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漢語中古音과 訓民正音의 音韻硏究

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A Research on the Phonemes of the "Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音)" and Mi ddle Ancient Chinese Speech Sounds "Jung Goeum(中古音)": Based on the Comparisons of Cantonese (粵語), Sanskrit (梵語) and the Phonemes of the Chinese Characters of the "Donggukjeongun(東國正韻)"
sounds of the Middle Ancient Chinese speech sounds, the light and thick tones of Cantonese, and how the light and the thick sounds of the 23 consonants in the Donggukjeongun(東國正韻) correspond to each other. Then based on the Chinese character phonemes found in the Hyerebon of Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音) and Donggukjeongun(東國正韻), the phonetic values of the Middle Ancient Chinese speech sounds' yeongmo (影母) and yumo (喩母) as well as the 'ㆆ' and the 'ㅇ' during the time when the Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音) was being created were all analyzed. In addition, the creation purpose and phonetic value of 'ㆁ(the old ieung)' and the 'ㅿ' which have been eliminated from the current hangeul were also investigated into. The yumo (喩母) of the Middle Ancient Chinese speech sounds and 'ㅇ' of Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音) are sonorant and guttoral sounds which make the gravity center of the vocal cord's fremitus be located in the endolarynx so it seems only appropriate to mark this as [ʔ] which is a glottal plosive in the international phonetic alphabet. The yeongmo (影母) of the Middle Ancient Chinese speech sounds as well as the 'ㆆ' of the Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音) are voiced consonants and guttoral sounds where the vocal cord's fremitus spreads out inside the mouth so it seems appropriate to mark this as [j] which is a approximant of the hard palate. The ilmo (日母) of the Middle Ancient Chinese speech sounds as well as the 'ㅿ' of the Hunminjeongeum (訓民正音) should be marked as [ȵ] which is a voiced palatal nasal sound, while it would be feasible to assume that the [ȵʑ] sound is where the ilmo(日母) is assuming the process of sounds where it is becoming established as [ʐ] changing from the central districts or from the northern regions' sounds after the Southern Song Dynasty era. The Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音) was created by Sejong the Great. Therefore, we can assume that Sejong's world view is reflected in the Hunminjeongeum(訓民正音). It should be noted however that the 'ㅱ' and the 'ㆆ' of 'ㅭ' which can be seen in the Chinese character sounds of the Donggukjeongun(東國正韻) have been evaluated to be bizarre but that they have been so designed to be isolated and skimmed off. The 'ㆆ'ㆍ'ㆁ(the old ieung)' and 'ㅿ' which are initial sounds are also examples where even if one was to read them out loud as 'ㅇ' or as having zero phonetic value with no knowledge of an accurate way to read them, there is no confusion even amongst the Chinese character phonemes within the Korean language. As an example, if the 'ㆅ' was to be read as 'ㅎ', there is still no confusion. As a conclusion, there needs to be a reconsideration about the fact that King Sejong presented qualities that he considered to be correct pronunications that wouldn't cause confusion within the Korean language.
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2020. 8
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제주대학교 대학원
대학원 중어중문학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구 동기와 목적 1
2. 연구 범위와 연구 내용 4
Ⅱ. 漢語中古音과 語ㆍ梵語ㆍ東國正韻 漢字音 7
1. 한어 중고음 7
1) 切韻系운서 7
2) 切韻系운도 21
2. 語 33
1) 음운 체계 34
2) 한어 중고음의 청ㆍ탁과 월어의 음조ㆍ양조 41
3. 梵語 46
1) 悉曇 47
2) 한어 중고음의 청ㆍ탁과 悉曇의 무성음ㆍ유성음 52
4. 東國正韻 漢字音 57
1) 東國正韻 59
2) 한어 중고음의 청ㆍ탁과 東國正韻 23자모의 청ㆍ탁 68
3) 한어 중고음과 東國正韻 漢字音의 대응 관계 74
Ⅲ. 한어 중고음과 훈민정음의 음운 연구 105
1. 喩母ㆍ爲母와 'ㅇ' 105
1) 喩母ㆍ爲母와 'ㅇ'의 음가 추정 105
2) 음가 표기 고찰 120
2. 影母와 'ㆆ' 127
1) 影母와 'ㆆ'의 음가 추정 127
2) 음가 표기 고찰 137
3. 疑母와 'ㆁ(옛이응)' 147
1) 반야심경의 진언 'gate gate'의 음역 비교 148
2) 유성 무기음 '' 156
4. 日母와 'ㅿ' 166
1) 半舌音ㆍ半齒音의 '半'의 음성적 특징 166
2) 日母와 'ㅿ'의 음가 추정 168
5. 중고음의 陰聲韻尾와 東國正韻의 중성ㆍ종성 173
1) 운미 [-i]와 중성 ' ' 174
2) 운미 [-u]와 종성 'ㅱ' 179
6. 중고음의 청ㆍ탁, 월어의 성조, 'ㅇ'ㆍ'ㆆ'ㆍ'ㆁ(옛이응)' 190
1) 청취적 관점에서의 성조 191
2) 'ㅇ'ㆍ'ㆆ'ㆍ'ㆁ(옛이응)'으로 살펴본 월어의 9성 6조 195
Ⅳ. 결론 200
참고문헌 204
부록1. 東國正韻ㆍ全韻玉篇ㆍ현재음ㆍ중고음ㆍ월어ㆍ보통화 표 213
2. 각종 월어병음방안 228
3. 東國正韻 한자음과 월어의 음색 비교 230
문성호. (2020). 漢語中古音과 訓民正音의 音韻硏究
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