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IB 지식론

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Alternative Title
Theory of Knoledge for the IB Diploma
The International Baccalaureate (IB) programs have been introduced into some public schools in Korea in an attempt to change paradigms of education from placing value on students' knowledge itself to students’ abilities to actively make their own knowledge. In this regard, there are conflicting perceptions of the IB in Korea, and some say the programs are suited for students from wealthier families and others say they reflect the needs and demands for capacity building for the 4th industrial revolution. Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is one of core requirements in IB DP (diploma program). Since TOK has general philosophical and interdisciplinary approaches, and the contents and learning methods in TOK are rather different from what students have learned at school, which can causes difficulties. However, TOK contains the very essence of the IB described by the IB learner profiles, which are in line with the aim of the 2015 Revised National Curriculum to foster convergent talents to lead the 4th industrial revolution. TOK is about how to explore knowledge with knowledge questions and allows students to reflect their experiences and knowledge in global contexts to understand different perspectives. Consisting of six chapters, this book begins with the introduction of TOK terms and concepts and suggests ways of practical applications with examples. It also provides practical tips, approaches, and self-evaluation for TOK assessments. In addition, with interesting big ideas and questions, it helps to look at the world with new critical perspectives, and presents game activities to provide tools for students to explore TOK with confidence. The book contains activities in which students participate and interact with other students to promote diversities and individualized learning and develop skills to communicate and collaborate with others. With the introduction of the IB into public schools in Korea, I hope that the translated version of Thoery of Knowledge for the IB Diploma (published by Oxford in 2013) will provide understanding of TOK and its learning methods and insight into education in general to many students and teachers in Korea.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2022. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Hyun Ju
제주대학교 통역번역대학원
통역번역대학원 한영과
Table Of Contents
1단원 도입 2
이 책의 목적 2
지식이란 무엇인가 6
지식론의 교육목표 16
지식론 이수 요건 19
2단원 지식론 용어와 기술 23
지식론 사고 과정 23
실생활 상황 24
지식 주장 34
공유 지식과 사적 지식 35
지식의 틀 44
지식 질문 51
3단원 지식론 기술의 적용 61
지식론 사고 과정의 적용 61
1) 신앙치료 62
2) 역사로서의 시 65
3) 금기 68
4) 기억과 음식 71
5) 유전 공학과 윤리 75
6) 모성 76
4단원 평가 81
평가의 필수 요건 81
지식론 에세이 82
지식론 프레젠테이션 98
5단원 근본 사상 107
6단원 지식론 지도 만들기 166
제주대학교 통역번역대학원
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Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation > Korean-English
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