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스트레스가 충동구매, 쇼핑의 즐거움, 죄책감, 귀인행동, 재구매의도에 미치는 영향

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The Effect of Stress on Impulse Purchasing, Guilt, Shopping Pressure, Attribution Action, Repurchase Intention
In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the relationship between consumer emotion and consumer behavior. Due to the increasing pressure of people's daily life, the cultural exchanges between the East and the West are more and more frequent. People's thoughts are also changing with each passing day. As a result, the lifestyle of consumers has changed, they pay more attention to the pursuit of pressure and quality of life. Based on these factors, consumer impulse buying occurs frequently in modern society.
Impulse buying has been growing for several years. According to previous studies, impulse buying can improve consumers' mood and generate happiness. On the other hand, it may also lead to consumers' sense of guilt. These two different emotions will affect consumers' repurchase intention through consumers' attribution behavior, which will lead to repeated impulse buying behavior. Therefore, it is of great significance to study and analyze the relationship between consumers' emotion and repurchase behavior after impulse buying. However, the previous research is not enough, so it is necessary for this paper to further study.
This paper first points out that the pressure in daily life will lead to consumers' impulse buying. Secondly, it analyzes that consumers' impulse buying will produce guilt and happiness emotions, which will affect consumers' repurchase intention. Finally, based on a large number of theories, this paper analyzes the guilt and pressure of consumers after impulse buying, and how to influence consumers' repurchase intention through attribution theory. And through the conclusion of the research, put forward the marketing strategy for the company, and point out the new direction for the future research of consumer emotion and action.
This paper reviews previous studies to understand and analyze the relationship between these consumer emotions and consumer behavior. This paper reviews the literature on pressure, consumer guilt, shopping pressure, impulse buying and repurchase intention, and expounds the relationship between them. On this basis, draw lessons from previous research results, build relevant research model, and put forward relevant hypotheses according to the model. At the same time, using the domestic and foreign measurement scales about pressure, impulse buying, consumer happiness, guilt and repurchase intention, the main respondents were Chinese. 279 valid questionnaires were used to analyze the data through SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0.
The conclusions are as follows:
First, there is a positive (+) effect between the life pressure and impulse buying. That is, when consumers feel the pressure of life, they will have impulsive buying behavior. It can be seen that consumers' emotions will affect consumers' behavior.
Second, there is a positive (+) effect between impulse buying and shopping pressure. That is, consumers will be pressure after impulse buying. It can be seen that consumers will choose impulse buying to vent their emotions.
Third, there is a positive (+) effect between impulse buying and guilt. That is, consumers will feel guilty after impulse buying.
Fourth, there is a positive (+) effect between consumers' perceived shopping pressure and consumers' repurchase intention. It can be seen that if enterprises make consumers feel pressure in the process of purchasing, they can improve consumers' repurchase intention.
Fifth, consumers will adopt avoidance behavior to reduce the discomfort caused by cognitive dissonance when dealing with shopping pleasure and guilt after impulse buying. It can be seen that enterprises can make use of consumers' avoidance psychology to increase their repurchase intention.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2021. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Lyu, Ping
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구 배경 1
2. 연구 목적 3
3. 연구 방법 4
4. 논문의 구성 4
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 스트레스 7
1) 스트레스의 개념 7
2) 생활 스트레스의 개념 8
2. 충동구매 10
1) 충동구매의 개념 10
2) 충동구매의 분류 11
3) 충동구매의 영향요인 14
3. 쇼핑의 즐거움 16
1) 소비자 감정의 개념 16
2) 소비자 감정의 분류와 쇼핑의 즐거움 17
3) 쇼핑 즐거움의 선행연구 19
4. 죄책감 21
1) 죄책감의 개념 21
2) 소비자 죄책감의 분류 25
3) 소비자 죄책감의 영향 요인 26
4) 소비자 죄책감과 소비자 행동 27
5. 소비자 귀인행동과 관련 이론 30
1) 인지부조화 이론 30
2) 귀인 이론 31
6. 재구매의도 33
1) 재구매의도의 개념 33
2) 재구매의도의 영향 요인 36
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 38
1. 연구 모형 및 연구 가설 38
1) 연구 모형 38
2) 연구 가설 38
2. 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정 49
3. 조사 설계 56
1) 자료 수집 56
2) 분석 방법 56
Ⅳ. 실증 연구 57
1. 표본의 특성 57
2. 신뢰도와 타당성 59
3. 가설 검증 66
1) 가설 검증 결과 66
2) 소비자 죄책감과 재구매의도 간의 관계에서 귀인행동의 매개효과 검증 68
3) 가설 검증 결과 요약 69
Ⅴ. 결론 72
1. 연구의 요약 72
2. 연구의 시사점 73
3. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구 75
<참고 문헌> 76
<설문지> 89
제주대학교 대학원
여평. (2021). 스트레스가 충동구매, 쇼핑의 즐거움, 죄책감, 귀인행동, 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
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General Graduate School > Business Administration
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