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코로나 펜데믹 이후 국제무역환경규제가 Green SCM의 실행 및 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

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A study on the effect of International Trade Environment Regulations on Green SCM Execution and Performance after the COVID-19 pandemic
Environmental problems are emerging around the world, and environmental problems, which were regional and temporary in the past, have grown into international problems that cause external effects. In other words, various environmental regulations are expanding as international interest in environmental pollution and climate change issues increases. These various environmental regulations act as invisible protective trade barriers for the relevant international trading company in entering overseas markets.
Exporters can`t play a leading role in the supply chain unless they meet environmental regulations that are acting as new trade barriers and the requirements of overseas partners. In other words, in international trade, the implementation of the Green SCM has become an essential requirement for survival. In addition, 81.1% of exporters were directly or indirectly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, and the importance of awareness of environmental protection and securing technology increased.
Since the lockdown caused by COVID-19, global consumer sentiment has improved as the global economy has recovered since 2021, and fundamental consumption methods have changed to a trend that values health and the environment more.
This study aims to understand the impact of international trade environment regulations on green SCM execution and performance of international trade companies and to present theoretical implications for future
use and resource allocation.
There are already many previous studies that have verified the convention that when a company's level of use of Green SCM increases, it results in positive corporate performance. However, empirical research focusing on
trading companies that have been continuously exporting since the COVID-19 pandemic is still insufficient. Among the international trade environment regulations, the most important implications were how trading needs of partner and market regulations affect Green SCM execution and corporate performance. To analyze the research model and hypothesis of this study, an empirical analysis was conducted on 118 international trade-related companies that have been continuously exporting since COVID-19.
As a result of the verification, it was found that both the needs of trading companies and market regulations among international trade environment regulations affect the implementation of Green SCM, and market regulations have a higher impact. In addition, eco-friendly cooperation and eco-friendly purchasing activities have a significant impact on Green SCM performance and have a greater impact on operational performance than economic performance.
In conclusion, international trade environment regulations have a positive (+) effect on Green SCM execution and Green SCM performance, suggesting that companies should consider eco-friendly cooperation and eco-friendly purchasing factors to achieve higher management performance in the future.
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Lee, Geon-Ye
제주대학교 경영대학원
경영대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구 방법 및 구성 4
제 2 장 국제무역환경규제 동향과 코로나19 7
제1절 국제무역환경규제 동향 7
제2절 코로나19 이후 국제무역환경규제의 변화 13
제 3 장 이론적 고찰 20
제1절 국제무역환경규제 20
제2절 공급사슬과 공급사슬관리 25
제3절 친환경공급체인관리 실행 32
제4절 친환경공급체인관리 성과 41
제 4 장 연구 설계 및 방법 44
제1절 연구모형과 가설설정 44
제2절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 문항구성 50
제 5 장 분석 결과 56
제1절 자료수집 및 기술통계분석 56
제2절 가설검증 62
제 6 장 결론 66
제1절 결론 및 시사점 66
제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 과제 69
참고문헌 70
부록 78
Abstract 85
제주대학교 경영대학원
이건예. (2023). 코로나 펜데믹 이후 국제무역환경규제가 Green SCM의 실행 및 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구.
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Graduate School of Business Administration > International Trade
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  • Embargo2023-08-14
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