기업의 네트워크, 회복역량, 성과 간의 관계
- Alternative Title
- Relationships among Firm's Network, Resilience, and Performance
- Abstract
- The complexity of the business environment facing enterprises has increased volatility and uncertainty. Therefore, the strategies and efforts of firms are required to check and enhance resilience, that is, to manage and overcome various external shocks that The complexity of the business environment facing enterprises has increased volatility and uncertainty. Therefore, the strategies and efforts of firms are required to check and enhance resilience, that is, to manage and overcome various external shocks that threaten their survival and growth rather than the efficiency that they may have been pursuing. Resilience is recognized as an important factor in the growth and survival of a firm. Nevertheless, related research has been limited and has mainly focused on agility or individual dimensions.
In this study, we focused on resilience, which is the capability to recover from external environmental shocks faster than competitors and turn them into opportunities to take further leaps forward. Thus, I suggest and empirically verify a conceptual model using firm-level resilience in Network. Based on literature research, this study defines the concept of resilience and distinguishes the sub-components into Robustness, Redundancy, and Rapidity. Considering resilience through mediating variables, business networks are assumed to affect the performance of firms.
I collected data with the survey which had been developed from the stepwise approach(a development of preliminary questions-expert review-pilot survey- review of the questions-expert review) to verify a structural model that leads to networking, resilience, and performance.
As a result of the study, 15 of the 21 hypotheses were adopted and the overall results were consistent with prior research. This indicates that the network affects resilience, and that resilience shows significant performance for the performance of firms. Resilience has the effect of partially mediating the relationship between network and performance. Knowledge management activities and organizational structure have been shown to regulate the relationship between network and recovery capabilities. Knowledge management activities and organizational structure have the effect of moderating the relationship between the network and resilience. However, as the results of some hypotheses (H9a: relation to related agencies → responsive performance, H4a: Robustness → responsive performance, H4b: Robustness → Process Innovation Performance) differ from the direction presented in the research theory, a close analysis of them is needed in the future.
The theoretical and practical implications of this study are as follows. First, the conceptually presented resilience was empirically verified at the firm-level. Second, the network was presented as independent variables of resilience, and verified effectiveness according to their structure and relational characteristics. Third, the impact on responsive and process innovation performance was verified as a result of resilience. Fourth, the mediating effect of resilience in the relationship between network and performance was empirically identified. Fifth, the moderating effect of knowledge management activities and organizational structure in the relationship between network and resilience was empirically identified. Finally, from a practical point of view, an approach to support and policy direction for improving resilience is presented.
Despite these implications, the study has limitations and hopes to be complemented in future studies as follows. In further research, I would like to request the opportunity to conduct research on various independent variables that can increase the firms' resilience and on dependent variables(e.g., financial performance, customer performance) that would be influenced by firm-level resilience.
- Author(s)
- 강연실
- Issued Date
- 2021
- Awarded Date
- 2021. 8
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/common/orgView/000000010408
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kang, Yeon Sil
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 경영학과
- Advisor
- 조부연
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구배경 1
제2절 연구목적 4
제3절 연구 방법 및 구성 6
제2장 이론적 배경 8
제1절 네트워크 8
1. 네트워크 개념 및 연구동향 8
2. 구조적 특성 : 중심성 11
3. 관계성 특성 : 관계성(협력업체, 유관기관) 13
제2절 회복역량(Resilience) 15
1. 회복역량 개념 15
2. 회복역량 관련 연구동향 19
3. 회복역량 구성요소 20
4. 회복역량 측정범위 31
제3절 기업성과 33
제4절 지식경영활동 36
1. 지식경영의 개념 및 연구동향 36
2. 지식경영활동 분류 39
제5절 조직구조 42
제3장 연구 설계 43
제1절 연구모형 43
제2절 연구가설 설정 45
1. 네트워크와 회복역량 45
2. 네트워크와 기업성과 47
3. 회복역량과 기업성과 49
4. 네트워크, 기업성과 간의 관계에서 회복역량의 매개효과 51
5. 네트워크와 회복역량 간의 관계에서 지식경영활동의 조절효과 53
6. 네트워크와 회복역량 간의 관계에서 조직구조의 조절효과 55
제3절 자료수집 및 분석방법 57
1. 자료수집 57
2. 분석방법 58
제4절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정문항 60
1. 네트워크 63
2. 회복역량 65
3. 기업성과 68
4. 지식경영활동 70
5. 조직구조 72
제4장 연구결과 73
제1절 표본 특성 73
제2절 기술통계 및 신뢰도 분석 75
제3절 측정모형 검증 77
1. 타당도 및 신뢰도 검증 81
2. 판별타당성 검증 83
제4절 연구모형 검증 84
1. 연구모형 적합도 84
2. 연구모형 검증 86
제5장 결론 104
제1절 연구의 요약 104
제2절 연구의 시사점 107
제3절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구방향 109
* 참고문헌 111
* 설문지 129
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 강연실. (2021). 기업의 네트워크, 회복역량, 성과 간의 관계
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