performance. However, focusing on the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation behavior or entrepreneurship and innovation capability makes enterprise difficult to investigate an immediate cause for business performance. And for the entrepreneur, it is difficult to motivate them to grow innovation behavior and innovation capability for improving business performance. Concerning rapidly changing business environment and severe competitions between enterprises, the need for strategic action for enterprises to survive and the need for every research are required but the research on the need is still insufficient. Therefore, this research, for overcoming the limitations of precedent research and for securing the distinctions, will divide sub factor for entrepreneurship then look into the structural relationships between each sub factor and innovation capability, innovation behavior, and impacts on business performance. Specified purpose of the study is summarized as follows. First, the impacts of sub factor of entrepreneurship on innovation capability, innovation behavior and business performance. Second, the impacts of innovation capability and innovation behavior on business performance. To certify, empirical study was implemented through survey targeting domestic start-up enterprises with the study model and hypothesis based on theoretical background. The target of the study was limited to executive, middle manager, and among 800 survey papers researched during March 18, 2019 to April 18, 488 responses were analyzed through SPSS 24 and AMOS 21.0 actual analysis. The results are as follows. First, entrepreneurship of start-up company shows innovation, risk sensitivity, and multidimensional characteristic which is sub factor of progressive spirit. The outcome signifies that for start-up companies to cultivate entrepreneurship, comprehensive approach is important not an individual approach on certain factor. Second, innovation, risk sensitivity and progressive spirit, the sub factor of entrepreneurship for start-up companies, have positive impacts on marketing capability except for innovation. And innovation, risk sensitivity and progressive spirit all have positive impacts on technical innovation capability. And especially, in order, innovation, risk sensitivity, and progressive spirit shown to have more impact on innovation capability of start-up company, which shows growing innovation capability within members of start-up company, inspiring entrepreneurship by focusing on progressive spirit is needed. Third, innovation, risk sensitivity and progressive spirit, the sub factor of entrepreneurship for start-up companies, all have positive impacts on - iii innovation capability. And especially, in order, innovation, risk sensitivity, and progressive spirit have more impact on innovation capability of start-up company. Therefore, to motivate members of the start-up company, they need aggressive behavior to occupy the market in advance by predicting the need of future market and behavior of rivals, also should push ahead high profit project even there is high risk, advance into new business line on unclear situation and the effort to propel we range of business activity for achieving the goal of the enterprise even if there is the risk. Fourth, innovation, risk sensitivity, and progressive spirit, the sub factor of entrepreneurship for start-up companies, all could not reach to have positive impacts on business performance. It shows that innovation, risk sensitivity, and progressive spirit, the sub factor of entrepreneurship do not affect directly on business performance. Fifth, marketing capability and technical innovation capability, the sub factor of innovative capacity for start-up companies, all have positive impacts on business performance, which shows improvement in marketing capability and technical innovation capability for start-up companies to create business performance is valuable. Sixth, innovation behavior could not reach to have positive impact on business performance which shows that innovation behavior itself is insufficient and have the limitation on improving business performance. Seventh, technology innovation performance, the sub factors of innovative capability of start-up company, has been found to mediate how entrepreneurship affect Business performance. Marketing capability has shown to have mediating effect on the relationship between risk sensitivity, progressive spirit, and business performance. But innovative performance has proven to have no mediating effect. It can be said that increase in risk sensitivity leads to improvement of marketing capability and further leaded to improved business performance.
- Author(s)
- 배창봉
- Issued Date
- 2020
- Awarded Date
- 2020. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/common/orgView/000000009399
- Alternative Author(s)
- Bae, Chang Bong
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 경영학과
- Advisor
- 김정희
- Table Of Contents
- Abstract 1
Ⅰ. 서 론 11
1. 문제제기 및 연구의 필요성 11
2. 연구 목적. 13
3. 연구 방법. 14
4. 논문 구성. 15
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경. 17
1. 창업기업의 기업가 정신. 17
1) 창업기업의 기업가 정신의 개념과 의의. 17
2) 창업기업의 기업가 정신의 구성요소. 20
3) 창업기업의 기업가 정신의 효과. 27
2. 혁신역량 32
1) 혁신역량의 개념과 의의. 32
2) 혁신역량의 구성요소. 35
3) 혁신역량의 효과. 42
3. 혁신행동 56
1) 혁신행동의 개념과 의의 56
2) 혁신행동의 구성요소 59
3) 혁신행동의 효과. 60
4. 경영성과 63
1) 경영성과의 개념과 의의 63
2) 경영성과의 구성요소 65
3) 경영성과의 결정요인. 70
Ⅲ. 연구 방법. 73
1. 연구 모형. 73
2. 가설 설정. 73
1) 기업가 정신과 혁신역량과의 관계 73
2) 기업가 정신과 혁신행동과의 관계. 75
3) 기업가 정신과 경영성과와의 관계. 76
4) 혁신역량과 경영성과와의 관계 78
5) 혁신행동과 경영성과와의 관계 80
6) 혁신역량의 매개효과. 81
7) 혁신행동의 매개효과. 83
3. 연구 방법. 84
1) 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 84
2) 조사 설계. 88
3) 분석 방법. 89
4) 설문 구성. 89
Ⅳ. 실증 연구. 91
1. 표본의 구성 91
2. 탐색적 요인분석 93
3. 확인적 요인분석. 95
1) 확인적 요인분석의 기준. 95
2) 확인적 요인분석의 결과. 97
4. 연구 개념의 판별타당성 분석 . 100
5. 가설 검증. 101
1) 모형 적합도 101
2) 가설 검증. 101
Ⅴ. 결 론 121
1. 연구결과의 요약 121
2. 연구의 시사점. 124
3. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향. 126
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 배창봉. (2020). 창업기업의 기업가 정신과 경영성과와의 관계에서 혁신역량과 혁신행동의 매개효과
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