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무용수의 마음가짐, 심리욕구 및 적응행동의 관계

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The Relationship between Mindset,Psychological Need and Adaptive Behavior of Dancer:The Moderated Mediation Effects of Resilience
The purpose of this study was to verify the mediation effects of basic psychological needs in the relationship between dancer's mindset and athlete engagement and athlete burnout on the basis of self-determination theory and was to verify the moderating effects of resilience in these relationship through two sequential studies. Concretely, the study 1 was to verify the mediation effects of basic psychological needs in the relationship between dancer's mindset, athlete engagement, and athlete burnout. And the study 2 was to investigate the effects of a dancer's fixed mindset on athlete burnout through basic psychological need frustration, and was to verify the mediation effects of resilience in these relationship. The subjects of this study are dancers who are currently working in the Korean National Public Dance Company (Korean Dance, Modern Dance, Ballet) as of 2019, and the conclusions based on the results and discussions of this study are as follows. First, growth mindset had a significant positive(+) indirect effects on basic psychological need satisfaction and fixed mindset had a significant positive(+) indirect effects on basic psychological need. Second, basic psychological need satisfaction had a significant positive(+) indirect effects on athlete engagement and basic psychological need frustration had a significant positive(+) indirect effects on athlete burnout. Third, growth mindset had a significant positive(+) indirect effects on athlete engagement and fixed mindset had a significant positive(+) indirect effects on athlete burnout. Fourth, growth mindset through basic psychological need satisfaction had a significant indirect effects on athlete engagement and fixed mindset through basic psychological need frustration had a significant indirect effects on athlete burnout. Fifth, resilience had been shown to mediate the relationship between basic psychological need frustration and athlete burnout. Sixth, resilience had been shown to mediate the mediation effects of basic psychological need frustration in the relationship between fixed mindset and athlete burnout. In conclusion, this study verified the link between adaptive behavior related to growth mindset and maladaptive behavior related to fixed mindset, and produced meaningful results by verifying the relationship between growth mindset, basic psychological need satisfaction and athlete engagement and verifying the relationship between fixed mindset, basic psychological need frustration and athlete burnout. Especially, resilience had been shown to be a moderating variable that pursues the positive emotions and eases negative emotions by verifying the variables what can moderate and control maladaptive behavior that can result from fixed mindset.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2020. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim,Hyeon Ju
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 체육학과
Table Of Contents
I . 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 7
3. 용어의 정의 7
II. 이론적 배경 10
1. 마음가짐 10
2. 심리욕구 16
3. 열의 22
4. 탈진 24
5. 회복탄력성 29
6. 선행연구 고찰 35
III. 연구 1 40
1. 문제제기 40
2. 연구방법 43
3. 연구결과 53
4. 논의 58
IV. 연구 2 64
1. 문제제기 64
2. 연구방법 67
3. 연구결과 75
4. 논의 80
Ⅴ. 종합논의 87
Ⅵ. 결론 91
참고문헌 93
부록 1 119
부록 2 123
제주대학교 대학원
김현주. (2020). 무용수의 마음가짐, 심리욕구 및 적응행동의 관계
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General Graduate School > Kinesiology
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